42 results returned for foul play
9 Foul play
Principle A player who commits foul play must either be cautioned or shown a yellow card or be sen ... t not intentionally obstruct an opponent or interfere with play. Sanction: Penalty. 9.3 A player mus ... y to play the ball, other than by competing for possession. Sanction: Penalty. 9.5 A ball-carrier mus ... d. Sanction: Penalty. Unfair play 9.7 A player must not: a. Intentionally infringe any law of the game.
Foul play
Law 9: Foul play
9 Foul play
9 Foul play
9 Foul play
High tackle (foul play)
Stamping (foul play)
Punching (foul play)
d Towards the opposition’s dead-ball line. Foul play Anything a player does within the playing enclosur ... n) if not for an act of foul play by an opponent. Phase of play Scrum, lineout, ruck or maul. Place-kic ... r an infringement by the opposition. Attacking team The opposition to the team in whose half play is takin ... r limbs. D Dead The ball is dead when the referee blows the whistle to stop play or followin
Enforcement of current Law - October 2018
At a meeting in September 2018, World Rugby’s Rugby Committee determined that certain aspects of foul play law needed to be reinforced by match officials: In both the tackle and cleanout as per current law: A player must not make contact with an opponent above the line of the shoulders. Every tim ... h officials should work together to ensure that foul play is strictly penalised and that player welfar
Head Contact Process - March 2021
n making for zero tolerance of foul play, especially where head contact occurs. The focus mus ... n that there has been illegal head contact. Not all head contacts are foul play Accidental contac ... d contact includes neck and throat area 2. Was there foul play? Considerations: Intentional Reckles ... c Mitigation will not apply for intentional or highly reckless acts of foul play Trigger word
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015
t be penalised Match officials should work together to ensure that foul play is strictly penalised and that player welfare is paramount High tackles Neck contact Play on – Fair challenge with both players in a realistic position to catch the ball. Even if the player(s) land(s) dangerously, pla ... d card – It’s not a fair challenge with no contest, whilst being a reckless or deliberate foul pla
6 Match officials
e as the referee directs, including the reporting of foul play. Appointment of the referee 6.1 The refere ... t referees about matters relating to their duties, the law relating to foul play and timekeepin ... h-in-goal or an assistant referee has signalled foul play. Television match official GLOBAL LAW TRIA ... e occurred in the playing area leading to a try or preventing a try. e. Foul play, including sanction
Dangerous tackles (high tackles) - February 2011
e, as with other types of illegal and/or foul play, depending on the circumstances of the high tackl ... s play. A stiff-arm tackle is dangerous play. A player makes a stiff-arm tackle when using a stiff-ar
7 Advantage
t infringement. If either or both infringements are for foul play, the referee applies the appropriat ... e may allow play to continue in an effort to keep the game flowing. 7.1 Advantage: a. May be tactical. The non-offending team is free to play the ball as they wish. b. May be territorial. Play ha ... e. The referee allows play to continue; or b. The referee deems that the non-offending team is unlikel
Beach Touch Rugby
r leaving the playing area may do so from any place. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injured player: If the referee decide ... g to foul play, or timekeeping. 6.4 If a player is injured and continuation of play would be dangerou ... 1 point 9.2 Penalty try. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponen
Beach Tag Rugby
e. A player leaving the playing area may do so from any place. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injured player: If the refere ... d to matters relating to their duties, the Law relating to foul play, or timekeeping. 6.4 If a playe ... y. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarde
Beach Fives Rugby
4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3. ... t with assistant referees in regard to matters relating to their duties, the Law relating to foul pla ... t 9.2 Penalty try. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded. Value: 1point Law 10: Foul Play 10.1 Foul play is anything a person doe
Side entry - July 2022
g on tacklerArriving play cannot dive upon the tackler. They also cannot tackle players who are not near the ball or take players too far beyond the breakdown. Foul play: A reminder that these can also take place within a tackle/ruck and should be refereed accordingly Arriving players must not commit any fou ... y play the ball from the direction of their own goal line provided they have complied with [their tackl
Touch Rugby
a in mixed gender matches. 3.3 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play mus ... y. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded. Value: 1 point. Match organisers may vary the points system. Law 10: Foul Play 10.1 Foul pla ... k at the place of infringement or where play would next restart 10.3 Sanctions for infringements of fou
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020
m must form a scrum with eight players. Player injured because of foul play: When the referee orders uncontested scrums after a front row player is injured following foul play the team responsibl ... s. Note: Numbers show how many players remain on the field of play for the team which cause ... e the field to allow the hooker to come on to the field to play. The team plays with 13 player
Tag Rugby
f for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injure ... e scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded. Value: 1 point. Match organisers may vary the points system. Law 10: Foul Play 10.1 Foul Play is anything a person does withi ... d. 10.8 Sanctions for infringements of foul play (a) Any player who infringes any part of the Foul Pla
16 Maul
l collapses (not as a result of foul play). Sanction: Scrum. c. The maul does not move towards a tr ... f the ground. Forming a maul 16.1 A maul can take place only in the field of play. 16.2 It consist ... l in a reasonable time. Sanction: Scrum. Ending a maul 16.16 A maul ends and play continues when: a. The bal ... y not play an opponent who is near it (within 1m), and who is attempting to play the ball awa
3 Team
n injured as a result of foul play (as verified by the match officials). e. The nominated playe ... Numbers 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. 3.2 A matc ... s and which position(s) in the front row they can play. Only these players may play in the front ro ... e is any other player permitted to play in the front row. 3.19 If a front-row player is shown a yello
8 Scoring
d between the goal posts if foul play by the opposing team prevents a probable try from being score ... s it back into the field of play, the score stands. Conversion 8.7 When a try is scored, it give ... r: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the try was awarded, paralle ... 8 A player scores a dropped goal by kicking a goal from a drop-kick in open play. 8.29 The team awarde
Clarification 2-2016
s the injured player have to go off at the time of the foul play or can the player try to play on first? Can a No. 22 who has tactically replaced No. 10, and then gets injured by foul play, be replaced by the No. 10 while other unused subs remain on the bench? What is the definition of foul play for the purpose of this Law? What happens if the referee plays advantage from the foul play; can the playe
Clarification 5-2005
t The IRFU has requested a ruling with regard Law 10-Foul Play Current Law prohibits the tackling of a player who is in the air, either in the line out or in open play. The Law is designed to protec ... y drop (or 'spear') the opponent so that he lands head down or on his upper body. 1. 10 4(e) Foul Pla ... e tackling 'dangerously' as defined in this Law.2. Law 10 -Foul Play. Does the action described in
Clarification 3-2016
d as a direct result of foul play. No.18 can be replaced but Red has no recognized TH on the benc ... t the replacement TH has been injured as a direct result of foul play – which has to be verifie ... m that had lost a player due to foul play. Law 3.14 should supersede Law 3.6(d) in the unusual situation where a front row player has been injured as a direct result of foul play.
Head Contact Process - High tackle
Video clips 1 No foul play - no contact with the head, neck or throat - play on 2 No sanction - no fault of the player - significant drop by the ball carrier and tackler had no time to readjust 3 Penalty - indirect head contact with no force and no speed 4 Yellow card - direct head contact but very low force 5 Red card - direct head contact with a high degree of dange
Clarification 4-2015
e If the assistant referee has flagged for foul play/deliberate infringement and it takes place before the en ... c. If the flag was raised after the final whistle or for non-foul play/deliberate infringement, then the gam ... t of foul play.Question:If the referee blows for the end of the match, is there any reason for which h ... m or lineout has not been completed, the referee allows play to continue until the next time that the bal
6 Match officials
h organiser may give authority for the in-goal judge to signal foul play in in-goal. Addition:
Clarification 3-2010
o if any foul play has occurred.On viewing the evidence the TMO advises no foul play has occurre ... m to conclusively play the ball?OrAre there any other options open to the referee? Ruling of the designated member
Clarification 9-2004
0-Foul Play and Law 22-In Goal.Rewrite and amendment of 10.2(a), and consequential addition to Law 2 ... g scored through foul play must either be cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off. The fina ... y Law of the Game, or play unfairly. The player who intentionally offends must be either admonishe ... g player is temporarily suspended, whether or not the foul is intentional? Is it the intentio
Clarification 1-2019
n injured as a result of foul play (as verified by the match officials). The nominated player describe ... n used; A player is then suspected of concussion by the Team Doctor and is removed from pla ... s of the Rugby CommitteeCurrently Law 3.33 is clear on when tactically replaced players can return to play: Tactically replaced players may return to play only when replacing: An injured front-row playe
Clarification 1-2004
y and is temporarily replaced by a player who is subsequently sent off for foul play. He is replaced by a suitabl ... r lying on the ground during general play and not after a tackle, attempt to tackle a ball carrier? ... r is sent from the field of play. At the next scrum a suitably trained front row replacement take ... s not return to the field of play with 15 minutes (actual time) of leaving the playing area, the replacemen
Clarification 1-2005
n, it basically states that rucking can occur as long as players are not in contravention of Law 10 Foul Pla ... k cannot be rucking for the ball and is therefore liable to penalty for Dangerous Play and Misconduc
Clarification 6-2009
n “…the team cannot field a complete team, or a player sent off for Foul Play, or a player leaves the fiel ... y in a match, must both teams play with seven players in the scrum, even though both teams still have eigh ... m is a reference to having eight players who can play in the scrum. If a forward leaves the field of pla
Clarification 2-2015
e throwing of a player forward towards the opposition is not covered in Law 10 (Foul Play).The onl ... s. It is very important that players play the Game in accordance with the Laws of the Gam ... d Members as to whether the actions in the attached clip constitutes Dangerous Play. Clarificatio ... f does constitute dangerous play.
Clarification 7-2015
n and consistency for the referee:If contact is made with the hands of the player it can be considered foul play - this is difficult to see and to decide.If the ball is dropped, referees are ruling a knoc ... m a player’s possession in the field of play who is reaching out to score, albeit a tackled player:La