
28 results returned for knock forward

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
11 Knock forward or throw forward

Knock Forward 11.1 A knock forward may occur anywhere in the playing area.Sanction: Scru ... 2 It is a knock forward when a player, in tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent, makes contac ... k the ball forward with hand or arm. Sanction: Penalty. 11.4 It is not an intentional knock forwar ... d or arm. knock forward Charge down Throw forward 11.6 A throw forward may occur anywher

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Knock forward


Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 11: Knock-on or throw forward


Laws of the Game

h and at the beginning of each period of extra-time with a drop-kick. Knock forward When a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or whe ... e foot positioned forward in the middle of the tunnel to help stability and to avoid axial loadin ... e engaging the opposition. Often one or more of these team-mates is in front of the ball-carrier. Forwar

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - June 2012

At a meeting in May 2012, the Laws Representation Group (LRG) considered the areas of the Game where, it had been agreed by the LRG/Rugby Committee/IRB Council, Law amendments were not required but that current Law was to be enforced by match officials including: 1. Ball ripped from a ball carry not to be considered a knock-on 2. Offside when the ball is kicked to touch thereby preventin

Laws of the Game > Laws news
2025 Law Book and Laws app launched

d Permanent exclusion Red carded Knock-on Knock forward Jackal/Jackler Steal/Stealer   Go

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

l forward with hand or arm. Sanction: Penalty. 11.4 It is not an intentional knock-on if, in the ac ... y tournament for 2023, the following law application guidelines have been brought forwar ... l law 16.9: All other players in a maul must endeavour to stay on their feet   Deliberate knock-ons The issue of what is and what isn’t a deliberate knock on continues to cause debate. Al

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Charging into the ruck - February 2010

s charging. A player must not charge or knock down an opponent carrying the ball without trying to gras

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
5 Time

5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. 5.2 Half-time consists of an interval not exceeding 15 minutes as decided by the match organiser. During this time, the teams and match officials may leav

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
21 In-goal

h down, defending players may knock the ball backwards, or pull the ball from the player’s possessio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

b. Intentionally knock, place, push or throw the ball with arm or hand from the playing area. Sanctio ... n: Penalty. 9.16 A player must not charge or knock down an opponent carrying the ball without attemptin

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

e to sanction if taking part in the game. Sanction: Free pass Law 12: Knock on and Throw Forwar ... n: Free pass to the non-offending team 12.3 Intentional knock or throw forward: A player must not intentionally knock the ball forward with hand or arm, nor throw forward. Sanction: Free pas ... s is awarded where the knock on or throw forward happened. 22.9 If a defending player threw or took the bal

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

g part in the game. Sanction: Free pass Law 12: Knock on and Throw Forward 12.1 A knock-on occurs when a player loses ball possession, or contacts the ball with hand or arm, and the ball goes forward to touch the ground or another player before this player gains, or regains, possession. Forward mean ... n-offending team 12.3 Intentional knock or throw forward: A player must not intentionally knoc

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

t in the game. Sanction: Free kick Law 12: Knock on and Throw Forward 12.1 A knock-on occurs when a player loses ball possession, or contacts the ball with hand or arm, and the ball goes forward to touc ... m 12.3 Intentional knock or throw forward: A player must not intentionally knock the ball forwar ... s’ in-goal and it is made dead there, a free kick is awarded where the knock on or throw forward happene

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

s been made), knock-on or throw forward has taken place, or the ball has been carried out of the fiel ... m gains possession of the ball. Law 12: Knock-on or Throw Forward 12.1 A knock-on occurs when a playe ... n: Penalty Kick awarded to the non-offending team 12.3 Intentional knock or throw forward: A player must not intentionally knock the ball forward with hand or arm, nor throw forward. Sanction: Penalty kic

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

n: Penalty Kick awarded to the non-offending team 12.3 Intentional knock or throw forward: A player must not intentionally knock the ball forward with hand or arm, nor throw forward. Sanction: Penalt ... s’ in-goal and it is made dead there, a ruck ball is awarded where the knock-on or throw forwar ... e for knock-out competitions. Match organisers may decide for knock-out rounds that should a match be draw

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

s in is determined as follows: Infringement / stoppage Location of scrum Who throws in A knock forward or throw forward, apart from at a lineout. In the scrum zone at the point closest to the place of infringement. The non-offending team. A knock forward or throw forward at a lineout; incorrect thro ... e at the point closest to where the tackle or ruck took place. The team last moving forward. If neither tea

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

w was taken. The opposition. Following the ball going into touch from a knock forward or throw forwar ... s been thrown in by a team-mate, players who are not participating in the lineout may move forward. If that occurs, then their opponents may also move forward. If the ball does not go beyond the 1

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2014

s, “a knock-on occurs when a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hit ... l was that of the defender before it went forward. Is this a knock on by player red or a pla ... m team Blue to loose possession of the ball and it travels forward. Please confirm that this is knoc ... l goes forward from the ball carrier's hands, that is not a knock on.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

Under-191 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 70 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 35 minutes) plus time lost. No extra-tim

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2011

U the correspondence is reproduced below.“Law 12, Definitions state: “A knock-on occurs when a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or anothe ... g scenarios, has a knock-on occurred? If so, who has knocked the ball on?1. Ball-carrier A from the re

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2003

r intentionally knocking or throwing the ball out of the playing area. The term 'knock' infer

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

10s1 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 20 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 10 minutes) plus time lost. Match organisers may var

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

Sevens1 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 14 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than seven minutes) plus time lost. When a drawn matc

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 10-2004

n kicked but has been dropped onto the thigh and this is ruled as a knock-on or throw forwar ... r in possession of the ball drops it onto his thigh and propels it forward. What is the correct decision? Rulin

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2009

g also had in mind Law 10 4 (g) Dangerous Charging. A player must not charge or knock down an opponen

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2015

l play - this is difficult to see and to decide.If the ball is dropped, referees are ruling a knoc

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2011

2. The definition of “Charge Down” in Law 12 clearly indicates that the ball does NOT have to travel forward from the player charging down to be considered a charge down (stating that charge down “is not a knock-on even though the ball may go forward”). We question how Law 11.4 (f) can distinguish betwee ... n if there is no such difference between the two.3. Even assuming it was argued that a charge down must travel forwar