Daily clinical screening
每日临床筛查 - 完成症状问卷和温度检测将确定 60% 的有症状病例。
- 您的俱乐部应安排症状报告方案,最好在离开家之前完成该方案。随附了一个示例文档(附录 1),如果通过在线门户(如“google docs”或类似门户)传递,效率会更高。
- 进入机构时要进行温度检查,温度检测应该以无接触方式进行(以避免疾病传播), 并且可用的设备具有可变属性。
- 有温度高或任何症状的运动员或非比赛工作人员不得参加训练或进入机构。他们应联系团队医生或初级保健医生,以制定最佳行动方案。
PCR 检测(用于确认是否存在 2019 冠状病毒的检测)
PCR 检测(用于确认是否存在 2019 冠状病毒的检测)- 如果怀疑某人急性感染了2019 冠状病毒病,可以通过拭鼻涕和咽喉进行检测。该样本用于培养病毒并确认个人是否已感染。应该注意以下几点:
- 这项检测不是完美的,有漏检的情况(假阴性)
- A negative test may miss an infection, and where a player is symptomatic despite a negative test, the player should be managed and treated as an infected person.
- 阳性检测结果意味着个人必须居家隔离
- 还必须评估被感染者有症状前两天的“密切接触者”(如上定义)。
Antibody testing - this is a blood test (taken via pin-prick or venous blood)
This test is under development and aims to measure the presence of antibodies (proteins made by the body to fight the virus) in the blood of individuals who have been exposed to the virus. These tests may identify individuals who have:
- Been exposed and may be immune however this must be determined by scientific research.
- Not yet been exposed and who have a higher risk of infection.
- All these tests are subject to scientific validation, local availability and their role in your local public health and/or government authorities' COVI D-19 plan will differ. Your Club will be guided by this local policy. The reliability of these tests is still under investigation.
- In the future, regular testing (possibly both PCR and anti-body testing) will most likely be a component of group training, playing and travelling. The evidence supporting the use of testing is growing quickly and will be updated in this document as it does.