
27 results returned for tackled player

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Tackler not releasing tackled player

Arms brought together as if grasping a player and then opening as if releasing a player.

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Tackler or tackled player not rolling away


Laws of the Game

d. Tackled player A ball-carrier who is held and taken to ground by a tackler or tacklers. Tackler An opposition player who holds the tackled player and goes to ground. Team A group of players, usually 1 ... g place. B Ball-carrier A player who is in possession of the ball. Beyond or behind or in fron ... e. The foot can only be withdrawn after the “set” and before the strike for the ball. C Captain The playe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
14 Tackle

d. Players in a tackle 14.4 Players in a tackle are: a. Tackled player. b. Tackler(s). c. Others: ... o to ground. Sanction: Penalty. b. Immediately move away from the tackled player and from the bal ... n: Penalty. d. Allow the tackled player to release or play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. e. Allow the tackled player to move away from the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 14.6 Tacklers may play the ball fro

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Five key areas of refereeing June 2012

e tackled player immediately Tackled player to release or pass ball immediately Assist tacklers to release tackled player immediately Arriving players from both sides to enter through the gate Bal ... t be behind the hindmost foot of the last player in their side of the breakdown. This is to apply to bot ... e to be defended by his opponents. A player bound in the maul is allowed to be there. A player ma

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
13 Players on the ground in open play

r it. Sanction: Penalty. No player may fall on or over a tackled player ... y either move away from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. 13.3 A player on the ground in the fiel

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

h Place the ball A - Pass from the tackle 15.4 No player may prevent the tackled player from passing the ball. Sanction: Free pass 15.5 Players in opposition to a tackled player must immediately retir ... l or obstruct opponents. Sanction: Free pass 15.6 The tackled player must pass the ball within three strides or stop and pass within two seconds. Sanction: Free pass 15.7 If a player is tackled nea

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
21 In-goal

6 A defending player grounding the ball in in-goal results in a touch down. 21.7 If a tackled player has momentum that carries them into their own in-goal area, they can make a touch down. 21.8 A tackled playe ... g the ball. 21.10 If a tackled player is in the act of reaching out to ground the ball for a try or touc ... t of the player’s body from waist to neck. 21.2 Picking up a ball is not grounding it. A player may pick u

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020

y from the tackled player and from the ball or get up... Tackler must release Once the tackle is complete, the tackler may contest possession, providing that the player is on their feet, has shown a clear release of the ball and tackled player and arrives from the direction of their own goa ... d or on another player who is on the ground. Tacklers must: Allow the tackled player to release or play the bal

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

f. A tackler may only tackle with two tags in place. 15.2 Following a tackle, the tackled player conducts a ruck ball at the place of the tackle. The tackled player must roll the ball using the hand onl ... y actions taken by the tackled player for developmental purposes, e.g., pass after a tackle. 15.3 Afte ... e the tackle was made or return the tag to the tackled player. The tackler may then assume a marke

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

l Following a tackle, match organisers may permit the tackled player to hold the ball between the leg ... t the tackled player from placing the ball. Sanction: Penalty kick 15.7 Positions of players followin ... m the tackled player (match organisers may decide to vary this distance or the position of the tackle ... s, the referee may indicate that the team not in possession may play the ruck ball. 15.8 The tackled playe

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

e the tackled player must immediately get up or move away from the tackled player and the ball must get up before playing the ball. (b) The tackled player: must immediately pass the ball must immediatel ... e’), no player may prevent the tackled player from passing the ball. Sanction: Free kick 15.4 The tackled player must pass, including handing off, the ball within two seconds. The referee may indicat

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

l is tackled short of the try line and the player’s momentum carries them in a continuous movement along the ground into the opponents’ in-goal, and the player is first to ground the ball. d. Is tackled near to the opponents’ try line and the player immediately reaches out and grounds the ball. e. Wh ... y is scored when an attacking player: a. Is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal.

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

n the tag to the tackled player before rejoining the game. Sanction: Free pass 15.3 The tackler mus ... s in an attempt to avoid a tackle. Sanction: Free pass 15.5 No player may prevent the tackled player from passing the ball. Sanction: Free pass 15.6 Opponents of the tackled player must immediatel ... l or obstruct opponents. Sanction: Free pass 15.7 The tackled player must pass the ball within thre

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - March 2021

d|guidelines/21 Leading elbow / forearm|guidelines/22 Context Player welfare drives World Rugby’s decisio ... t with the ball-carrier tackled into the defender ‘Friendly fire’ as the two defenders clash heads Absolutel ... p them identify whether a player is at fault, the degree of danger involved and whether an ... r Player had no time to readjust Passive action Involuntary collision No leading arm when clos

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

r(s) on the ground. This player can only be tackled when the ball is lifted from the groun ... y line after the replaced player has left the field of play.TackleThe tackler must grasp the bal ... s with, or prior to, shoulder contact. A player must not tackle, or attempt to tackle, an opponent abov ... s through the hindmost body part of the player(s) on the ground. A player from either tea

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 13-2003

e, "any opponents of the tackled player who go to ground are known as tacklers." Can a tackler sta ... n a player tackles an opponent and they both go to ground, the tackler must immediately release the tackled player." Can a tackler who is on his feet hold on to the tackled player or must he release the tackled player? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee By definition, any opponent

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2010

t accurately these Rulings:• The Rulings clearly deal with an opponent of a tackled player, who remains on his feet, and is on the tackled player’s side of the tackle. This player must release and re-ente ... s feet who is an opponent of the tackled player.• The Rulings also state that players can play the bal ... s’ comments are included below.A player who is brought to the ground when carrying the ball is a tackle

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2004

s with the ball carrier being the tackled player and the player of Team A on the ground bein ... n behind the ball to approach from directly behind the tackled player or the tackler closest to his goa ... l in the tackled player's hands? (3) Does the tackled player have to release the ball immediatel ... m the position stated in Ruling 13:2003: By definition, any opponents of the tackled player who go to groun

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2015

w 22 (e) Tackled near the goal-line. If a player is tackled near to the opponents’ goal line s ... g practice of an opponent kicking the ball out of the hands of a player who has picked up the ball.This is happening mainly when the ball is won at the breakdown/tackle/ruck and has been picked up by a playe ... n and consistency for the referee:If contact is made with the hands of the player it can be considered fou

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 8-2004

d" (not tackled) by two Team A players (“A1-”, “A2-player”) and A1-player held on to the legs of ... m the tackled B-player. Law 15.7(b) provides, “After a tackle any players on their feet may attempt to gai ... w 15.8(b) prohibiting all players from preventing the release of the ball by the tackled playe ... d is not a tackled player and a tackle has not taken place. Opposition players who hold the ball-carrier and brin

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2014

s of the tackled player shifting body position before release, Law 15.5 (a) and 15.5 (e) should be considered:(a) A tackled player must not lie on, over, or near the ball to prevent opponents from gainin ... e) If opposition players who are on their feet attempt to play the ball, the tackled player must releas ... d clarification on two items of Law in the context of both the Sevens and Fifteens game:Tackled playe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2006

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2006Union / HP Ref ManagerIRFULaw Reference10Date2006-11-14 This clarification was incorporated into law in 2009 Request Situation:A tackle is made, or attempted, where the initial contact is made below the line of the shoulder, but the arm(s) of the tackler subsequently make contact with the head or neck of the tackle

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2018

k commences when at least one player is on their feet andover the ball which is on the ground (tackled player, tackler). At this point the offside line is created. A player on their feet may use their hands to pick up the ball as long as this is immediate. As soon as an opposition player arrive ... w creating offside lines when the first arriving player gets over the ball was intended solely to addres

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2022

s “a player must not tackle, charge, pull, push or grasp an opponent whose feet are off the ground”.La ... w or forearm”.Law 9.7 states “ a player must not intentionally infringe any law of the game”Q.1 When a player hurdles/jumps over a tackler who is attempting to make a low legal tackle, this stop ... e to be tackled). This seems unfair and against law 9.7 “unfair play”.In SRP round 1 Pita Gus hurdle

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2009

s that: If opposition players who are on their feet, the tackled player must release the ball.Thi ... s are on their feet. At least one player must be in physical contact with an opponent. The ball is on the ground.Law 16.4 (b) states:(b) Players must not handle the ball in a ruck.When a player ha ... d by an opposition player on his feet so that the situation outlined in 16 1 (b) occurs, can the player wh

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2014

t play after an attacking player has put or taken the ball into the in-goal, without infringement, and a defending player has made the ball dead there or it has gone into touch-in­ goal or on or ove ... e minute from the time the player indicates the intention to kick at goal. The intention to kick is signaled by the arrival of the kicking tee or sand, or when the player makes a mark on the groun