88 results returned for match officials
Clarification 3-2016
d by the match officials, or do they reduce to 14 (as per Law 3.6(d))? This scenario can relate to an
Clarification 1-2024
n in the Laws, during the “Crouch” and “Bind” phase of the engagement sequence, match officials must be abl
Clarification 2-2024
e, and then for match officials to determine the legality of any block attempt. We would encourage kickers to limi
Clarification 6-2004
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2004Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference3Date2004-06-04Request The FFR has requested a ruling with regard Law 3-Number of Players-The Team. The following situations occur in the below order in a match in which each Team had 22 players. Scenario 1 (1) The hooker #2 gets injured. The replacement #16 replaces the hooke
Clarification 5-2015
r to facilitate this process and apply Law 3.5(g) then teams should declare prior to the matc
Clarification 1-2022
e of a Television Match Official with slow motion replays. Either with, or without a TMO, wher
Clarification 8-2014
s state:"The kick-off occurs at the start of each half of the match and at the beginning of each perio
Clarification 1-2018
t this will be a rare occurrence it could effectively end the match as a contest; we would not like to see a Worl