130 results returned for players’ clothing
Clarification 6-2005
r of Players On August 15, 2005 the IRB sent out a Law Ruling in response to a request from the Australian Rugby Union in relation to two scenarios relating to Law 3 -Numbers of Players. The ARU see ... w a replacement front row player (No. 18) to take the field. When can players No. 3 and 6 retur ... s ended.The temporary suspensions of players 3 and 17 are not linked but are separate temporar
Clarification 1-2011
e that player then the front row player replacement must be used rather than players other than front ro ... t row players a further injury occurs to a front row player and there is a replacement front ro ... n if the referee has to order uncontested scrums.If after a succession of injuries to front row player ... r to the injury to the front row player and the team has used all its replacement players in which cas
Clarification 4-2004
t. The receiver is liable to penalty for offences in the line-out as would be other player ... y action available to other players independently of the throwing receiver entering the line-out? i. ... o. If this occurred the non-throwing team would have more players in the line-out, and would be subjec ... o. This would not apply if the non-throwing team had fewer players in the line-out, as there woul
Clarification 2-2008
e a specified number of suitably trained and experienced front row players depending on the number of player ... h. [Therefore, in effect limiting the team to a maximum of 15 players]?b) Can the opposing team be awarde ... t back row moves, [e.g. the No. 8 picking up the ball and linking with other players in a tactical mov ... d where one or both teams are unable to provide suitably trained or experienced players to pla
3 Team
Sevens 1 [Replacement] 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. Replaced by: 3.1 Each team has no more than seven players in the playing area during play. 2 deleted 4 [Replacement] 3.4 For international matches, a union may nominate up to eight replacements. Replaced by: 3.4 A team may nominate and use up to five replacements. 5 [Replacement] 3.
Clarification 5-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification5-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerARULaw Reference3Date2003-06-27This has been superseded by Law Amendment in 2004.Request Australian Rugby Union has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3.5 (d): This Law states: "When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be sufficient front row players to play at hooke
Clarification 13-2003
e be described as an 'Other Player' in Law 15.7 Other Players. Specifically Law 15.7(c) would appl ... y behind the tackled player or the tackler closest to those players' goal-line.
Clarification 3-2007
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification3-2007Union / HP Ref ManagerGRULaw Reference16Date2007-10-01Request 1. A ruck is formed and the ball is playable for Team A. All players in Team B now leave the ruck and step back. Is there still a ruck or has the ruck ended? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee A ruck ends successfully when the bal
8 Scoring
k is disallowed. 14 [Replacement] 8.14 All players retire to their goal line and d ... d by other players in these actions. Replaced by: 8.14 All opposing players immediately assemble clos
8 Scoring
k is disallowed. 14 [Replacement] 8.14 All players retire to their goal line and do not overste ... r players in these actions. Replaced by: 8.14 All opposing players immediately assemble clos
Clarification 1-2019
s of the Rugby CommitteeCurrently Law 3.33 is clear on when tactically replaced players can return to play: Tactically replaced players may return to play only when replacing: An injured front-row playe ... r of going down to 14 players.
Clarification 3-2021
e to the opposition 9 when he/ she is box kicking. This reduces space and the options available to player ... d above legal?Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby CommitteeAdding players to your ow ... d below: Ruck – players rotating around the side of rucks Black 6 has rotated around the sid
Clarification 6-2003
d if players from the ball carrier's team join on to the ball carrier before the opposition. It is noted under a previous Ruling that where three players move beyond the line of touch to receive the bal ... l, a maul is not formed if players from the ball carrier's team join on to the ball carrier befor
Clarification 1-2004
2. The WRU has requested a ruling with regard Law 3 -Number of Players-The Team. A front row playe ... g with regard Law 3 -Number of Players-The Team. A front row player has a blood injur ... y Committee 1. Law 14 states 'The game is to be played by players on their feet'. The action note
Clarification 4-2005
r of Players Scenario 1 A front row player (No. 3) is temporary suspended. At the next scrum playe ... e the field. When can players No.3 and 6 return to the field; at the end of the temporary suspensio ... m has only 14 players on the field. Ruling 2 Player No. 6 can return to the field of play at the en
Clarification 7-2009
y that players are required to join a ruck which appears to be covered by a number of section ... t one arm around the body of a team-mate using the whole arm.Law 10 4 (j)Players must not charg ... g on contact at rucks and mauls is designed to protect players on impact. Bearing this in min
Clarification 3-2010
d and that it is inconclusive as to who last plays the ball as the ball is in the air when both player ... l by a player from the attacking team and the ball is made dead by the players touching the ball dow ... l is kicked into in-goal by a player from the attacking team and the ball is made dead by the players touchin
Clarification 2-2015
r the ball has been won: "Players who support a jumping team-mate must lower that player to the groun ... s. It is very important that players play the Game in accordance with the Laws of the Gam ... h the Game to ensure that players are prepared in a manner which ensures compliance with the Law
Clarification 1-2018
d by two players – one for the suspension and one for the failure to contest the scrum. The effec ... d scrums, to have eight players in the scrum resulting in seven v five in the backs. Whils ... e on. Through one incident three players from the same team may have to leave the field. Is there a preceden ... t prop(s) are injured/ carded)) then the team will be reduced by two players – one for the suspensio
Clarification 6-2004
r of Players-The Team. The following situations occur in the below order in a match in which each Team had 22 players. Scenario 1 (1) The hooker #2 gets injured. The replacement #16 replaces the hooke ... n contestable. (2) The team must by Law have had five players who can play in the front row to ensur
1 The ground
h are adaptable and should meet the needs of the community and the number of players, for example: 1
Clarification 4-2006
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification4-2006Union / HP Ref ManagerSARULaw Reference4Date2006-06-14Request 1. Players are wearing elastic ‘long sleeves’ with the mark of the manufacturer. The mark is approximately 80 sq cms. Does this garment resort under Law 4.1(a) which stipulates that ‘A player may wear supports made of elasticated or compressible material
Clarification 4-2018
e Immediate Care teams have not been able to treat players as the Referees allow play to continu ... r the playing area to attend to injured players any time it is safe to do so. Law 6.8 The refere
Clarification 1-2023
n grounded and a try awarded. But, through no fault of the players, the ball hasn’t been grounde ... n-players.
Clarification 5-2009
l their nominated substitutes, continue to play with 14 players. When the first scrum after the injure ... e to replace that player then the front row player replacement must be used rather than players othe
Clarification 3-2016
w continue for the remainder of the game, however long it may be, with 15 players – due to the fac ... m can continue with 15 players. The new clause to 3.14 was added so as to not disadvantage a tea
Clarification 4-2002
p play immediately until the players in the collapsed scrum are no longer in danger, i.e. disengage ... e games by players and spectators but also to a perceived inconsistency by a referee at identica ... l the players in the collapsed scrum are no longer in danger i.e. disengaged from each othe
Clarification 8-2003
e. Otherwise the defence of certain situations would appear impossible e.g.: • Players of Team A joine ... t, that the ball and players had moved off the line of touch. In this scenario, if the player from Team ... g request from the SRU, and again in this part of the request, that the ball and players had moved of
Clarification 1-2021
s not in itself mean the ball is dead and players may tap and go. However, sometimes when an FK or PK occur
Clarification 3-2002
y, of course, take the option as mentioned in Exception 2 and in so doing he may be supported by other player
Clarification 2-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerSRULaw Reference3Date2003-06-07Request SRU has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3.5-Suitably Trained and Experienced Players in the Front Row: (1) Who is responsible prior to the commencement of the match for ensuring teams comply with Law 3.5? (2) What is the sanction if they do not compl
Clarification 10-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification10-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerNZRULaw Reference3Date2003-07-24Request NZRFU has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3 Number of Players-The Team, and Law 3.10 (a) Temporary Replacement: As the teams return to the field at the end of the 10 minute half time break, Team A advised their substitution/replacement controlle
Clarification 2-2024
d members of the Rugby Committee Relevant law wordings:Law 8.14: All players retire to their goal lin ... y supported by other players in these actions. Response Q - Once a kicker has completed their pre-kic
Clarification 4-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification4-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerNZRULaw Reference3Date2003-06-12Request NZRFU has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3.5 (d): This Law states: "When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be sufficient front row players to play at hooker, tight-head prop and loose-head prop who are suitably traine
Clarification 3-2011
y apply and offside players (potentially an entire team) must retire 10m from where the ball land ... s a kicker at close quarters and makes an attempt to block the kick. In such circumstances player
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
n players must be on or behind the 10-metre line. Sanction: The kick is retaken. Replaced by: a. Tea
Clarification 3-2024
n” for the referees call? Nothing will change in players movement during the process, but we believ
Clarification 2-2022
6: “Players must not: d) Fall over the ball as it is coming out of a ruck.” Law 15.18: “A ruck end
Clarification 5-2005
t players, and to prevent them landing on the ground, on their heads or upper body. It appears a seriou
Clarification 2-2009
e believe this will be incorrect as law 22.14 is only applicable when players from both teams are involve