13 results returned for (obstruction) 阻碍
Obstruction in open play
n the playing enclosure that is contrary to Law 9 governing obstruction, unfair play, repeate ... n one metre. O Obstruction When a player attempting to play is illegally impeded and prevented fro
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009
d to be, and actually can be, a form of ‘legalised obstruction’. This is evidenced by players at the bac ... d in the same way as mauls formed at lineouts or from restart kicks. Clip 1a - Obstruction at lineout Clip 1b - Obstruction at lineout Clip 1c - Legal at lineout Clip 1d - Obstruction at restart Clip 1e - Obstruction at restart Clip 1f - Legal at restart 2 A player ma
9 Foul play
Principle A player who commits foul play must either be cautioned or temporarily suspended or sent off. Obstruction 9.1 When a player and an opponent are running for the ball, neither player may charge or push the other except shoulder-to-shoulder. Sanction: Penalty. 9.2 An offside player must not intentionally obstruct an opponent or interfere with play. Sanction: Penalty. 9.3 A player mus
Tag Rugby
s obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringements, dangerous play, throwing away a tag, deliberat ... g an obstruction. This is deemed to be crossing. Sanction: Penalty kick 10.6 A defending player mus ... e that is against the letter and spirit of the IRB Laws of the Game. It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeate
Touch Rugby
t of the World Rugby Laws of the Game. It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringement ... e that is against the letter and spirit of the World Rugby Laws of the Game. It includes obstructio
Beach Touch Rugby
e. It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringements, dangerous play, handing off a playe
Beach Tag Rugby
g enclosure that is against the letter and spirit of the Laws of the Game. It includes obstruction, unfai
Beach Fives Rugby
e. It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringements, dangerous play, handing off a player abov
Clarification 9-2006
s of the Rugby Committee 1. (a) Yes as it is no longer a maul. 1. (b) Yes otherwise it is obstructio ... n. 3. (b) Yes 3. (c) Yes otherwise it is obstruction.
Clarification 8-2009
l is now at the backof the group.Is this obstruction and are team A liable to penalty? Rulin ... g to obstruction need to be applied consistently whether they be at a lineout or in any other open pla
Clarification 7-2006
2 Obstruction and Law 10.4(n) Flying Wedge Team A win their lineout and as the jumper return ... d obstruction? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee In this situation, player ... t Team A for obstruction.
Clarification 1-2005
m as an obstruction or impediment to securing possession of the ball is illegal? 2. Can the Law also be take