Everybody involved in organising and playing Rugby has a duty of care in relation to the players. The Rugby Ready programme is intended to raise awareness of good practice and help stakeholders manage the inherent risks of a contact sport by putting appropriate safeguards in place.
WHY is Rugby Ready necessary?
Rugby Union is a game played by two teams of 7, 10 or 15 players that physically contest for the ball and, as such, the game carries a risk of injury. Research has identified the magnitude, nature and sources of these risks. It is the responsibility of all people involved in the game of Rugby to understand and manage these risks within acceptable levels.
WHAT is its purpose?
Rugby Ready aims to assist in the communication and understanding of the risks associated with Rugby and to raise awareness of good practice.
WHO is it aimed at?
Rugby Ready is designed as a resource for all potential participants in the Game of Rugby, including players, coaches, match officials, parents, teachers, first-aiders and volunteers supporting players and coaches on match day and during training.
HOW to use Rugby Ready
Rugby Ready is available via three platforms:
- Handbook
- Online learning programme
- Face-to-face course
While any one of the handbook, face-to-face course or website are effective in isolation it is more effective to use a combination of the three platforms.
It is recommended that ALL participants involved in the game undertake the online learning programme RugbyReady
The website allows you to read material, watch video content and complete an on-line self check test which, when completed successfully, generates an awareness certificate.
Attendance at a face-to-face course is strongly advised for those people involved in an on-field capacity in the Game – players, coaches, match officials, first-aiders, etc. The face-to-face programme will often build on the understanding you have previously gained from the online course by giving you practical, hands-on experience of the elements of the Game covered in Rugby Ready. The face-to-face course can be delivered in many formats and contexts.
Your national Union will have its own policies and procedures in place. To contact your own Union, you can find their details at:
Rugby Ready is applicable for all forms of Rugby.