5 results returned for (rucking) ruck争球
y by an opponent. Phase of play Scrum, lineout, ruck or maul. Place-kick The ball is kicked after it ha ... r a score or a touch-down. Ruck A phase of play where one or more players from each team, who are on their feet and in physical contact, close around the ball, which is on the ground. Rucking Legally using one’s feet to try to win or keep possession of the ball in a ruck. S Sanction The metho
Clarification 1-2005
t The IRFU has requested a ruling with regard Law 16-Ruck 1. To paraphrase the definition, it basically states that rucking can occur as long as players are not in contravention of Law 10 Foul Play. In 16.3(f) it states that 'a player rucking for the ball must not ruck players on the ground'. It als ... l contact with players in a ruck as an incident of legitimate rucking for the football (reckles
15 Ruck
n may be won either by rucking or by pushing the opposing team off the ball. 15.11 Once a ruck ha ... Principle The purpose of a ruck is to allow players to compete for the ball which is on the ground. Forming a ruck 15.1 A ruck can take place only in the field of play. 15.2 A ruck is formed whe ... h is on the ground. 15.3 Players involved in all stages of the ruck must have their heads and shoulders no lowe
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020
s the ground, the tackler must release immediately 3 First arriving player LAW 15 – Ruck Once a ruck has formed, no player may handle the ball unless they were able to get their hands on the ball before the ruck formed and stay on their feet. Players must endeavour to remain on their feet throughout the ruck. A “jackler” is a player who wins possession of the ball before a ruck form
Tag Rugby
n no infringement, and the ball has not been made dead, play restarts with a ruck ball to the team last in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the ruck bal ... y the referee awards a ruck ball to the team that last played the ball. (b) If the ball carrier touche ... r which is not covered by these Laws, play restarts with a ruck ball to the team last in possessio