37 results returned for open play
Obstruction in open play
Arms crossed in front of chest at right angles to each other, like open scissors.
10 Offside and onside in open play
Principle The game is played only by players who are onside. Offside and onside in open play 10.1 A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball or who last played it. An offside player must not interfere with play. This includes: a. Playin ... y be penalised, if that player: a. Does not make an effort to retreat and interferes with play; or Sanctio
13 Players on the ground in open play
l; or Sanction: Penalty. b. Play (but not kick) the ball; or Sanction: Penalty. c. Release the bal ... d of play, without the ball is out of the game and must: a. Allow opponents who are not on the ground to play or gain possession of the ball. Sanction: Penalty. b. Not play the ball. Sanction: Penalt
Law 10: Offside and onside in open play
Law 13: Players on the ground in open play
Laws of the Game Exam
This self-check multiple-choice exam is a pre-requisite for many World Rugby and union-specific educational courses for referees, coaches, and match management staff. After completing the Laws exam, you can download your personalised certificate. Registration is free and takes only a few minutes. We suggest you use the Laws site to help you to complete the module, just open another window to hav
Playing Charter
e and in a number of different forms: in contact in open play when play is re-started at scrums, lineout ... y of possession. This balance of contestability and continuity applies to both set piece and open pla ... e and teamwork. What this charter does is to give the game a checklist against which the mode of pla ... y and fair play Conduct The legend of William Webb Ellis, who is credited with first picking u
e-kick or in open play. Team-mates pre-bind onto the ball-carrier in a wedge formation befor ... t if no other part of their body is supported by the ground or players on the ground. Open pla ... r an infringement by the opposition. Attacking team The opposition to the team in whose half play is takin ... r limbs. D Dead The ball is dead when the referee blows the whistle to stop play or followin
Punching (foul play)
Clenched fist punches open palm.
Offside under 10-metre law or not 10 metres at penalty and free-kicks
Both hands held open above head.
Law changes summary - July 2022
Following the World Rugby Council meeting in May 2022, a number of law changes have been approved. These all come into force for the whole game on 1 July 2022. The five current Global Law Trials – Goal Line Drop-out, 50:22, jackler protection, banning pre-bound pods in open play (flying wedg ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202
Law changes - 1 July 2024
g makes clear that any player who is offside in open play needs to take action to put themselves onsid ... l to put an opponent onside, will be removed. Law 10 - Offside and onside in open play 10.1: A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carryin ... y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content. Offsid
Five key areas of refereeing June 2012
h teams and applies both on the open side and short side of the breakdown. 3. Zero toleranc
5 Time
e expired, has not been completed and the ball has not returned to open play. This includes when the scru ... t others but only if the assistant referees cannot help. 5.5 The referee may stop play and allow tim
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009
d to all match elite match officials and Referee Managers.) Mauls from open play should be referee
Arm outstretched with open hand above head, and moves backwards and forwards.
16 Maul
t an opponent’s kick in open play, a scrum that is awarded for any of the above reasons will be to the tea ... f the ground. Forming a maul 16.1 A maul can take place only in the field of play. 16.2 It consist ... l in a reasonable time. Sanction: Scrum. Ending a maul 16.16 A maul ends and play continues when: a. The bal ... l collapses (not as a result of foul play). Sanction: Scrum. c. The maul does not move towards a tr
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019
r and BC are in open space and/or the tackler has clear line of sight and time before contac
19 Scrum
m. Offside in open play (scrum option). In the scrum zone at the point closest to where the offendin ... d. If neither team was moving forward, the attacking team. An unplayable maul after kick in open pla ... Principle The purpose of a scrum is to restart play with a contest for possession after a mino ... n it was thrown. Sanction: Free-kick. 19.24 Any player within the scrum may play the ball but onl
d in open play, from the hands and the ball must be kicked into the ground (in the style of a grubbe ... g the opportunities to play sevens, building on the increased popularity of the game throug ... s in the playing area during play. A team may nominate up to five replacements. A team may replace any number of players during a match at any time. Players entering the field of play must do so at the half-wa
8 Scoring
8 A player scores a dropped goal by kicking a goal from a drop-kick in open play. 8.29 The team awarde ... d between the goal posts if foul play by the opposing team prevents a probable try from being score ... s it back into the field of play, the score stands. Conversion 8.7 When a try is scored, it give ... r: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the try was awarded, paralle
9 Foul play
p; Late charging the kicker 9.26 In open play, any player may lift or support a team-mate. Players wh ... Principle A player who commits foul play must either be cautioned or shown a yellow card or be sen ... t not intentionally obstruct an opponent or interfere with play. Sanction: Penalty. 9.3 A player mus ... y to play the ball, other than by competing for possession. Sanction: Penalty. 9.5 A ball-carrier mus
Beach Touch Rugby
e with the laws of the game. The ball must not be kicked in open play. Sanction: Free pass 7.2 Shoul ... t be safe to play on at all times. (b) The surface must be sand. 1.2 Dimensions Match organiser ... e the field of play (where in-goal areas apply) The goal lines which are within the in-goal areas but outside the field of play The touch lines which are outside the field of play 1.4 Objection
Beach Tag Rugby
r may not kick the ball in open play. Sanction: Free pass 7.2 Should an event occur whic ... t be safe to play on at all times. (b) The surface must be sand. 1.2 Dimensions The field of play of play should be 31 metres in length and 25 metres in width. Each in-goal area should be 3 metre ... e the field of play (where in-goal areas apply) The goal lines which are within the in-goal areas but outsid
Beach Fives Rugby
2 The ball must not be kicked when in open play. Sanction: Free kick 7.3 Should an event occur whic ... g enclosure (a) The surface must be safe to play on at all times. (b) The surface must be sand. 1.2 Dimensions The field of play of play should be 31 metres in length and 25 metres in width. Eac ... l lines which are outside the field of play (where in-goal areas apply The goal lines which are withi
Touch Rugby
h is in the opposition half is awarded the ruck ball. 7.3 The ball must not be kicked in open play. Match organisers may permit kicking in open play, up to and including the fifth tackl ... e. Law 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface must be deemed safe to pla ... e to use other surfaces provided they are suitable for purpose. 1.2 Dimensions of the field of pla
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
y into touch from open play or from a free-kick. Where the ball reaches the touchline or on the touchlin ... Principle The field of play has side boundaries known as touchlines. When play reaches a touchlin ... r whose feet are both outside the field of play. Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. 18.5 A quic ... r kicks the ball into touch (either directly or first bouncing in the field of play or hittin
Tag Rugby
w 1: The Ground 1.1 Surface of the playing enclosure (a) The surface must be deemed safe to pla ... e to use other surfaces provided they are suitable for purpose. 1.2 Dimensions of the field of pla ... y only enter the field of play when the substituted player has left the field of play. 3.4 Sent off for foul play: A player sent off for foul play must not be replaced or substituted. 3.5 Injure
Clarification 4-2008
d to the maul and must be on their feet and moving towards a goal line. Open play has ended. Rulin ... l has ceased to exist and the ball is now in open play and the relevant Laws apply.
Clarification 1-2002
r leaves the field to have bleeding controlled and/or have an open wound covered, that player may be temporarily replaced. If the player who has been temporarily replaced does not return to the field-of-pla ... d player must not return to the field of play. Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committe
Clarification 1-2020
n the kicker first moves, and in what direction. It would also be open to misinterpretation by player
Clarification 8-2009
g to obstruction need to be applied consistently whether they be at a lineout or in any other open pla
Clarification 5-2005
t The IRFU has requested a ruling with regard Law 10-Foul Play Current Law prohibits the tackling of a player who is in the air, either in the line out or in open play. The Law is designed to protec ... y drop (or 'spear') the opponent so that he lands head down or on his upper body. 1. 10 4(e) Foul Pla ... e tackling 'dangerously' as defined in this Law.2. Law 10 -Foul Play. Does the action described in
Clarification 7-2009
t without trying to grasp that player.The grasping of a player on contact in open play and bindin
Clarification 3-2010
m to conclusively play the ball?OrAre there any other options open to the referee? Ruling of the designated member ... o if any foul play has occurred.On viewing the evidence the TMO advises no foul play has occurre
Clarification 4-2002
e when it would be dangerous to let play continue". This includes when a scrum collapses or when a fron ... s any part of the Foul Play Law (including Law 10. 4. (i) Dangerous Play in a Scrum, Ruck or Maul) mus ... m. The opportunity to play advantage by allowing the non-offending team to take a quick tap penalty/free kic ... g the scrum IS dangerous play and therefore under Law 10.5 Sanctions and Law 8. 3 (d) the referee MUST sto
Clarification 8-2003
g tackleable. • Player of Team A, in open play, running towards Team B's goal line is joined by a team mate( ... r to ground, then, under Law 7 mode of play, he is not liable to penalty, as this constitutes a tackl