- 定期运动对您的免疫系统非常有益长时间的高强度运动可能会削弱免疫系统,尤其是当个人不习惯这种高强度的活动时。因此,运动员对 2019 冠状病毒病感染的敏感性可能会增加。这种风险可能很小,如果采用一种可行的方法,即运动员不超过正常的训练负荷,那么他们所面临的风险应不会高于不锻炼的人群。
- 患有心血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、糖尿病和某些形式的癌症等潜在疾病的人群,似乎受 2019 冠状病毒病的影响更严重。老年患者 (>60) 和严重肥胖的患者 (BMI 40+) 也是如此。 Ethnicity also seems to be a factor, in the United Kingdom people of Black, Asian and minority ethnicity have been more likely to suffer adverse health outcomes following COVID-19 infection than the rest of society. Similar trends are emerging in the USA.
- Athletes without underlying conditions are not considered part of the vulnerable group, however household members may be and this must be given consideration when establishing those at risk on the return to training and playing.
- 感染 2019 冠状病毒病的运动员应自我隔离 7 天,并且不从事锻炼 14 天或直到症状缓解。(1)
- 来自中国和意大利的信息显示,住院患者中多达 20% 患有心肌受累 - 可能被认为是心肌炎(心肌发炎)。长期住院后可能需要专科心脏病学复查。(6–8)
- 如果您有关于在 2019 冠状病毒病感染后进行锻炼的疑问,应与您的团队医生或初级保健医生进行讨论。
- It is important to note that medical teams and players should work together to outline any and all of the additional factors which may complete the overall risk for the player. A risk register is encouraged to formally record these factors and should include:
- Any player health issues such as asthma or allergy.
- Record of COVID-19 infection, the need for cardiological or respiratory follow-up and the impact this may have on return to sport.
- Whether the player lives with a vulnerable or shielded persons.
- Whether the player lives with any front-line or primary-care workers.