91 results returned for free-kick
Clarification 2-2010
c, in that, it is a free kick to the non-offending team should a team infringe the above. Rulin ... g has occurred (b) If Law 13.8 Kick offs/ Restarts has been fully complied with.Observation:The Laws relating to Kick Offs/Restarts for 15-a-side matches would benefit immensely from the variation to La ... e towards the end of the game and there is time for the kick off to take place but time will expir
Clarification 4-2015
d of the match, then the referee may restart the match with a penalty kick, free kick or mark, et ... n to the non-infringing team, drop out or after a conversion or successful penalty kick at goal. If a scrum has to be reset, the scrum has not been completed. If time expires and a mark, free kic ... t of the match with a penalty kick that is converted to goal and the referee blows the end of the matc
Clarification 4-2002
d on the ground, the referee will allow the non-offending team to take a quick tap penalty/free kic ... m. The opportunity to play advantage by allowing the non-offending team to take a quick tap penalty/free kic ... r".The Designated Members therefore rule that there is no Law which precludes the referee from allowing a free kic ... d to the following point of Law: 'These can be taken following a scrum collapse providing the kick is take
Clarification 3-2005
1-Penalty & Free Kicks Black team are penalised for a tackle infringement 30 metres from their goal line; Blue team opt for a kick at goal, placing the ball on the mark and informing the refere ... e the intention to kick at goal, the kicker must kick at goal. Once the kicker has made the intentio ... s intention to kick at goal clear, he may not then change his intention by then kicking to touch, takin
Clarification 8-2014
k was taken or ask to repeat the drop-out).In other words, the Free Kick sanction applied in the seve ... t. The kick is correctly executed and the ball enters the opposing team's in-goal area without havin ... s state:"The kick-off occurs at the start of each half of the match and at the beginning of each perio ... p-out: A drop-out is a drop kick taken by the defending team. The drop-out may be taken anywher
Clarification 6-2002
m mate who took the penalty or free kick, or when a team mate carrying the ball runs in front of the ... s under these circumstances.Law 21, 4 -(i) & (j) Kick taken quickly;These Laws require the player ... e immediately for a collapsed scrum and give their decision. If the referee has awarded a kick as a resul ... p kick can be taken. If there is a reason why a quick tap should not be taken the referee will blo
Clarification 2-2012
n to the non-offending team, drop out or after a conversion or successful penalty kick at goal. If a scrum has to be reset, the scrum has not been completed. If time expires and a mark, free kick or penalty kick is then awarded, the referee allows play to continue.Law 8.3(f)After the ball has been made dea ... g to return from a temporary exclusion and the period of exclusion has expired. They kick the ball into touc
The maul - January/June 2016
For implementation: January 1st 2016 in Southern Hemisphere June 1st 2016 in Northern Hemisphere The ball can be moved backwards hand-to-hand once the maul has formed. A player is not allowed to move/slide backwards in the maul when the player is in possession of the ball and the ripper needs to stay in contact with the jumper until they have transferred the ball. Sanction: Penalty kick
Charging into the ruck - February 2010
y of the player joining the ruck. Sanction: Penalty kick DANGEROUS PLAY AND MISCONDUCT Dangerou ... p that player. Sanction: Penalty kick A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging include
17 Mark
GAME-ON4 [Replacement] 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Replaced by: 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off, a restart kick after a score or from an attacking kick from within the 22m
13 Players on the ground in open play
Principle The game is played only by players who are on their feet. 13.1 Players, who go to ground to gather the ball or who go to ground with the ball, must immediately: a. Get up with the ball; or Sanction: Penalty. b. Play (but not kick) the ball; or Sanction: Penalty. c. Release the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 13.2 Once the ball is played or released, players on the ground must immediatel
21 In-goal
n but must not kick or attempt to kick the ball. Sanction: Penalty. Ball kicked dead through in-goa ... d. Exception: An unsuccessful kick at goal or attempted dropped goal. In these cases, the defending tea
Clarification 1-2021
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2021Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference3Date2021-03-29RequestWhen a referee whistles a penalty or a free kick, is the ball considered dead, in which case, is a player replacement possible?Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby CommitteeThere are two issues which must both happe
Dangerous tackles (high tackles) - February 2011
e, the range of sanctions extends from a penalty kick to the player receiving a red card. An illega
19 Scrum
e. no flankers). iii. Five players – three-two formation (i.e. no flankers or number eight). Sanction: Free-kic ... e it is heeled and controlled at the base of the scrum. Sanction: Free-kick. c. Intentionally wheelin
10 Offside and onside in open play
d by an opponent but not when the kick is charged down. Sanction: The non-offending team can choose eithe
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009
l at the formation; this includes the formation of the maul at a lineout and from a maul formed after kick-off
Clarification 2-2006
f ManagerFFRLaw Reference19,21Date2006-01-10Request Law 19.1 (e) stipulates: “Penalty kick. When a player kicks to touch from a penalty kick anywhere in the playing area, the throw in is taken from wher ... s a penalty kick, and the ball is kicked into touch, the throw in is taken by the player of the team who took the penalty kick. This applies whether the ball was kicked directly or indirectly into touc
8 Scoring
t a conversion, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. Replaced by: 8.7 When a try is scored, it gives that team the right to attempt a conversion, which must be a drop kick. 8 [Replacement] c deleted 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the tr ... t the kicker. c. Takes the kick within 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve
8 Scoring
n, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. Replaced by: 8.7 When a try is scored, it gives that team the right to attempt a conversion, which must be a drop kick. c deleted 8 [Replacement] 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the tr ... t the kicker. c. Takes the kick within 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve
Clarification 5-2002
y provision is a free kick (save for the situation where the team not throwing in the ball have les ... y provision is a penalty kick.
Clarification 2-2008
d a Free Kick (or the option of a scrum) where the team that is unable to comply with Law 3.5 cause ... d front row players.1.(b) There is no provision within Law that permits the referee to award a Free Kic
8 Scoring
GAME-ON 8 [Replacement] 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a lin ... g else may be used to assist the kicker. c. Takes the kick within 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, even if the ball rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. Replaced by: a. If stipulated by the match organiser, takes the kick in fron
Clarification 2-2007
f ManagerIRFULaw Reference3Date2007-03-12Request 1. A penalty kick is awarded to White team. Before the kick is taken, can White team make a substitution? (If so, we assume that the substitute can take the penalty kick.) 2. A penalty kick is awarded to White team. Before the kick is taken ca ... e that the returning player may take the penalty kick.) Ruling of the designated members of the Rugb
Clarification 1-2006
s that a mark cannot be made from a kick off. This implies that it may be made from a restart. Howeve ... o cases? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee From a kick off there can be no mark.From a kick off after a score there can be no mark.From a 22 metre drop out a mark can be taken.
Clarification 2-2024
y Football Union have asked: Q - Once a kicker has completed their pre-kick routine (stationary/no movement), their next movement in any direction begins the “approach to kick”, and so the defenders can attempt to block the kick?Q - Does that 'movement in any direction’ refer specifically to foo ... e and do not overstep that line until the kicker moves in any direction to begin their approach to kic
Clarification 7-2002
h at the kick-off (or restart kick), the opposing team has 3 choices: • to have the ball kicked off again• to have a scrum at the centre and they have the throw -in, or • to accept the kick If they accept the kick, the lineout is on the half-way line. If the ball is blown behind the half-way line and goes directly into touch, the lineout is at the place where it went into touch. At the kick -of
Clarification 1-2020
l line and do not overstep that line until the kicker begins the approach to kick. When the kicke ... n to approach to kick”. In a recent Super Rugby Aotearoa game a conversion was charged down (Crusader ... n from many refs is as soon as kicker moves in any direction the kick can begin to be charge ... e was correct. The moment the kicker moves in any direction it is deemed that he is ‘approaching to kic
21 In-goal
SevensAddition: The restart kick must be taken within 30 seconds from the time the unsuccesful kick at goal was taken. 16 [Replacement] 21.16 When a player carrying the ball is held up in-goal, so that the player cannot ground the ball or play the ball, the ball is dead. Play restarts with a goal line drop-out or a 5m scrum, depending on how the ball entered in-goal. (law 12.12a, and law 19.
Clarification 6-2014
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2014Union / HP Ref ManagerHKRFULaw Reference13Date2014-10-17Request Law 13 – Kick Off and RestartsThe HKRFU requested a clarification relating to Law 13. Drop out must cross the line.ScenarioTeam A have a 22 metr ... g team choose to have a lineout where the ball went into touch, the option of a scrum or a kic
Clarification 3-2014
9.B.1 9 (e) – Taking a conversion kick?Who can or should inform the referee of the team’s decisio ... r to the referee, by saying “No Kick” after the award of the try and before the time reaches 00.0 ... e to forfeit the conversion the referee will award a kick off. The kick off will take place regardles
Clarification 2-2015
n of a team throwing a player forward after he has been supported in the air to receive a kick of ... e to the lowering of a player after the ball has been won from either a kick off or a kick in general play.Th ... n and the action of throwing a player forward after he has been supported in the air to receive a kick of
Clarification 2-2021
f (or any player) executes a ‘box kick’, which is, in most circumstances, designed to be a short-range contestable kick, there are almost always a group of players (usually the forwards) who are in fron ... 7), the offside players were required to retire behind the kicker. When the kicker chased his/her own kic ... r who had advanced forward of them). CLARIFICATION REQUEST: In the circumstances where a kic
Clarification 5-2014
y replacement for a player undergoing an HIA cannot kick for goal. If the player undergoing assessment doe ... t is then permitted to kick for goal. If the fourth official is notified within ten minutes that the player has been assessed will not be returning, can the replacement then kick for goal before the ten minute ... A will not be returning, then the replacement can kick for goal before the ten minutes has elapsed.
Clarification 2-2014
e the conversion must be relayed by the try scorer to the referee, by saying “No Kick” after the awar ... k will be stopped.Once the decision is made to forfeit the conversion the referee will award a kick off. The kick off will take place regardless of whether players were ready at 00.00 or not.
Clarification 7-2015
y by pulling the ball from the tackled player’s hands or arms, but must not kick the ball.Law 15.6 ( ... s that it is not legal to kick the ball from the hands of a player in possession in any circumstance ... e that it is illegal to kick the ball from the hands of a player in possession in any circumstances. An exampl
Clarification 3-2011
s a kicker at close quarters and makes an attempt to block the kick. In such circumstances players in front of the kicker who are within 10 metres of the kick are not liable to penalty wherever the bal ... r from the kicker’s side is within the 10 metre area in front of the kick that player is liabl
Clarification 3-2002
2 and is penalisable by a penalty kick at the point noted in Law.
Clarification 8-2009
l by contact with the ball carrier.The Referee will award a penalty kick in accordance with Law 10.1 (c), (
Clarification 1-2012
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2012Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference22Date2012-04-04Request The FFR request a clarification for the following:Following a kick ahead, the ball goes over the goal line and whilst it is still up in the air, a player places his hand on it and grounds it. However, before this player grounds the ball, his fee