Getting started

Before we begin it is important to agree some key terms. Throughout the course we talk about children and adults. Children refers to anyone aged under 18 years, adults are anyone aged 18 and over. 

You start the course by considering what is safeguarding and why is it needed.

Watch this video which shows a grassroots tennis club and one of the players, Felipe. As you watch the video, think about whether Felipe has been harmed or abused? 

Trigger warning: The following animation contains content related to abuse in sport which some viewers may find difficult or distressing.

In the first part of this course, you discover:

  • What safeguarding means.
  • What safeguarding includes.
  • Why safeguarding is so important.

Everyone has the right to play sport in a safe and supportive environment, especially children

In this part of the course, you find out what safeguarding means, what it includes and why it is important. You will also see how you can identify risks to athletes’ or players’ wellbeing before something bad might happen.

In the following section, you explore what safeguarding is and then consider how it applies to Felipe.