
130 results returned for players’ clothing

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
13 Players on the ground in open play

Principle The game is played only by players who are on their feet. 13.1 Players, who go to groun ... l. Sanction: Penalty. 13.2 Once the ball is played or released, players on the ground must immediatel ... y. c. Not tackle or attempt to tackle an opponent. Sanction: Penalty. 13.4 Players on their feet and without the ball must not fall on or over players on the ground who have the ball or who are nea

Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 4: Players' clothing


Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 13: Players on the ground in open play


Laws of the Game

The object of the game is that two teams of 15, 10 or seven players each, observing fair pla ... r welfare at all times. It is the responsibility of players to ensure that they are physicall ... e that players are prepared to comply with the laws, to play fairly and practice safe conduc ... r affiliated bodies, coaches and players. Each union should create a pathway programme for yout

Laws of the Game

n it is intentionally touched by a player. Player grounded See “off feet”. Players’ clothing Anythin ... t A lineout is a set piece consisting of a line of at least two players from each team waiting to receive a throw from touch. Lineout players The players in either line of a lineout. Loiter/Loiterin ... y impeded and prevented from doing so. Off feet Players are off their feet when any other par

Laws of the Game
Playing Charter

n which players and referees must operate and it is the capacity to make this fine distinction, combine ... e individual - it involves coaches, captains, players and referees. It is through discipline, contro ... e are based are: A Sport For All The laws provide players of different physiques, skills, gender ... t and entertainment are enhanced by enabling the players to give full rein to their skills. To achiev

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Side entry - July 2022

h but outlawing the flying wedge of 2+ players pre-latched which have now been moved into full law. However, feedback from players and coaches suggests one element needs renewed focus - side entry by both attacking and defending players. There still remains injuries to the lower limbs due to the angles and speed of arriving players and there has also been a range of subtle, yet potentially dangerou

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

e was created for players, match officials and spectators alike. As we near the showcase men’s rugb ... p the game Players and match officials are reminded of the following existing laws which need to be strictl ... r, for penalties and conversion to ensure referees, players and spectators can monitor the adherenc ... r carriers on players and match officials. However, creating set windows for water has create

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
15 Ruck

Principle The purpose of a ruck is to allow players to compete for the ball which is on the groun ... h is on the ground. 15.3 Players involved in all stages of the ruck must have their heads and shoulders no lowe ... t of the body. Sanction: Penalty. 15.8 Players must join the ruck or retire behind their offside line immediately. Sanction: Penalty. 15.9 Players who have previously been part of the ruck may rejoin the ruc

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020

y suspension or injury must be played with eight players per side. 17. In a squad of 23 player ... s with 23 players Exceptions: Temporary replacement - blood injury: When the referee orders unconteste ... 5 minutes then the team continues with 15 players. The team must form a scrum with eight player ... r. If the temporary replacement becomes permanent after 12 minutes then the team continues with 15 players. The tea

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
14 Tackle

Principle A tackle can take place anywhere in the field of play. The actions of players involve ... d. Players in a tackle 14.4 Players in a tackle are: a. Tackled player. b. Tackler(s). c. Others: ... r responsibilities 14.5 Tacklers must: a. Immediately release the ball and the ball-carrier after both players g ... s and a ruck has not formed. 14.7 Tackled players must immediately: a. Make the ball available so that play ca

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

Principle The purpose of a maul is to allow players to compete for the ball, which is held of ... y. 16.6 Players who leave a maul must immediately retire behind the offside line. These players may re-join the maul. Sanction: Penalty. Joining a maul 16.7 Players joining a maul must: a. Do so fro ... e immediately. Sanction: Scrum. 16.9 All other players in a maul must endeavour to stay on their fee

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
3 Team

Numbers 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be played with fewer than 15 players in each team. 3.3 A team may make an objection to the referee about the number of players in their opponents’ team. If a team has too many players, the referee orders the captain of that team to reduce the number appropriatel

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Five key areas of refereeing June 2012

s to release tackled player immediately Arriving players from both sides to enter through the gate Ball winning team should not prevent a contest by “sealing off” Arriving players should not be obstructe ... e to offsides from kicks to be strictly policed Players in front of the kicker of their side must not advance until onside and offside players within 10metres of the ball alighting must retire and continu

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009

d to be, and actually can be, a form of ‘legalised obstruction’. This is evidenced by players at the bac ... y have both hands on the ball and be bound into the maul by other players involved in the maul. Cli ... s whilst the players in the maul continue going forward, they are obstructing the opposition if that player continues moving forward using the players in front as a shield. Clip 3 - Obstruction

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017

Uncontested scrums for matches that involve 23 players in a squad Some issues regardin ... w player comes on then contested scrums may resume. (d) In a squad of 23 players, or at the discretio ... d scrums cannot be replaced. (e) If they are available, a team must have three front row player ... t be played with eight players per side. Scenario 1. During the match a team replaced both their prop

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

y contactDesigned to introduce new players to the game and retain those at risk of dropping outSeven-a-sid ... d to expand ways to grow the gameNew rugby players from tier one unions showed strong interest in contac ... 7-point score. There are no conversions in XRugby.TeamEach team has no more than seven player ... r of players during a match at any time. Players entering the field of play must do so at the half-wa

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020

e Barnes & Jaco Peyper Players: Victor Vito & Josh Beaumont Medical & Research: Eanna Falve ... t: Immediately release the ball and the ball-carrier after both players go to ground. Immediately move awa ... t their hands on the ball before the ruck formed and stay on their feet. Players must endeavour to remai ... r “surviving the clear out” by opposition players The jackler must be in a strong position to tr

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
2 Ball

2.1 The ball is oval and made of four panels. 2.2 It has dimensions as shown here: 2.3 It weighs 410-460 grams. 2.4 Smaller balls may be used for matches between young players. 2.5 The ball is made of leather or a suitable synthetic material. It may be treated to make it water resistant and easier to grip. 2.6 Its air pressure at the start of play is 65.71-68.75 kilopascals, 0.67-0.7

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

l is thrown in. Sanction: Free-kick. 18.11 A minimum of two players from each team are required to for ... k being made. Sanction: Free-kick. 18.13 The team throwing in determines the maximum number of player ... t is formed, the non-throwing team may not have more players (but may have fewer players) in the lineou ... n: Free-kick. 18.17 Once the lineout is formed, players: a. From the team throwing in may not leav

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

s have 15 players, eight players from each team bind together in formation as outlined in the diagra ... e back-row players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. 19.6 When a team is reduced to fewer than 15 for any reason, then the number of players in each team in the scrum ma ... r team to make a similar reduction. However, a team must not have fewer than five players in the scru

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Shape of the Game: Reinforcement of current law - March 2024

e outlines the areas of current law which all stakeholders agreed needed to be reinforced to player ... e will be undertaken. We urge players and coaches to adapt quickly, so we will see more ball in flo ... e that as coaches and players re-adjust in these areas, this may lead to more penalties and therefore more stoppage ... l is played when it is intentionally touched by a player.   Fans, spectators, player

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015

h players in a realistic position to catch the ball. Even if the player(s) land(s) dangerously, pla ... l players who join in front of the ball carrier – Law 17.4(c) The ripper must be boun

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offside in front of a kicker Rationale: Teams and players have recognised that in a kick battle with opponent ... m for players to loiter in the middle and wait for a kick tennis battle to conclude.  The new wordin ... r, these actions continue to cause long-term injuries in many players. The Shape of Game meeting showed clea

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

a. The player may return only when the bleeding has stopped or controlled and covered. Law 4: Players’ Clothin ... d Rugby Laws of the Game Law 2. 2.2 The ball must be size 4. Law 3: Number of Players: The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than six players on the playing area. Match organisers may var ... t the number of players in the opponent’s team. As soon as the referee knows that a team has too man

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
T1 Rugby

t is the first non-contact form of the game that reflects the characteristics of rugby, inclu

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law changes summary - July 2022

n-players, new restrictions on medics and water carriers have been introduced. These will become Globa ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Dangerous tackles (high tackles) - February 2011

d had emerged whereby players responsible for such tackles were not being suitably sanctione

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Charging into the ruck - February 2010

Players entering a ruck must do so in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Referees are reminded that appropriate binding is a requirement, and charging into a ruck is dangerous play and must be penalised as such. The video clips below all show examples of illegal charges into the ruck. Law text JOINING A RUCK A player joining a ruck must bind on a team-mate or an opponent, using the whol

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
5 Time

e for: a. Replacement of players. b. Replacing or repairing players’ clothing. c. Re-tying a boo

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

d and covered. Law 4: Players’ Clothing Shirts should be tucked in at all times. The tags must be properl ... e and developmental purposes. Law 3: Number of Players - The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than seven players on the playing area. 3.2 More than the permitted numbers (a) At any tim ... r of players in the opponent’s team. As soon as the referee knows that a team has too many player

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

d or controlled and covered. Law 4: Players’ Clothing 4.1 A player wears a jersey which must be tear resistan ... 3: Number of Players: The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than five players on the playin ... y make an objection to the referee about the number of players in the opponent’s team. As soon as the referee knows that a team has too many players, the referee must order the captain of that tea

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

d Rugby Laws of the Game Law 2. 2.2 The ball must be size 4. Law 3: Number of Players: The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than five players on the playing area. 3.2 More than the permitte ... e about the number of players in the opponent’s team. As soon as the referee knows that a team has too many players, the referee must order the captain of that team to reduce the number appropriatel

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
6 Match officials

t the players’ clothing and studs for conformity to Law 4. Duties of the referee during a match 6.5 Withi ... e keeps the score. 6.6 The referee permits access to the playing area for players and replacements, when it is safe to do so. GLOBAL LAW TRIAL 6.7 The referee gives permission for players to leav ... e persons may enter the playing area to attend to injured players at any time it is safe to do s

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

n the bleeding has stopped or controlled and covered. Law 4: Players’ Clothing 4.1 A player wears a jerse ... e grade and developmental purposes. Law 3: Number of Players - The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than six players on the playing area. Match organisers may vary the maximum number ... t the number of players in the opponent’s team. As soon as the referee knows that a team has too man

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - March 2021

n - using their ‘eyes and feet’ to get their timing right. It is important that coaches and player ... s is designed to protect the head, neck and throat area of players. The process can be applie

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

t not repeatedly infringe the laws. Sanction: Penalty. 9.10 When different players of the same team repeatedl ... t the offence, the referee shows a yellow card to the guilty player(s). Dangerous play 9.11 Players mus ... p; Late charging the kicker 9.26 In open play, any player may lift or support a team-mate. Players wh ... d sportsmanship. Sanction: Penalty. 9.28 Players must respect the authority of the referee. They mus

Laws of the Game > Laws news
2025 Law Book and Laws app launched

e the game easier to understand for fans, players and match officials alike. For example, reference

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
4 Permitted clothing

4.1 All items of clothing must comply with World Rugby Regulation 12. 4.2 A player wears a jerse ... s, providing they do not cause a danger to the wearer or other players. m. Player monitoring device ... e that part of a player’s clothing is dangerous or illegal. In this case, the referee must orde ... e must not allow any player to leave the playing area to change items of clothing, unles

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
10 Offside and onside in open play

Principle The game is played only by players who are onside. Offside and onside in open play 10.1 A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball or who last played it. An offside player must not interfere with play. This includes: a. Playing the ball. b. Tackling the ball-carrier. c. Preventing the opposition from playing as they wish.