If attending the match in person


  • Starts from notification of appointment
  • Confirm travel arrangements
  • Initial communication through your Union or Tournament Organiser
  • Direct follow up with contact(s) in host union
  • Host union provide pick-up and hotel accommodation (where necessary)
  • Host union provide detail of pre-and post-match arrangements + dress formalities.


  • Early assessment of your requirements
  • Laptop or similar
  • Mobile phone with voice recording and photo capability
  • Watch with 24-hour display
  • Notation sheets
  • Copy of Law 9 and section of tournament manual or relevant documentation covering disciplinary matters
  • Citing and Citing Commissioner Warning forms
  • Tournament Organiser/ Designated Disciplinary Officer contact details.


  • If travelling overseas, confirm visa requirements for destination country
  • Confirm what organizers are providing (accommodation, meals, per diem, etc.)
  • Establish connections available to allow you to arrive ordinarily one day before start of the event/match
  • Luggage issues
  • Check weather forecasts
  • Liaison contact details.

Facilities at venue:

  • Arrive at ground in good time - at least 1.5 hours before kick off
  • Confirm the quality of broadcast facilities available (number of cameras/angles, length of time required to cut clips, when they go off-air etc.)
  • Check location box or seat, viewing screen and headset (be ready to change if not satisfactory)
  • Confirm that accreditation allows you access to all required areas
  • Confirm availability of any support personnel (runners, liaisons, etc.)
  • Check location of Television van/camera(s) and introduce yourself to production director/camera operator (if one camera only at regional events)
  • Synchronise watch with time of day at van
  • Check best time to return after match/during Sevens tournament for review of incidents
  • Advise on number of copies of the DVD/USB required in the event of incident.

Note: With introduction of Hawkeye and similar video-relay specialists, there may be different methods of getting clips, sometimes from TV van, sometimes from video-replay providers.

At the match:

  • Pre-match introduction to team managers (15s)/Tournament Director or DDO (7s)
  • Arrange to meet them post-match
  • Advise team managers of your contact details and request their own
  • Meet match officials at best time and advise you may have questions to ask post-match
  • Obtain access to Match Officials comms if available
  • Collect official team sheets
  • Check the ground for anything unusual
  • Take your seat in plenty of time and ensure all equipment is working
  • Be aware of any distractions
  • Ensure you have sufficient drinking water/non-alcoholic refreshment for duration of half.


  • Use half-time to reflect on incidents and temper of the game
  • Highlight any incidents for review at Television van
  • Repeat the process at full-time.


  • Check with both team managers to see if they have any immediate matters to bring to your attention
  • Proceed to Television van for review of incidents (or obtain from replay providers)
  • Check any urgent matters with match officials
  • Obtain statements/evidence of incidents from players, team officials and medical personnel


  • Do not make comment on incidents which you may be considering
  • Listen to match officials’ comment/queries on incidents as these may give insight on issues being considered
  • Give early indication to Tournament Organiser / DDO (and perhaps Match Officials Manager) if you are seriously considering taking action
  • Proceed with your work in private as early as possible.

Citing process:

  • Review DVD/USB and Law 9 to confirm the detail of the offence
  • Ensure that the Law 9 offence includes the description of the specific action (e.g. biting) as sanctions differ
  • Advise Tournament Organiser/DDO you are proceeding with a citing/CCW
  • Complete the citing/CCW form
  • Indicate any other relevant information being supplied (citing only)
  • Forward the form and relevant materials to Tournament Organiser/DDO.

(Citing process will be covered in more detail later in the Module)