88 results returned for match officials
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
GAME-ONAddition: Match organisers may determine that teams should not lift and/ or contest in the lineout
Red card
The card is shown to a player to indicate that the player has been permanently excluded from the match
5 Time
s as decided by the match organiser. During this time, the teams and match officials may leave the playin ... Sevens1 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 1
3 Team
GAME-ON 2 [Replacement] 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be played with fewer than 15 players in each team. Replaced by: 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be playe ... t row or if the referee so orders. Replaced by: 3.13 Even from the start of the match, in the even ... t be uncontested 14 [Replacement] 3.14 A match organiser may stipulate the conditions under whic
Clarification 2-2003
t of the match for ensuring teams comply with Law 3.5? (2) What is the sanction if they do not comply? (3) During the match, if a team fails to comply with Law 3.5, what is the sanction? Rulin ... e that prior to a match they can comply with Law 3.5. (2) It is the responsibility of the team and team management to ensure that a team is able to comply with Law 3.5 prior to the matc
14 Tackle
GAME-ONAddition: If match organisers utilise the game-on global waist height tackle variation, it is recommended that they also ensure that ball-carriers do not drop their body height and that double-tackles are sanctioned
19 Scrum
GAME-ONAddition: 19.40 Match organisers can reduce the numbers in a contested scrum (subject to law 19.6), apply the under-19 variation of 1.5m maximum push, or implement uncontested scrums
Clarification 4-2015
P Ref ManagerUARLaw Reference6Date2015-04-15Request The UAR seeks clarification on Law 6 – Match Officials.Following the controversy after a match in the Argentine National Clubs Championships 1s ... d of the match and then deciding to continue it, we would like a clarification in Law.Scenario:Ther ... n to indicate clearly the end of the match with the score 18-19. The assistant referee immediately call
Clarification 2-2008
w 3.5 (a) or (c), either at the beginning of the match or during a match (thus causing non-conteste ... g ANY player who leaves the field (through injury) or from making substitutions during the matc ... s the stoppage in play?c) Can the match commence with non-contested scrums or should the team ... y in the front row (either at the start of a match or during a match).ARU is also strongly of the vie
Clarification 5-2009
d, the referee orders uncontested scrums.At this stage, Team A seek permission from the match official ... 5. The match officials refuse to allow the player to rejoin the match, which conclude ... f ManagerRFULaw Reference3Date2009-08-10Request SenarioEarly in a match Team A replace their Tight Head Prop, due to injury, with their nominated prop forward replacement.Late in the match, the replacemen
Clarification 2-2012
n for the following:Law 3.11(b) A player who leaves a match because of injury or any other reason must not rejoin the match until the referee permits the player to return. The referee must not let a player retur ... y Committee Law 3.11(b) states that “A player who leaves a match because of injury or any other reason must not rejoin the match until the referee permits the player to return. The referee must not le
Clarification 3-2009
p, there is the siren indicating the end of the match (real playing time). 3. The referee allow ... d of the match?For an “identical” situation for a lineout in the facts chronology, the FFR would lik ... n formed, there is the siren indicating the end of the match (real playing time). 3. The refere ... g team (lineout to be redone or scrum) or does he have to blow for the end of the match? Rulin
Clarification 2-2004
s only amongst those players on the bench at the beginning of the match or can those front row replacements come also only from the players starting the match as opposed to bench replacements? In cas ... d and experienced front row replacements even coming only from the players who started the match. E.g. 4 players among those who start the match if the list includes 16, 17 or 18 players.2. A player is outsid
3 Team
s, the match organiser decides how many replacements may be nominated, up to a maximum of eight. Replaced by: 3.5 Match organisers may vary the number of replacements a team may nominate and/or use. ... n of the referee. Replaced by: 3.6 A team may replace any number of players during a match at any time. Player
Clarification 1-2015
v Wales game regarding the decision by the referee to blow the whistle for the end of the match, w ... d of the match, when the clock shows 80 (i.e. 40 minutes)? There are a set of Law variations for Sevens whic ... k with time remaining, a restart will occur and the match will end at the next stoppage within Law. Tim ... o 1A team scoring a try near the end of the match may take the conversion kick or not. Providin
Clarification 1-2016
g controversy after the Wales v England match at the Paris Sevens Paddy O’Brien has requested clarificatio ... d in accordance with Law 20.4 (g) and therefore the match would continue and end at the next stoppage of play in accordance with Law 5.7(e).Situation 2The referee ends the match as there has been an offence that ensures that the ball is dead after the lineout has been completed and therefore the match end
3 Team
5 For other matches, the match organiser decides how many replacements may be nominated, up to a maximum of eight. Replaced by: 3.5 The match organiser decides how many replacements may be nominated, u
8 Scoring
k is disallowed. Replaced by: a. If stipulated by the match organiser, takes the kick in fron
9 Foul play
n if the tackle starts below the waist line. Waist can be replaced with “nipple line” so effectively matc
Clarification 8-2015
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification8-2015Union / HP Ref ManagerPaddy O'BrienLaw Reference3Date2015-12-08Request Paddy O’Brien has requested clarification on the minimum number of players needed to start a sevens match. Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby Committee The designated members have agreed that in exceptional circumstance
Clarification 2-2023
t then asking match officials to differentiate between a stabilising action and a propelling actio ... g a height advantage. Safety: Any attempt by the defender to match the ball carrier’s height will likel ... r, recognising that they are making these decisions in live match speed without the benefit of slow motio
Clarification 1-2009
m the touch or scrum as a means of restarting the match? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugb
Clarification 3-2012
3 players are nominated for a match. Law 3.14(d) states "A provision may be introduced that wher
Clarification 1-2017
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2017Union / HP Ref ManagerAlain RollandLaw Reference19Date2017-06-01Request Alain Rolland, World Rugby High Performance 15s Match Official Manager seeks clarification on the interpretation of Law 19 especially in relation to:Bringing the 22m line in line with the clarification (clarification 5 from 2016) for goa
Clarification 4-2018
n of this clarification will require Match Officials and medical teams to be in close communication. Usuall ... s of the Rugby CommitteeThe ruling of the designated members is that as soon as a Team or Match Day D
Clarification 1-2019
n injured as a result of foul play (as verified by the match officials). The nominated player describe ... y competitions. The match is using Recognise and Remove protocols; All replacements (8) have bee
Clarification 3-2006
y scenario. Does the referee have to start the match with uncontested scrums? Ruling of the designate ... y to locks in senior or U19 law.2. The referee does not have to start the match with uncontested scrums.
Clarification 1-2011
w replacements.”This request arises from the England v France match earlier this year. Hendre Fouri ... r in the game. The view of our Laws Sub-committee is that, even though the match was to continu
Clarification 4-2003
n that a replacement player must be able to play in the position in a manner that ensures that the match ca ... e to play in the position in a manner which ensures that the match can continue safely with full ... e to Law 3.5(d) as a serious matter, and will be empowered to cancel and/or vary the result of a matc
Clarification 1-2020
s, match officials and spectators.
Clarification 2-2007
r rejoin the match until the ball is dead. The ball is dead when the ball is out of play. This happens whe
Clarification 3-2015
e of the proposed match date to World Rugby for review. Unions are strictly liable and may be sanctione
Clarification 3-2022
d remain the priority deciding factor for match officials in these very rare situations. In such instances as this rare example, which involves great player skill and dexterity, match officials have to mak
Clarification 9-2004
f. After a caution a player is temporarily suspended from the match for a period of ten minute ... y suspension appear exceptionally severe. While it will not be a frequent occurrence, the effect on a matc
Clarification 3-2018
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification3-2018Union / HP Ref ManagerAlain RollandLaw Reference3Date2018-04-17RequestFollowing an incident in a Super Rugby match we would like clarity on the following situation: If a player is removed from play for an HIA and that team have exhausted all of its substitutions, is a temporary replacement allowed? If the HI
Clarification 2-2005
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2005Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference6Date2005-04-01Request The FFR has requested a ruling with regard Law 6-Match Officials Law 6 A.12 stipulates for “a ball in the in-goal touched by a non player”. In such situation, the referee considers what would have had occurred after this incident and will blow for a tr
Clarification 3-2005
e restart the match? Can the interpretation of Law 21.5(b) be that once the kicker has made hi
Clarification 6-2009
y in a match, must both teams play with seven players in the scrum, even though both teams still have eigh
Clarification 2-2010
y and the match continues until the ball next becomes dead.
Clarification 3-2010
n but the match officials cannot determine which player touched the ball down Law 22.15 applie