
11 results returned for (receiver) 接球员

Laws of the Game

t of lineout players, one receiver from each team (if present), the player who throws in and an immediat ... l into the lineout. R Receiver The player in a position to receive the ball if it is knocked or passe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2004

2-The Receiver may run into the gap and perform any of the actions available to any other player in the line-out. The receiver is liable to penalty for offences in the line-out as would be other players in the line-out. (1) When can the receiver enter the line-out to jump or support a team-mate? After formatio ... s the throwers hands? (2) Can the receiver change places with any other player in the line-out prio

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2004

h and Line-out (1) If the receiver of the throwing team does not run into the gap, what are the options of the non-throwing receiver? Can he run into the gap and perform any of the actions availabl ... r in the line-out (5 v 4 and both teams have a receiver in position), can the non-throwing team's receiver join the line-out, regardless of the actions of the throwing teams receiver? Rulin

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2002

e a question connected with your recent rulings of 23rd July and 5th September related to the "receive ... t. (1) "Is it correct to assume that the receiver of the team throwing in may step into the Lineou ... m in the Lineout steps out to take his place as receiver?" The number of players in the Lineou ... 2) "Is it correct to assume that the receiver of the team throwing in may not step into the Lineou

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2003

5 September 2002.) (1) Must (or may) the receiver running into the gap receive/take the bal ... s allowed and may the receiver act as a "dummy jumper"? (4) What must/may the opposing receiver do? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee (1) Exception 2 states that a receiver may ru ... y to the receiver of the non-throwing team. (2) The receiver who has run into the lineout and does not tak

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2002

f ManagerIRFULaw Reference19Date2002-09-05Request Exception 2 -Receiver runs into gap. A receiver may run into a gap in the lineout and take the ball. The receiver must not charge or obstruct an opponen ... n allows the receiver, of either the throwing-in team or of the non-throwing-in team to run into a gap and take the ball. The receiver may not support a team-mate but he may be supported by a team-mat

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

6 If a team elects to have a receiver, the receiver stands between the five-metre and the 15-metre lines, two metres away from their team-mates in the lineout. Each team may have only one receive ... g players of their own team. c. Stay within five metres of the touchline. d. Move to the receiver positio ... l becomes unplayable. 18.38 Other than by moving to the receiver position if that position is empt

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2002

d to the following point of Law: A receiver in the Line-out is clearly defined. Page 103 (Definitions) Apart from receiving the ball from the Line-out this Receiver has an additional option which is Exception 2 on page 109. Members of the RFU Laws Task Group have a view that this player (the Receiver) ma ... g of the designated members of the Rugby Committee Exception 2, states in part that a receiver may ru

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

m a receiver while the ball is in the air. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place of infringement ( ... d for below. The kicking team must not make contact with the receiver and must be two metres from the potential receiver while the ball is in the air. The players of the team that kicked off ma ... m a receiver while the ball is in the air. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place of infringement 13.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2004

s that a receiver can only enter a line-out after the ball has left the throwers hand. How can he support the jumper if the ball is already coming into the line-out? (2) Ruling 4:2004 states that the receive ... y to 1 above, where the receiver cannot move until the ball is thrown. Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee (1) After the line-out commences the receiver can enter the line-ou

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2009

s that a receiver cannot run into a gap in the lineout until the ball has left the hands of the playe