52 results returned for try line
Clarification 2-2009
l line or dead ball line. Scenario: A player carrying the ball attempts to score a try. In the proces ... e) touches the touch-in-goal line with an arm, leg or any part of his body. Questions from above: 1. Is a try scored? 2. Is the player in touch-in-goal? 3. Is an attacking scrum 5m from the goal lin ... d it on the basis that a player touching a touch line is out of play and it should be the same in in-goal.Law 2
Clarification 4-2024
p; Two nominated water carriers during a stoppage in play for an injury to a player or when a tr ... k at goal, or a try has been scored.c) The coaches attending to their teams at half-time. ... k at goal, or a try has been scored. This person must be one of the two nominated water carriers.
Clarification 3-2005
d across the goal line to score a try. 1. Law 21.5(b) states that ‘If the kicker indicates to the refere ... 1-Penalty & Free Kicks Black team are penalised for a tackle infringement 30 metres from their goal lin ... d situation is legal and the referee should award a try. Ruling of the designated members of the Rugb
Clarification 3-2010
m A and Team B dive for the ball. The referee refers to the TMO for decision of try or no try and als ... g the ball and the ball travels and lands on or over the dead ball line or touch-in-goal lin
Clarification 7-2015
w 22 (e) Tackled near the goal-line. If a player is tackled near to the opponents’ goal line so that this player may immediately reach out and ground the ball on or over the goal-line, a try is scored.(f) In this situation, defending players who are on their feet may legally prevent the tr
Clarification 1-2022
e For a try to be awarded, Law 8.2a says an attacking player has to ground the ball firs ... o so ‘first’, so a try cannot be awarded. Therefore the defender’s touch takes precedenc ... d into in-goal by an attacker = Goal line drop-out (Law 12.12b) Charged down from the field of pla ... 1) *See below Passed into in-goal by a defender and ball becomes loose = scrum on the 5m lin
Clarification 2-2016
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2016Union / HP Ref ManagerAlain RollandLaw Reference3Date2016-08-05RequestAlain Rolland, Fifteens High Performance Referee Manager has requested clarification on the following items within law 3.14. Does the injured player have to go off at the time of the foul play or can the player try to play on first? Ca
Clarification 2-2005
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2005Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference6Date2005-04-01Request The FFR has requested a ruling with regard Law 6-Match Officials Law 6 A.12 stipulates for “a ball in the in-goal touched by a non player”. In such situation, the referee considers what would have had occurred after this incident and will blow for a tr
Clarification 4-2014
g possession of it, and must try to make the ball available immediately so that play can continue.( ... e or dangerously. A player must not tackle an opponent above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders. A tackle around the neck or head is dangerous play. Sanctio
Clarification 7-2014
l players: Other restrictions on winning the ball. Players must not try to win the ball in the scru
Clarification 5-2016
s to the touch definitions (Law 19) in the Global Law trials will also apply to the dead ball lin ... o had a foot over a touch in goal line or whether the players foot was over the dead ball lin ... d on whether the ball was over the touch in-goal line or dead ball line. The different outcome could lead to a try being awarded in one case and not in the other.There is urgency to this reques
Clarification 2-2023
d of the “cannon arm” tactic usually adopted near the goal line in ‘pick and go’ scenarios. The tacti ... e that this specific tactic is outside of law, then we run the risk of players projecting towards the goal lin ... n in determining if a try can be awarded.As World Rugby outlined in the Law Application Guidelin