Clarification 5-2002

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby Committee

Union / HP Ref ManagerIRFU
Law Reference19


Exception 2 -Receiver runs into gap. A receiver may run into a gap in the lineout and take the ball. The receiver must not charge or obstruct an opponent in the lineout during such action.

The recent ruling by the Designated members under this exception allows the receiver, of either the throwing-in team or of the non-throwing-in team to run into a gap and take the ball. The receiver may not support a team-mate but he may be supported by a team-mate. In practice, this player moves into the lineout, and becomes an active lineout player, often being supported both in front and behind by players who were in the lineout at formation.

However, Law 19.7(b) states that the team throwing-in the ball determines the maximum number of players in the lineout. [i.e. lineout players, under 'definitions'] And, Law 19.7(c) states that the opposing team may have fewer lineout players but they must not have more.

The query is as follows:
(1) Is the non-throwing-in receiver subject to the overriding constraints of 19.7(b) and 19.7(c), when the lineout is formed with an equal number of players from each team?

(2) If he is not, then how is 19.7(b) fulfilled by the throwing-in team as this would allow the non-throwing-in team to have more players in the lineout, also contrary to Law 19.7(c)?

The IRFU would submit that the receiver of the non-throwing-in team should be under the constraint of 19.7(b) and 19.7(c), and that the Exception remains governed by Law. This still leaves the following available options in accordance with Law:

(i) If the non-throwing-in team has one or more players fewer in the lineout [conforming with 19.7(c)], their receiver may then move into the lineout without constraints.

(ii) If both teams have an equal number of players in the lineout and the receiver of the throwing-in team moves into the lineout, then the non-throwing-in team receiver may also so move.

This conforms with 19.7(b) [This is also consistent with Exception 1 which states that "… a player of the same team may run forward to take the ball.If so, an opponent may also run forward.]

In brief, the IRFU believe that the Exception is a "positional" exception allowing either receiver to move into the lineout, provided there is compliance with Law. Otherwise, given that the immediate opponent of the player throwing-in the ball is allowed to support the non-throwing-in team can have, for example, 9 players competing against 7, (or 6 against 4; or 4 against 2). This clearly is an unfair contest, weighed in favour of the non-throwing-in team.

Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee

A player (receiver) of the team throwing in the ball to the lineout may run into a gap to take the ball. This ensures compliance with Law 19 7 (b) as the team throwing in determines the maximum numbers in the lineout. If a player (receiver) of the team throwing in the ball exercises the right to run into a gap in the lineout an opposition player may also run into the gap to take the ball.

A player (receiver) of the team not throwing in the ball to the lineout may only run into a gap to take the ball if an opposition player (receiver) has first moved in a gap to take the ball. If a player of the team not throwing in moves into a gap without the opposition player having done so first, that player contravenes Law 19 -7 (b) for which the penalty provision is a free kick (save for the situation where the team not throwing in the ball have less players in the lineout than the team throwing in).

The Exception in Law 19-10 requires the player entering the gap to do so to "take the ball" and not for any other reason. If a player enters the gap and thus the lineout for any other reason that player contravenes Law 19 -10 for which the penalty provision is a penalty kick.