
4 results returned for (flying wedge) 飞劈挡人

Laws of the Game

y. Flying wedge An illegal type of attack, which usually happens near the goal line, either from a penalty or free-kick or in open play. Team-mates are latched on each side of the ball-carrier in a wedg

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law changes summary - July 2022

Following the World Rugby Council meeting in May 2022, a number of law changes have been approved. These all come into force for the whole game on 1 July 2022. The five current Global Law Trials – Goal Line Drop-out, 50:22, jackler protection, banning pre-bound pods in open play (flying wedg ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Side entry - July 2022

h but outlawing the flying wedge of 2+ players pre-latched which have now been moved into full la

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

t not retaliate. Sanction: Penalty. 9.22 Teams must not use the ‘flying wedge’. Sanction: Penalty. 9.2