How serious are these behaviours?

Read the following groups of statements.

For each statement, consider where you think this fits on a scale of 'Not Serious' to 'Extremely Serious'

In each group of statements, consider whether the next statement presented in the list becomes more or less serious than the previous one. 

Statement group 1: 

  • A coach shouts at the team once for a poor performance
  • A coach shouts at the team after every competition
  • A coach shouts only at one particular team member in front of the others after every competition and uses discriminatory language  

Statement group 2:

  • The team manager ignores local health and safety guidance once
  • The team manager regularly ignores healthy and safety guidance and tells others that is is for 'wimps'
  • The team manager deliberately makes children take part in unsafe weather conditions with poor facilities to prove his point

Statement group 3:

  • A child player or athlete meets a coach after training on their own
  • The coach sets up regular meetings with the child and tells them not to speak to anyone about it
  • The coach tells the childe if they want to stay in the club, they must do everything the coach tells them to

Click 'Next' to find out further information each group of statements.