
13 results returned for pass

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Throw forward or forward pass


Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

y is disallowed when scored by a team with more than the permitted number of players. Sanction: Free pas ... l next becomes dead. When a free pass is awarded and then time expires, play continues until the ball next becomes dead unless a further free pass has been awarded. Law 6: Match Officials 6.1 Every matc ... r injury when an infringement has not occurred, play resumes with a free pass to the team in possessio

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

n: Free pass at the place where the game would restart 3.3 Players nominated as substitutes: A tea ... e expires and free pass is then awarded, the referee allows play to continue until the next time the bal ... t and the ball has not been made dead play restarts with a free pass to the team last in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the free pass. Law 7: Mod

Laws of the Game
Playing Charter

o the key features relating to contest and continuity - the backward pass, the offensive tackle. Enjoymen

Laws of the Game

o throws in and an immediate opponent. Pass A player throws or hands the ball to another playe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
11 Knock forward or throw forward

e in the playing area. Sanction: Scrum. 11.7 A player must not intentionally throw or pass the ball forwar

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Five key areas of refereeing June 2012

e tackled player immediately Tackled player to release or pass ball immediately Assist tackler

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

e in the field of play, the referee awards a ruck ball, ground touch or free pass to the team that las ... s are: Tap kick Ground touch Free pass 13.2 Kick-offs at the start of each half and at restarts mus ... m a pass but does not gain possession, the attacking side retains the ball and the tackle count restart ... e Rugby Laws following a tackle: Ruck ball Ground touch Pass from the tackle 15.5 A – Ruck bal

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

h organisers may decide to alternate methods of restarting the game to include tap kick , free pass, groun ... k Punt kick Tap kick Ground touch Free pass Match organisers may decide upon the appropriate kic ... y actions taken by the tackled player for developmental purposes, e.g., pass after a tackle. 15.3 Afte ... n of the ball, the referee has the following options: (a) If it is a simultaneous tackle and pass, no actio

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

l. 14.2 The player must immediately do one of three things: get up with the ball pass it releas ... t up before playing the ball. (b) The tackled player: must immediately pass the ball must immediatel ... 4 The tackled player must pass, including handing off, the ball within two seconds. The referee may indicat

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

d and they have made a move to step, run, pass or kick the ball. The offside line remains until the bal

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2009

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2009Union / HP Ref ManagerRFULaw Reference12Date2009-03-19 This clarification was incorporated into law in 2010 Request SenarioTeam A moves the ball from right to left when the final pass to a colleague close to the touchline is knocked on with the ball crossing the touchline. The non offending side immediately tak

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2010

4 (a)). The tackled player must pass or release the ball (Law 15.5(b)).The tackled player may releas