
31 results returned for mark of touch

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
17 Mark

k. Claiming a mark 17.1 To claim a mark, a player must: a. Have at least one foot on or behin ... e it touches the ground or another player; and c. Simultaneously call “mark”. 17.2 A player may claim a mark even if the ball hits a goal post or crossbar before being caught. 17.3 When a mark is calle ... n. 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Restarting pla

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
17 Mark

GAME-ON4 [Replacement] 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Replaced by: 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off, a restart kick after a score or from an attacking kick from within the 22m

Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 17: Mark


Laws of the Game

r before the original player can catch it. [previously knock-on] L Line of touch See mark of touc ... 2 or in in-goal and shouting “mark”. Mark of touch An imaginary line in the field of play at right angles to the touchline through the place where the ball is thrown in. The mark of touch cannot be withi ... a between the try lines and the touch lines. Those lines are not part of the field of play. Flyin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
20 Penalty and free-kick

e. Any infringement in a lineout. 15 metres from the touchline on the mark of touch. Offsid ... d:   Into touch or touch-in-goal or over the dead-ball line from the playing area, the mar ... s from the try line.   Into touch or touch-in-goal from in in-goal, the mark is on the five-metr ... n of a penalty or free-kick 20.1 The mark for a penalty or free-kick must be in the field of pla

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

y. 18.4 At a quick throw, the ball is thrown in: a. Between the mark of touch and the thrower’s ow ... h from a kick-off or restart kick Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in The bal ... c. Ball is kicked from a penalty Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in A playe ... y into touch from within own 22 or in-goal Event Location of the mark of touch Who throw

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Touch and team to throw

Raises flag with one arm, moves to the mark of touch and stands there, pointing with the other arm towards the team entitled to throw.

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025

l must:  a. be thrown in straight along the mark of touch towards a lineout player;&nbs ... e not approved for progression One stop maul Mark from a kick off/restart 20 minute red card replacemen ... 1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... t within 30 seconds of a mark being made without delay Sanction: Free-kick.   Cleaner pla

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

e are made of tape, rope, string or inflatable surrounds and include: The dead ball lines and touch-in-goa ... n the in-goal areas but outside the field of play The touch lines which are outside the field of pla ... e the Match, 6.B Touch Judges and Assistant Referees & 6.C Additional Persons for all other dutie ... r loses ball possession, or contacts the ball with hand or arm, and the ball goes forward to touc

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

8: Mark The mark does not exist in Beach Tag Rugby. Law 19: Touch and Lineout There are no lineout ... g or inflatable surrounds and include: The dead ball lines and touch-in-goal lines which are outsid ... e the field of play The touch lines which are outside the field of play 1.4 Objections to the groun ... d to touch the ground or another player before this player gains, or regains, possession. Forward mean

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

7: Mauls Mauls do not exist in Beach Touch Rugby. Law 18: Mark The mark does not exist in Beach Touc ... o that there are some guidelines and principles in place for Beach Touch Rugby. Unions having jurisdictio ... g or inflatable surrounds and include: The dead ball lines and touch-in-goal lines which are outsid ... s but outside the field of play The touch lines which are outside the field of play 1.4 Objection

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offsid ... s to touch. Shape of Game recommendation was to remove the scrum from a FK option. It remains an optio ... t may instead choose a lineout at the same mark. Scrum options table in Law 19.1 (row 4) would als ... r is injured in the act of claiming a Mark, and is unable to take the free-kick within one minute, a scru

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

h with the goal line and half way lines acting as touch lines. This will normally be 70m long from goal line to goal line and 50m wide from touch line to touch line. 1.3 Lines on the playing enclosure An ... e will award a touch down. Law 7: Mode of Play 7.1 Mode of play (a) A game is started by a kick-off. ( ... r loses ball possession, or contacts the ball with a hand or arm, and the ball goes forward to touc

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

w at a lineout; incorrect quick throw. 15 metres in from the mark of touch. The non-offending tea ... m is formed in the scrum zone at a mark indicated by the referee. 19.3 The referee makes the mar ... y to form the scrum within 30 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. 19.5 When both team ... e line. 19.9 The two front rows stand not more than an arm’s length apart with the hookers at the mar

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

w 18: Mark The mark does not exist in World Rugby Leisure Rugby Laws - Touch Rugby, but may be use ... e guidelines and principles in place for Touch Rugby. Unions having jurisdiction over their developmenta ... h with the goal line and half way lines acting as touch lines. This will normally be 70m long from goal line to goal line and 50m wide from touch line to touch line. 1.3 Lines on the playing enclosure An

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020

y & Ross Tucker World Rugby staff: Mark Harrington & Rhys Jones This guideline contain

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

m. Neither team is allowed to push from the mark, but the scrum is contested in that both teams can hoo ... m. Two players take positions in the lineout, all behind a 5-metre mark indicated by the refere ... t. If, from a grubber kick, the ball goes into touch before touching the ground, a tap and play is awarde

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

o is in touch or touch-in-goal, grounds the ball in the opponents’ in-goal provided the playe ... y - a player in touch-in-goal who is not holding the ball Penalty try 8.3 A penalty try is awarde ... r the crossbar, the conversion is successful. 8.13 If the ball falls over and rolls into touch afte ... d to the referee or signalled by the arrival of the kicking tee or sand, or when the player makes a mar

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

0 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. For elite rugby, we encourage broadcaster

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2006

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2006Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference13,18Date2006-01-10Request In the definition of Law 18 Mark, it stipulates that a mark cannot be made from a kick off. This implies that it may be made from a restart. Howeve ... m a kick off after a score there can be no mark.From a 22 metre drop out a mark can be taken.

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2006

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification4-2006Union / HP Ref ManagerSARULaw Reference4Date2006-06-14Request 1. Players are wearing elastic ‘long sleeves’ with the mark of the manufacturer. The mark is approximately 80 sq cms. Does this garment resort under Law 4. ... t as described in Law 4.1(a)” 2. Regulation 11.5.3 does apply and that “no form of emblem, mark, name, or othe

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

d as follows: a. General Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in A player, in their own half, kicks the ball indirectly into touch in the opposition’s 22. Either the team did not tak ... e or touch judge indicating the mark of touch. Sanction: Free-kick. ... k. Where the ball reaches the touchline. The kicking team. The ball-carrier goes into touch or kick

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2017

2 Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby Committee The changes to the touch definition ... e. The alignment of the 22m line provisions with Law 19 does not affect the definition of Law 18 - Mark.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
19 Scrum

Sevens 4 [Replacement] 19.4 Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 30 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. Replaced by: 19.4 Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 15 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. 5 [Replacement] 19.5 When both teams have 15 players, eight players from each team bind together in formation as outlined in the diagram. Each tea

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2005

e; Blue team opt for a kick at goal, placing the ball on the mark and informing the refere ... w metres from the mark, allowing for an on-side team member to gather the ball and run unhindere ... s intention to kick at goal clear, he may not then change his intention by then kicking to touch, takin

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2015

6 The referee may alter a decision when an assistant referee has raised the flag to signal touch or an ac ... d of the match, then the referee may restart the match with a penalty kick, free kick or mark, et ... l. If a scrum has to be reset, the scrum has not been completed. If time expires and a mark, free kic

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2002

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification4-2002Union / HP Ref ManagerWRULaw Reference6,8,10Date2002-07-23Request The WRU has requested a ruling with regard to the following point of Law: 'These can be taken following a scrum collapse providing the kick is taken either through the mark or in a line through and directly behind the mark'. The implicatio

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2012

s to be reset, the scrum has not been completed. If time expires and a mark, free kick or penalt ... g to return from a temporary exclusion and the period of exclusion has expired. They kick the ball into touc

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 4-2016

m results in a scrum at the mark. The opposing team throw in the ball.To be applied from: January 1st, 2017

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2014

t, and a defending player has made the ball dead there or it has gone into touch-in­ goal or on or ove ... k is signaled by the arrival of the kicking tee or sand, or when the player makes a mark on the groun ... e of the mark and the opponents throw in the ball. For any other type of kick, the kick must be taken withou ... o to a scrum or lineout taken instead of a free kick."22.7 Restarting after a touch down:"a) Whe

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2015

n completed. If time expires and a mark, free kick or penalty kick is then awarded, the referee allows pla ... k to touch and take a lineout? Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby Committee Scenari