
91 results returned for hand-off

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017

y not return until the period of suspension ends. (g) If, as a result of a front row player being sent of ... T TRIAL (h) Uncontested scrums as a result of a sending off, temporary suspension or injury mus

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

s not apply at a kick-off or any type of restart kick. Where the ball reaches the touchline. The kickin ... h from a kick-off or restart kick Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in The ball goes directly into touch from a kick-off or restart kick following a score. If the touch optio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

Principle The purpose of a maul is to allow players to compete for the ball, which is held off the ground. Forming a maul 16.1 A maul can take place only in the field of play. 16.2 It consists of a ball carrier and at least one player from each team, bound together and on their feet. A player ripping the ball from the ball carrier must stay in contact with that player until they have transferre

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

w card or sent off. No conversion is attempted. Conversion, penalty goal and dropped goal 8.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020

Law 3: Team 13. Scrums will become uncontested if either team cannot field a suitably trained front row or if the referee so orders. 15. Uncontested scrums as a result of a sending off, temporary suspension or injury must be played with eight players per side. 17. In a squad of 23 players or at the discretion of the match organiser, a player whose departure has caused the referee to orde

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2023

t position. “Off feet” and “On feet” as defined in the Laws of the Game definitions section, and La ... r advantage by intentionally taking himself/herself ‘Off feet,’ supported by a “cannon arm” and gainin ... y result in direct head contact. Defenders who take themselves off feet pre-contact are penalise ... n their own balance and stability.”By using a hand on the ground, players must then comply with the relevan

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Failure to bind

One arm out-stretched as if binding. Other hand moves up and down arm to indicate the extent of a full bind.

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Unplayable ball in maul

Arm out to award scrummage to side not in possession at maul commencement. Other arm out as if signalling advantage and then swing it across body with hand ending on opposite shoulder.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 8-2003

t, that the ball and players had moved off the line of touch. In this scenario, if the player from Team ... e arm in contact from hand to shoulder. If a player binds on an opposition player who is a ball-carrie ... g request from the SRU, and again in this part of the request, that the ball and players had moved of

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Unplayable ball in ruck or tackle

Shoulders parallel with the touchline, arm horizontal pointing towards the team to throw in the ball, then pointing the other arm and hand towards the other team’s goal line whilst moving it backwards and forwards.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
17 Mark

GAME-ON4 [Replacement] 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Replaced by: 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off, a restart kick after a score or from an attacking kick from within the 22m

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2006

s that a mark cannot be made from a kick off. This implies that it may be made from a restart. Howeve ... o cases? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee From a kick off there can be no mark.From a kick off after a score there can be no mark.From a 22 metre drop out a mark can be taken.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
9 Foul play

Sevens29 [Replacement] 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for 10 minutes, the referee will show that player a yellow card. If that player later commits another yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off. Replaced by: 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspende ... r yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
9 Foul play

10s29 [Replacement] 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for 10 minutes, the referee will show that player a yellow card. If that player later commits another yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off. Replaced by: 9.29 When a player is being cautioned and suspended for tw ... r yellow-card offence, the player must be sent off.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2005

t The ARU has requested a ruling with regard Law 20.12-Off side at the scrum One of the change ... d that: "If the hindmost foot of a team is on or behind that team's goal-line, the off-side line is the goa ... s changing the off-side line in this situation) or was this an oversight? Ruling of the designate ... t, the scrum half is also a defending player and therefore can legally ground the ball. The off-side lin

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2014

s the ball forward with hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forwar ... r/tackler from team blue attempts to tackle from behind and makes contact with his hand on the bal

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2002

w was deleted, that when a player peels off the Lineout, that player must keep movin ... d: "A player who peels off, must stay within the area from that player's line-of-touch to 10 metre

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2004

d, or cautioned that a send off will result if the offence or a similar offence is committed, or sent-of ... t-off. Penalty: Penalty Kick The final paragraph states: A penalty try must be awarded if the offenc ... g scored through foul play must either be cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off. The fina ... n to remove the discretion of the referee to admonish, rather then temporarily suspend or send off a playe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2004

r. Do the scrums remain contestable? (2) The left prop #1 is injured or is sent off. The replacemen ... d or is sent off. There is no replacement available to play in the front row. Do the scrums remai ... s remain contestable? (2) The right prop #3 is injured or is sent off. The replacement #17 replace ... e is only able to play left prop? Scenario 3 (1) The left prop #1 gets injured or is sent of

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2011

s possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or anothe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2016

s the injured player have to go off at the time of the foul play or can the player try to play on first? Ca ... d player have to go off permanently; or, if deemed fit, can he return later in the game? Clarificatio

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - Head on head

n as the ball carrier steps suddenly back off the side-line and drops his height

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2002

h at the kick-off (or restart kick), the opposing team has 3 choices: • to have the ball kicked of ... e and goes directly into touch, the lineout is at the place where it went into touch. At the kick -of

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2004

y and is temporarily replaced by a player who is subsequently sent off for foul play. He is replaced by a suitabl ... r the sending off takes place within the fifteen minute period allowed for the original prop to have the woun ... d of play at the time the next scrum is awarded after the sending off.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2005

s anomaly, therefore, that a player(s) can deliberately lift an opponent off his feet and then ma ... y -Dangerous tackling. Does the action of deliberately lifting an opponent off his feet in a tackle s ... g of the designated members of the Rugby Committee 1. The act of lifting an opponent off his fee

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2009

n “…the team cannot field a complete team, or a player sent off for Foul Play, or a player leaves the fiel ... s. No distinction is made between forward players and back players. If a No. 15 is sent off earl ... y for any reason and cannot be replaced due to injury, sending off, temporary suspension or any othe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2015

n of a team throwing a player forward after he has been supported in the air to receive a kick of ... e to the lowering of a player after the ball has been won from either a kick off or a kick in general play.Th ... n and the action of throwing a player forward after he has been supported in the air to receive a kick of

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2012

Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2012Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference22Date2012-04-04Request The FFR request a clarification for the following:Following a kick ahead, the ball goes over the goal line and whilst it is still up in the air, a player places his hand on it and grounds it. However, before this player grounds the ball, his fee

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2014

r is sent off then the player having an HIA assessment is not permitted to play any further par ... t is permitted if a front row player is temporarily replaced and his replacement is sent off. Is ou ... 2. Understanding is incorrect. If a HIA temporary replacement is sent off then the player having an HI

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2014

Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2014Union / HP Ref ManagerHKRFULaw Reference13Date2014-10-17Request Law 13 – Kick Off and RestartsThe HKRFU requested a clarification relating to Law 13. Drop out must cross the line.ScenarioTeam A have a 22 metre drop out. The ball does not cross the line and lands in the field of play before going into touc

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2018

e & permanent removal or off-field screen, the player who is the temporary replacement will be permitted to remain on the field even if the injured player does not return after expiry of the 10 minute of

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2005

6 replace player No.7 at this time or must he remain off the field until the temporary suspension perio ... n for player No.3 or must they remain off the field until the temporary suspension period for playe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2014

k off. The kick off will take place regardless of whether players were ready at 00.00 or not.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2014

e to forfeit the conversion the referee will award a kick off. The kick off will take place regardles

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 8-2014

s state:"The kick-off occurs at the start of each half of the match and at the beginning of each perio ... d for Law 13 end at Law 13.9. In the fifteen-a-side game, that Law refers to (Kick-off) ball goe ... n-a-side game for infringements surrounding the kick-off does not apply to the restart kick ("22 dro

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2004

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification7-2004Union / HP Ref ManagerSRULaw Reference19Date2004-06-23 This clarification was incorporated into law in 2009 Request The SRU has requested a ruling with regard Law 19-Touch and Line-out. (1) Ruling 4:2004 states that a receiver can only enter a line-out after the ball has left the throwers hand. How can he suppor

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2014

r hand, Law 20.9 (c) specifically mentions feet, so this would appear to tender the actio

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2016

e the ball a visible distance out of the hand or along the ground.Law 21.3 (a) How Penalty and Free Kick

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

d the ball within the half. This variation does not apply at a kick-off or any type of restart kic

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2003

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification3-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerSRULaw Reference15,17Date2003-06-07Request SRU has requested a ruling with regard to Law 15-Tackle & Law 17 Maul: Team A win the ball in a line-out. The ball carrier is joined by several of his team mates and they move off the line of touch towards their opponents' goal-line. One player of tea