23 results returned for sent off
m zone The area in the field of play where a scrum may take place. Sent off A player is shown a red car ... y. Goal line See Try Line H Half-time The interval between the two halves of the game. Hand-off A permitted action, taken by a ball-carrier to fend off an opponent, using the palm of the hand. Hindmos ... t the ball when taking a place-kick. Kick-off The method of starting each half of a matc
Yellow card
The card is raised in the air to a player to indicate that the player has been cautioned and sent to the sin-bin.
9 Foul play
r commits another yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off. 9.30 When a player is being sent of ... h. A player sent off may not be replaced. ... Principle A player who commits foul play must either be cautioned or shown a yellow card or be sent off. Obstruction 9.1 When a player and an opponent are running for the ball, neither player ma
4 Permitted clothing
g that item on the playing area, that player is sent off for misconduct. Sanction: Penalty. 4.7 The refere
6 Match officials
8 If a player was sent off, the referee gives the match organiser a written report on the foul pla ... t referee’s verbal report to the referee leads to a player being sent off, the assistant referee submit ... o fails to adhere to the Laws may be cautioned or sent off and misconduct charges may be issue ... s. The winner of the toss decides whether to kick off or to choose an end. If the winner of the toss decide
3 Team
t as a replacement. 3.20 If a front-row player is sent off, and the team cannot continue with contested scrum ... r may also be replaced. 3.30 If a temporary replacement is sent off, the originally replaced playe ... y start with uncontested scrums. 3.15 Uncontested scrums as a result of a sending off, yellow car
Beach Touch Rugby
r leaving the playing area may do so from any place. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent of ... y suspended for a period of two minutes playing time, or sent off (b) A player who has been cautioned and temporarily suspended who then commits a second cautionable offence must be sent-off. Law 1 ... s. The referee organises the coin toss to determine which team kicks off and in which direction. On
Beach Tag Rugby
e. A player leaving the playing area may do so from any place. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injured player: If the refere ... d of two minutes playing time, or sent off (b) A player who has been cautioned and temporarily suspended who then commits a second cautionable offence must be sent-off. Law 11: Offside 11.1 In general pla
Beach Fives Rugby
4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3. ... d and temporarily suspended for a period of two minutes playing time, or sent off (b) A player who ha ... s the coin toss to determine which team kicks off and in which direction. One of the captains tosse ... r to kick off or to choose an end. If the winner of the toss decides to choose an end, the opponent
Tag Rugby
y only enter the field of play when the substituted player has left the field of play. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injure ... y, if they wish, replace the player to avoid that player being sent off. 6.5 Toss. The refere ... s are required if a player is sent off in a festival. Sanction: Penalty kick at the plac
Touch Rugby
a in mixed gender matches. 3.3 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play mus ... 3. If a player is subsequently sent off or temporarily suspended that player’s team forfeits the gam ... n) for a period of 5 minutes playing time, or sent off. The referee may choose to end a period of temporar ... y suspended who then commits a second cautionable offence must be sent-off. Law 11: Offside 11.
8 Scoring
w card or sent off. No conversion is attempted. Conversion, penalty goal and dropped goal 8.
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017
y not return until the period of suspension ends. (g) If, as a result of a front row player being sent of ... T TRIAL (h) Uncontested scrums as a result of a sending off, temporary suspension or injury mus
9 Foul play
Sevens29 [Replacement] 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for 10 minutes, the referee will show that player a yellow card. If that player later commits another yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off. Replaced by: 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspende ... r yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off.
9 Foul play
10s29 [Replacement] 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for 10 minutes, the referee will show that player a yellow card. If that player later commits another yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off. Replaced by: 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for tw ... r yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off.
Clarification 6-2004
r. Do the scrums remain contestable? (2) The left prop #1 is injured or is sent off. The replacemen ... d or is sent off. There is no replacement available to play in the front row. Do the scrums remai ... s remain contestable? (2) The right prop #3 is injured or is sent off. The replacement #17 replace ... e is only able to play left prop? Scenario 3 (1) The left prop #1 gets injured or is sent of
Clarification 5-2014
s has elapsed?2. Temporary replacement sent offOur understanding is that if the replacement player is sent off then the player having an HIA assessment is not permitted to play any further par ... t is permitted if a front row player is temporarily replaced and his replacement is sent off. Is ou ... 2. Understanding is incorrect. If a HIA temporary replacement is sent off then the player having an HI
Clarification 9-2004
d, or cautioned that a send off will result if the offence or a similar offence is committed, or sent-of ... g scored through foul play must either be cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off. The fina ... y suspended or sent off. Examples of this would be after penalty tries resulting from: • a collapsed scru ... s playing time. After a caution, if the player commits the same or similar offence, the player must be sen
Clarification 1-2004
y and is temporarily replaced by a player who is subsequently sent off for foul play. He is replaced by a suitabl ... r is sent from the field of play. At the next scrum a suitably trained front row replacement take ... r the sending off takes place within the fifteen minute period allowed for the original prop to have the woun ... d of play at the time the next scrum is awarded after the sending off.
Clarification 6-2009
n “…the team cannot field a complete team, or a player sent off for Foul Play, or a player leaves the fiel ... s. No distinction is made between forward players and back players. If a No. 15 is sent off earl ... y for any reason and cannot be replaced due to injury, sending off, temporary suspension or any othe
Clarification 4-2002
t be admonished or cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off" In other words the referee' ... s not state when the player must be admonished or cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent of
Clarification 1-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerSARULaw Reference19Date2003-01-15 This clarification was incorporated into law in 2009 Request SARU has requested further rulings with regard to the line-out Law 19.10 Exception 2. (The original request for a ruling came from the IRFU and a response from the Designated Members was sent out on
Clarification 6-2005
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2005Union / HP Ref ManagerARULaw Reference3Date2005-09-30Request The ARU has requested a ruling with regard Law 3-Number of Players On August 15, 2005 the IRB sent out a Law Ruling in response to a request fro ... n to the field; at the end of the temporary suspension for player No. 3 or must they remain off the field unti