25 results returned for tackler
Tackler not releasing tackled player
Tackler or tackled player not rolling away
Clarification 13-2003
t The SRU has requested a ruling with regard the tackler, in Law 15. Under the definition of a tackle, "any opponents of the tackled player who go to ground are known as tacklers." Can a tackler stay on his feet?If the answer to the above is yes, under 15.5 The Tackler it states in (a) that "when a player tackles an opponent and they both go to ground, the tackler must immediately release the tackle
e of the tackler at the tackle. They must remain on their feet to contest directly onto the ball. If previousl ... l-carrier who is held and taken to ground by a tackler or tacklers. Tackler An opposition player wh
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019
n Tackler draws the arm back prior to contact Tackler may leave the ground Arm swings forward prior to contact Contact Tackler is attempting an active/dominant tackle, as opposed to passive/soak, or “pulling out” of contact Tackler speed and/or acceleration into tackle is high Rigid arm or elbow makes contact with BC head as part of a swinging motion Follow through Tackler completes the tackl
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020
s will be refereed with these guidelines from July 2020. 1 Tackler LAW 14 – Tackle Tacklers mus ... m the tackled player and from the ball or get up... Tackler must release Once the tackle is complete, the tackler may contest possession, providing that the player is on their feet, has show ... e Tackler must roll away 2 Ball carrier LAW 14 – Tackle Being brought to ground mean
14 Tackle
d means that a tackler must continue holding the ball-carrier until the ball-carrier is on the ground. Players in a tackle 14.4 Players in a tackle are: a. Tackled player. b. Tackler(s). c. Others: ... d, provided the tackler does so from the direction of their own goal line. Sanction: Penalty. 14.10 Offsid
Clarification 3-2004
g the tackler. In this situation, (1) Should the Team A's player still on his feet retire to the position behind the ball to approach from directly behind the tackled player or the tackler closest to his goa ... g of the tackle without being defined as a tackler. It is not appropriate to define him as the othe ... d are known as tacklers. Therefore a player on his feet is not a tackler as defined by Law. A playe
Clarification 6-2006
e of the shoulder, but the arm(s) of the tackler subsequently make contact with the head or neck of the tackle ... e in that the tackler made contact with the head or neck of the ball carrier. For this type of tackl
Side entry - July 2022
g on tacklerArriving play cannot dive upon the tackler. They also cannot tackle players who are not nea
Beach Tag Rugby
t. 15.2 The tackler must immediately raise the tag in the air and call “Tag!”. The tackler must return the tag to the tackled player before rejoining the game. Sanction: Free pass 15.3 The tackler mus
Tag Rugby
f. A tackler may only tackle with two tags in place. 15.2 Following a tackle, the tackled player conduct ... k ball. Sanction: Penalty kick (b) The tackler must not attempt to pull the ball from the ball carrier’s hands. Sanction: Penalty kick 15.4 The tackler (a) When a tackle is made the tackler mus ... e the tackle was made or return the tag to the tackled player. The tackler may then assume a marke
y line after the replaced player has left the field of play.TackleThe tackler must grasp the bal
Touch Rugby
s. The tackler must not use excessive force when making a tackle. Sanction: Penalty kick 15.2 When player ... h tackle, in succession, the opposition team will be awarded a ruck ball. 15.3 The tackler mus ... g a tackle (a) Opposing players, including the tackler, must immediately retire five metres from the tackled player (match organisers may decide to vary this distance or the position of the tackle
9 Foul play
m, or jumping into, or over, a tackler. Sanction: Penalty. 9.12 A player must not physically or verball
Head Contact Process - Head on head
1 No sanction - no fault of the player - involuntary collision and the tackler had no time to readjust 2 Red card - head to head contact with a high degree of danger, no control, high speed and a leading head 3 Red card - head to head contact with a high degree of danger, no control, high speed and a leading head 4 Penalty - head to head contact but mitigation as there is a sudde
Head Contact Process - High tackle
Video clips 1 No foul play - no contact with the head, neck or throat - play on 2 No sanction - no fault of the player - significant drop by the ball carrier and tackler had no time to readjust 3 Penalty - indirect head contact with no force and no speed 4 Yellow card - direct head contact but very low force 5 Red card - direct head contact with a high degree of dange
Clarification 3-2022
n a player hurdles/jumps over a tackler who is attempting to make a low legal tackle, this stop ... 1, Jonny May scored by leaping/diving over a covering tackler and scoring in the corner. His dive/lea ... l tackler is dangerous play, as is the act of a ball carrier jumping into a tackle. Even if no contac ... r is deemed to have left the ground to avoid a tackle; or to jump, or hurdle a potential tackle
Clarification 1-2014
r/tackler from team blue attempts to tackle from behind and makes contact with his hand on the bal ... y on as the blue tackler knocked the ball back – similar to a rip, ruling 4 of 2011?Same scenario as above but the defender/tackler does not make contact with the ball but his action causes the ball carrier fro
Beach Touch Rugby
e will call “Play on!”. 15.3 The tackler must not attempt to pull the ball from the ball carriers hand
Beach Fives Rugby
n a player tackles an opponent and they both go to ground: (a) The tackler : must immediately releas
Clarification 1-2010
d player. (Definition)A player who goes to ground when tackling a player is known as a tackler. (Definition)A player who brings a player to ground who is carrying the ball is not a tackler (Definition), however, this player has completed a tackle.A tackler must release the tackled player (Law 15. ... d the tackled player or the tackler closest to those players’ goal-line.To approach behind the tackle
Clarification 1-2023
d been dislodged by the tackler and was now lying in in-goal. Could the referee hav ... e and did everything requested in law. The tackler committed no offence and did everything requested in la
Clarification 2-2018
d (tackled player, tackler). At this point the offside line is created. A player on their feet may us
Clarification 8-2004
m behind the ball and from the directly behind the tackled player or the tackler closest to thos