6 search_results_for (player grounded) 球员在地上
21 Brankoviště
y continues unless the ball is grounded against the post. Player touches corner post before ball is grounde ... Grounding the ball 21.1 The ball can be grounded in in-goal: a. By holding it and touchin ... t of the player’s body from waist to neck. 21.2 Picking up a ball is not grounding it. A player may pick up the ball in in-goal and ground it elsewhere in in-goal. 21.3 An attacking player grounding the bal
11 Předhoz a přihrávka dopředu
2 It is a knock-on when a player, in tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent, makes contact with the bal ... t instead for a quick-throw or lineout). 11.3 A player must not intentionally knock the ball forwar ... t of trying to catch the ball, the player knocks on provided that there was a reasonable expectation that the player could gain possession. 11.5 The ball is not knocked-on, and play continues, if: a. A playe
18 Aut, rychlé vhazování a autové seřazení
h-in-goal line or anything beyond. b. A player, who is already touching the touchline, touch-in-goal lin ... d by a player who is in the playing area. b. A player jumps, from within or outside the playing are ... d the plane of touch. c. A player jumps from the playing area and knocks (or catches and releases) the bal ... l reached the plane of touch. d. A player, who is in touch, kicks or knocks the ball, but doe
13 Hráč na zemi v otevřené hře
y either move away from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. 13.3 A player on the ground in the fiel ... r it. Sanction: Penalty. No player may fall on or over a tackled player
15 Ruck
n at least one player from each team are in contact, on their feet and over the ball whic ... e runs through the hindmost point of the hindmost player of either team. The player in the yellow jersey on the right-hand side is offside. Joining a ruck 15.5 An arriving player must be on their feet and join from behind their offside line. Sanction: Penalty. 15.6 A player may join alongsid
16 Maul
s of a ball carrier and at least one player from each team, bound together and on their feet. A player ripping the ball from the ball carrier must stay in contact with that player until they have transferre ... t is on or behind the goal line, the offside line for that team is the goal line. 16.5 A player must eithe ... m an onside position. Sanction: Penalty. b. Bind on to the hindmost player in the maul. Sanctio