This section provides additional information to questions we've been asked about the World Rugby Agent Scheme, along with some scenarios that have been encountered and how best to deal with them.

1. How do I know if I'm an Agent?

An agent is anyone who carries out "Agency Activity". This means acting in any way and at any time in the capacity of agent, representative or adviser to a Club or Player, either directly or indirectly, in the negotiation, arrangement or execution of any employment transaction or employment contract negotiation.

2. I carry out Agency Activity. Do I need to become an Accredited Agent?

Yes. All Agents must register (and continue to be registered) as an Accredited Agent.

3. How do I become an Accredited Agent?

In one of two ways:

(a)    If an Approved National Scheme exists in any jurisdiction in which you are seeking to carry out Agency Activity, by following the application and renewal process set out by that Scheme. 


(b)    By following the application and renewal process set out by the World Rugby Scheme. You should apply to be accredited by the World Rugby Scheme if an Approved National Scheme does not exist in any jurisdiction in which you are seeking to carry out Agency Activity.

4. What are the Approved National Schemes?

Please see the list here.

5. How do I become accredited by the World Rugby Scheme?

You will have to provide us with certain information and documentation, pass an examination and pay a fee of £25. Full details are set out under the Application section [Link to Application webpage].

6. Does my accreditation expire?

Under the World Rugby Scheme, you must pay an annual renewal fee of £25 to remain accredited, as well as provide further information as requested by World Rugby. 

If you are accredited via an Approved National Scheme, please consult their rules. 

7. As an Accredited Agent, what rules am I bound by? What are my responsibilities?

As an Accredited Agent, you are bound by all World Rugby Regulations Relating to the Game, the Code of Conduct, and all relevant local laws. 

In particular, World Rugby Regulation 5 regulates the behaviour of all Approved Agents and includes a binding Code of Conduct. 

8. Can I get in trouble if I break the rules?

Yes. Where an Approved National Scheme applies, any alleged breaches of Regulation 5 shall be dealt with in accordance with their rules.

If registered with the World Rugby Scheme, or where World Rugby deems it appropriate to do so, alleged breaches of Regulation 5 shall be dealt with by the Agents’ Registration Committee (ARC). 

This may involve a hearing before the ARC. Potential sanctions range from a warning to cancellation of an Agent's accreditation and an order that an Agent, Union, or Club pay compensation and/or restitution.

9. What jurisdictions can I carry out Agency Activity in?

An Accredited Agent may only carry out Agency Activity in their approved jurisdiction(s). This will be:

• the country of the National Approved Scheme you are accredited with, and/or
• the nominated jurisdiction in your application to the World Rugby Scheme.

If an Accredited Agent wishes to carry out Agency Activity in a jurisdiction outside their approved jurisdiction, they must either:

• formally engage an Accredited Agent in that jurisdiction to carry out the relevant Agency Activity on their behalf, and as such, Unions, Clubs, and Players must perform contract negotiations with that nominated Accredited Agent only; or

• if they wish to act in the relevant jurisdiction themselves,

(i)    undergo the same application and renewal process set out in the Approved National Scheme of the relevant Union, or

(ii)    where no such Approved National Scheme exists, undergo the application and renewal process for entry to the World Rugby Scheme as applicable for such jurisdiction.

10. I've been accredited by the World Rugby Scheme. Can I use that to promote my business?

Accredited Agents registered with the World Rugby Scheme may describe themselves as “World Rugby Accredited Agents” or as “Accredited by World Rugby” (as the case may be) and quote their registration number (if applicable) but may not refer to their registration in any other way or seek to promote their business by claiming or implying that they have been vetted by World Rugby.

11. How will a Player, Union or Club know I'm a World Rugby Accredited Agent?

World Rugby and Approved National Schemes (ie, Unions) shall maintain a public register of Accredited Agents and, in the case of World Rugby, the Agents’ Agency Jurisdiction(s). It is the responsibility of Agents to ensure that their details are correct and to inform World Rugby or the Union of any change in their details which would require an amendment to the register.