2 search_results_for beyond or behind or in front of a position
21 Brankoviště
g the ground with it; or b. By pressing down on it with a hand or hands, arm or arms, or the fron ... e beyond either), a 22-metre drop-out is awarded to the defending team. 21.5 When the ball-carrier grounds the ball in in-goal and simultaneously makes contact with the touch line (or the ground beyon ... t anywhere on or behind the 22-metre line; or b. To have a scrum at the place where the ball was kicke
18 Aut, rychlé vhazování a autové seřazení
h-in-goal line or anything beyond. b. A player, who is already touching the touchline, touch-in-goal line or anything beyond, catches or holds the ball. i. If the ball has reached the plane of touch whe ... s the touchline or the ground beyond it. The opposition. A player unintentionally knocks, passe ... p that team-mate providing they do not grip below the shorts from behind or below the thighs fro