69 results returned for (the ground) 场地
1 The ground
g area are shown in the ground diagram. The groundDimensionsField of play lengthIn-goa ... e. Lines 1.4 There are solid lines configured as shown in the ground diagram. The solid line ... n in the ground diagram. Each dash within a dash line is five metres in length. There are dash lines: a. Fiv ... s in total). Objections to the ground 1.11 Teams must inform the referee of any objections befor
1 The ground
GAME-ON3 [Replacement] 1.3 The dimensions of the playing area are shown in the ground diagram. ***IMG | the-plan-2019-en.jpg | href:*** The ground a. The playing area is rectangular in shape. b. Any variations to these dimensions must be approved by the relevant union for domestic competitions or World Rugby for international matches. c. Where the length of the field of play is less tha
13 Players on the ground in open play
Principle The game is played only by players who are on their feet. 13.1 Players, who go to ground to gather the ball or who go to ground with the ball, must immediately: a. Get up with the bal ... l. Sanction: Penalty. 13.2 Once the ball is played or released, players on the ground must immediately either move away from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. 13.3 A player on the ground in the fiel
Law 1: The ground
Diving to the ground near the tackle
Law 13: Players on the ground in open play
s a player, who is on their feet in the tackle area, to ground. The action often lands on the player’s lowe ... t first touching anyone else or the ground. Drop-kick After being intentionally dropped to the ground fro ... e distance out of the hand, or along the ground. Kicked directly into touch The ball is kicke ... d, and the ball touches the ground or another player before the original player can catch it. L Latche
Offside at the ruck - May 2014
When a scrum half attempts to retrieve the ball from a ruck, the ball is not out until that player has picked the ball up from the ground. In the clip the scrum half is taken out by the player before the ball is off the ground and this would be deemed to be offside by the player tackling the scrum half. If, however, the scrum half had picked up the ball and a defending player tackles the scru
14 Tackle
y. Requirements for a tackle 14.1 For a tackle to occur, the ball-carrier is held and brought to ground by one or more opponents. 14.2 Being brought to ground means that the ball-carrier is lying, sitting or has at least one knee on the ground or on another player who is on the ground. 14.3 Being held means that a tackler must continue holding the ball-carrier until the ball-carrier is on the groun
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020
t: Immediately release the ball and the ball-carrier after both players go to ground. Immediately move away fro ... e Tackler must roll away 2 Ball carrier LAW 14 – Tackle Being brought to ground means that the ball-carrier is lying, sitting or has at least one knee on the ground or on another player who is on the ground. Tacklers must: Allow the tackled player to release or play the ball. Bal
21 In-goal
g the ground with it; or b. By pressing down on it with a hand or hands, arm or arms, or the fron ... p the ball in in-goal and ground it elsewhere in in-goal. 21.3 An attacking player grounding the bal ... s the ball in in-goal and simultaneously makes contact with the touch line (or the ground beyon ... r near their own goal line may reach out and ground the ball in in-goal to make a touch down, provide
Beach Touch Rugby
s as deemed appropriate. Law 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface mus ... s to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor ... y part of the ground is considered to be dangerous. Law 2: The Ball 2.1 The ball must conform to Worl ... e pass. Law 7: Mode of Play 7.1 A match is started by a free pass, ground touch or uncontested pun
Touch Rugby
e. Law 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface must be deemed safe to pla ... 4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tel ... e the issues but must not start a match if any part of the ground is considered to be dangerous. Law ... t tackle has been made) or throw forward has taken place, or the ball goes to ground, or the ball ha
Beach Fives Rugby
Download this document as a printable Adobe PDF fileLaw 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playin ... y 1.4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain mus ... s but must not start a match if any part of the ground is considered to be dangerous. Law 2: The Ball 2. ... t holding the ball. Any player may fall on the ball. Any player may ground the ball in in-goa
Law Application Guideline - January 2023
y and will be sanctioned. Players on the ground Players who put their hands on the floo ... g the ground briefly to maintain their own balance and stability. Law definitions and relevant clauses Off feet: Players are off their feet when any other part of the body is supported by the ground or players on the ground. On feet: Players are on their feet if no other part of their bod
15 Ruck
Principle The purpose of a ruck is to allow players to compete for the ball which is on the groun ... h is on the ground. 15.3 Players involved in all stages of the ruck must have their heads and shoulders no lowe ... l with their feet, provided they do so in a safe manner. 15.15 Players on the ground must attempt to move awa ... y. d. Fall onto, or over, the emerging ball while it is on the ground near to the ruck. Sanctio
8 Scoring
y is scored when an attacking player: a. Is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal. b. Is first to ground the ball when a scrum, ruck or maul reaches the goal line. c. With the bal ... g the ground into the opponents’ in-goal, and the player is first to ground the ball. d. Is tackle ... s without first touching a team-mate or the ground. 8.5 If the ball goes over the crossbar and ove
Side entry - July 2022
e - The purpose of a ruck is to allow players to compete for the ball which is on the ground. Ruck law 15. ... l or on the ground near the ball. Neck grabs / rollsArriving players must not wrap and roll the neck of the jackler to remove them from the contest or bring them to ground. StampingAn arriving player cannot stamp on any other player. Head contactA participating player cannot bring another player to ground s
w variationsThe groundThe dimensions of the playing area are shown in the ground diagram. Where two game ... s through the hindmost body part of the player(s) on the ground. A player from either tea ... r(s) on the ground. This player can only be tackled when the ball is lifted from the groun ... l is lifted from the ground by an arriving player.Hand-offA hand-off must be a push action below the lin
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
e it touches the ground or hits a player; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. d. By a playe ... s the touchline or the ground beyond it. The opposition. A player unintentionally knocks, passe ... s in No gain in ground The defending team took the ball into their 22, no tackle, ruc ... l was kicked, whichever is nearer to the kicker’s goal line. The non-kicking team. Gain in groun
16 Maul
f the ground. Forming a maul 16.1 A maul can take place only in the field of play. 16.2 It consist ... g a maul 16.8 The ball-carrier in a maul may go to ground provided that player makes the ball availabl ... n: a. The ball or ball-carrier leaves the maul. b. The ball is on the ground. c. The ball is on or ove ... d. The ball-carrier goes to ground and the ball is not immediately available. Sanction: Scrum. e. The bal
17 Mark
e it touches the ground or another player; and c. Simultaneously call “mark”. 17.2 A player may clai
Beach Tag Rugby
s as deemed appropriate. Law 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface mus ... e the field of play The touch lines which are outside the field of play 1.4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor ... t of the ground is considered to be dangerous. Law 2: The Ball 2.1 The ball must conform to Worl
Tag Rugby
w 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface must be deemed safe to pla ... 4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tel ... s but must not start a match if any part of the ground is considered to be dangerous. Law 2: The Bal ... e a tag from) a player holding the ball. (f) Any player may ground the ball in the in-goal area. (
7 Advantage
r in a scrum is lifted or forced upwards so that the player is no longer in contact with the ground.
9 Foul play
p an opponent whose feet are off the ground. Sanction: Penalty. 9.18 A player must not lift an opponent off the ground and drop or drive that player so that their head and/or upper body make contact with the ground. Sanction: Penalty. 9.19 Dangerous play in a scrum. a. The front row of a scrum mus ... o must lower that player to the ground safely as soon as the ball is won by either team. Sanction: Fre
Law changes - 1 July 2024
y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content. Offsid ... l or twist an opponent, who is involved in the tackle, to the ground New definition:&nbs ... o is on their feet in the tackle area, to ground. The action often lands on the player’s lower limbs Scru
19 Scrum
t have both their feet on the ground, with their weight firmly on at least one foot. Sanction: Fre ... t touches the ground inside the tunnel. Sanction: Free-kick. Throw-in at the scrum During a scrum 19.1 ... l to the ground. Sanction: Penalty. 19.20 Front-row players may gain possession by striking for the ball but only once the ball touches the ground in the tunnel. Sanction: Free-kick. 19.21 A front-row playe
Handling ball in ruck or scrum
Hand at ground level, making sweeping action, as if handling the ball.
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019
n Tackler draws the arm back prior to contact Tackler may leave the ground Arm swings forward prio
20 Penalty and free-kick
s. If it is on the ground, it must clearly leave the mark. Once the kick has been successfully taken the kicke
6 Match officials
e of the ground. The assistant referee or touch judge remains in touch except when judging a kic
Clarification 2-2011
U the correspondence is reproduced below.“Law 17.6(g) says: “If the ball carrier in a maul goes to groun ... n the maul consists of only 3 or 4 players) goes to ground with an opponent remaining on his feet with hi ... m the ball in order to make the ball available?d) When a maul collapses, are players who go to ground abl ... e to the application of Law.There is a further variable to be taken into account when the ball goes to groun
Clarification 13-2003
e, "any opponents of the tackled player who go to ground are known as tacklers." Can a tackler sta ... n a player tackles an opponent and they both go to ground, the tackler must immediately release the tackle ... s of the tackled player who go to ground are known as tacklers. Therefore a player on his fee ... r as defined by Law. That player is not part of the tackle, as he has not gone to ground. He can only therefor
Clarification 8-2006
s on the ground in front of him? 2. Can the referee allow a defender coming from his side to intervene on the ball as soon as it emerges from the ruck, by diving over the players on the ground in fron ... t as this opponent has the ball in his hands, by diving over the players on the ground in front of him? 4. Ca ... s the ball in his hands, by staying on his feet but being in contact with players on the groun
21 In-goal
SevensAddition: The restart kick must be taken within 30 seconds from the time the unsuccesful kick at goal was taken. 16 [Replacement] 21.16 When a player carrying the ball is held up in-goal, so that the player cannot ground the ball or play the ball, the ball is dead. Play restarts with a goa ... o that the player cannot ground or play the ball, the ball is dead. Play restarts with a five-metre scrum, in lin
Clarification 7-2005
y ground the ball as soon as the ball reaches the goal-line. In conjunction with the above statement, the scrum half is also a defending player and therefore can legally ground the ball. The off-side lin ... e to physically get to the ball to ground it.
Clarification 3-2004
e. Team A players are going forward). After the ball carrier goes to the ground, one of the players of Team A holding on to the ball carrier also goes to the ground whilst the other player of Tea ... s with the ball carrier being the tackled player and the player of Team A on the ground bein ... l is concerned, it would be advantageous to go to the ground. Our view is that the player on his fee
Clarification 2-2023
l carrying arm forward and to the ground in order to gain an advantageously low height pre-contac ... s that players who go to ground with the ball must immediately, get up with the ball, play the bal ... e rule it is legal, then we run the risk of players planting their arms on the ground and creatin ... t to sanction, although judgement can be used if the player is using the ground briefly to maintai
Clarification 1-2012
t are in touch.We would like to know:• Whether Law 22.4 (g) applies only to a ball already on the groun ... n it is first played and, 3. Law 22.4 (g) only applies if the ball is on the ground.