18 results returned for blood injury
m hand to shoulder. Blood injury Uncontrolled active bleeding. 'Brake' FootWhere a hooker has on ... o replaces a team-mate because of injury or for tactical reasons. Restart kick The method of restartin
3 Team
m the playing area. This process is known as “Recognise and Remove”. Temporary replacement - blood injury 3.25 When a player has a blood injury, that player leaves the field of play and may be temporaril ... s, the match-day doctor decides whether an injury is a blood injury necessitating a temporary replacemen ... e cannot restart until the player with the blood injury has been temporarily replaced. Temporar
4 Permitted clothing
s. 4.4 A player may not wear: a. Any item contaminated by blood. b. Any sharp or abrasive item. c. An ... n, is liable to cause injury. h. Communication devices. 4.5 The referee has the power to decide at any tim
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020
s with 23 players Exceptions: Temporary replacement - blood injury: When the referee orders uncontested scrums after a front row player is temporary replaced for a blood injury the team responsibl ... s must form with eight players in the scrum. The above also applies in the case of a blood injur ... y suspension or injury must be played with eight players per side. 17. In a squad of 23 player
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017
h teams must form with eight players in the scrum. The above also applies in the case of a blood injur ... e with uncontested scrums. (c) When a front row player leaves the playing area, whether through injur ... T TRIAL (h) Uncontested scrums as a result of a sending off, temporary suspension or injury mus ... s through injury. The replacement TH gets injured. If the team cannot field a suitably trained front ro
Touch Rugby
r an injured player to leave the field in order to be medically examined. 3.5 Blood injury: A playe ... d items of clothing (a) A player must not wear any item that is contaminated by blood. (b) A player mus ... 4, but, in the referee’s opinion that is liable to cause injury to a player. 4.4 The referee has powe ... y because of player injury when an infringement has not occurred, play resumes with a ruck bal
Beach Touch Rugby
d. 3.6 Blood injury: A player who has an open or bleeding wound must leave the playing are ... s and/or the official time-keeper if appointed. 5.4 Time lost to injury: The referee may stop play for not mor ... r injury when an infringement has not occurred, play resumes with a free pass to the team in possessio
Beach Tag Rugby
y examined. 3.6 Blood injury: A player who has an open or bleeding wound must leave the playing are ... r if appointed. 5.4 Time lost to injury: The referee may stop play for not more than one minute s
Beach Fives Rugby
e the field in order to be medically examined. 3.6 Blood injury: A player who has an open or bleedin ... t referees and/or the official time-keeper if appointed. 5.4 Time lost to injury: The referee may sto
Tag Rugby
d in order to be medically examined. 3.6 Blood injury: A player who has an open or bleeding wound mus ... s of clothing (a) A player must not wear any item that is contaminated by blood. (b) A player mus ... 4, but, in the referee’s opinion that is liable to cause injury to a player. 4.3 The referee has powe
Clarification 10-2003
d for the blood injury will be deemed to have commenced at the end of the first half. The amount of tim ... r (No. 4), that Team A #3 (a prop) was a blood bin and was to be temporarily replaced by Team A #17. The Team A management had not advised anyone of the blood bin as they left the field of play at half time.It transpired that the 15 minute blood bin time was recorded as starting at 40.01 and the playe
Clarification 1-2004
g with regard Law 3 -Number of Players-The Team. A front row player has a blood injur ... y the original blood player return to cover the position? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugb
Clarification 6-2015
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2015Union / HP Ref ManagerWRULaw Reference3Date2015-09-01Request The WRU seeks further clarification regarding the below scenario: Scenario 1No. 3 is injured and replaced by No. 18 (the declared TH cover). If No. 18 gets then gets temporarily replaced for Blood (Law 3.10) or HIA (Law 3.11) the team can continu
Clarification 5-2015
h blood or a HIA), can that team bring on a replacement, even though when the next scrum is awarde ... H cover). If 18 gets then gets temporarily replaced for Blood (Law 3.10) or HIA (Law 3.11) the team ca
Clarification 3-2018
g blood injury laws in allowing the replacement to stay on the pitch if the injured player fail ... n exhausted a temporary replacement for head injury is allowed. If a player requires permanent remova
Clarification 1-2019
r. A player with a blood injury. A player undertaking an HIA. A player who has just bee ... y; Therefore, can a replacement be made? - Noted that a player that has come off for an injury cannot g ... c becomes: c. A player undertaking an HIA with a head injury. This subtle change will now mean that even in “Recognize & Remove” games player who sustains a head injury can now be replace
Clarification 4-2005
g the time of the temporary suspension, player No.7 leaves the field (blood, or injury). Can player No.
Clarification 1-2018
d scrums are caused by a team for any reason other than HIA, blood injury replacement and an injury afte