Return to training following COVID-19 infection
Return to the Club facility and training following COVID-19 infection should be carefully coordinated between local public health and/or government authorities, Club medical staff, coach and strength and conditioning staff.
- We still do not know when a player who has been infected presents a low infection risk. A number of guidelines are now available which recommend resumption of normal activity at set points after onset of symptoms AND resolution of fever AND clinical improvement of other symptoms for at least for three days.(12) Individual responses to the disease will vary however, and no player should resume individual training until they have been cleared to do so by their team doctor. Similarly return to the Club facility and communal training must be decided by the team doctor in coordination with local public health and/or government authorities.
- Any player confirmed with (or who is suspected to have had) COVID-19 and who has recovered must seek the advice of a medical practitioner prior to returning to strenuous exercise. Particular attention should be given to the respiratory and cardiac systems during assessments.
- Due to limited but growing evidence that individuals may suffer from cardiac pathologies during or following COVID-19, it is recommended that medical practitioners should consider a cardiology assessment for symptomatic players prior to returning to training.(7)
- Where applicable, re-conditioning training periods related to an individual's role must be considered prior to returning to competition.
- If a Union Club or Competition has implemented a PCR testing programme and an asymptomatic player tests positive for COVI D-19 they should isolate as if they are symptomatic. A continued absence of symptoms at day eight may facilitate earlier return to training. Repeat PCR testing may be prudent in this setting and any return to training should be cleared with local public health and/or government authorities.