Clarification 7-2005

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby Committee

Union / HP Ref ManagerARU
Law Reference20

This clarification was incorporated into law in 2009


The ARU has requested a ruling with regard Law 20.12-Off side at the scrum

One of the changes that were made to the 2005 Laws of the Game was the deletion of the definition (in the box) under Law 20.12. The reason provided for this was that the provisions of the definition were covered elsewhere in the Laws. This now appears to be the case, with one exception. The definition in part provided that: "If the hindmost foot of a team is on or behind that team's goal-line, the off-side line is the goal-line."

Can you please clarify that it was the intention to remove this provision from the Law (thus changing the off-side line in this situation) or was this an oversight?

Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee

Law 22.6 indicates that a scrum can only take place in the field of play, and also covers the scrum moving across the goal-line and, that a defending player may legally ground the ball as soon as the ball reaches the goal-line.

In conjunction with the above statement, the scrum half is also a defending player and therefore can legally ground the ball. The off-side line must be the goal-line in the above situation otherwise the scrum half would not be able to physically get to the ball to ground it.