Clarification 9-2002

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby Committee

Union / HP Ref ManagerDutch Rugby Union
Law Reference19

This clarification was incorporated into law in 2009


The Dutch Rugby Union has requested a ruling with regard to the following:

We have a question connected with your recent rulings of 23rd July and 5th September related to the "receiver in the Lineout". Our question concerns the timing of the receiver's action of stepping into the Lineout.

(1) "Is it correct to assume that the receiver of the team throwing in may step into the Lineout before the ball leaves the hands of the thrower, if at the same time a player of this team in the Lineout steps out to take his place as receiver?" The number of players in the Lineout is not materially affected, and switching of position in the Lineout is allowed prior to the ball being launched.

(2) "Is it correct to assume that the receiver of the team throwing in may not step into the Lineout before the ball leaves the hands of the thrower, if another player of his team in the Lineout does not step out?" In practice the receiver in this case steps in just prior to the ball being launched which does not allow time for the other team to reciprocate by having their receiver step in to readjust the number of players. Materially the team throwing in now have an extra man in.

Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee

(1) Law 19.11(c) states that "Players may change their positions in the line-out before the ball is thrown in. The receiver is therefore allowed to step into the lineout before the ball leaves the hands of the thrower, if at the same time a player of his own team in the line-out steps out to take his place as a receiver.

(2) Players taking part in the lineout include the two players waiting to receive the ball. Law 19.10 Exception 2 allows the receiver to run into a gap in the line-out and take the ball. If the receiver does run into the gap and does not take the ball, then he is liable to penalty.