Travelling to Competitive Games
Travelling to play opposition will expose the playing squad to risks associated with travel and possibly hotel stays. These present a higher risk than exposure to other players, who will be well screened and aware of hygiene concerns. The mode of transport is important, where practical players should travel individually by car.
All players and staff should ensure prior to leaving home that they are symptom and temperature free. If you have concerns, you should contact your team doctor or COVID-19 manager.
When travelling ensure:
- To observe all government guidelines with regards to travel and possible quarantine following travel;
- To continue to observe hygiene and hand sanitisation methods in use at home and in Club facilities;
- Use individual hand sanitisers and single-use disposable wipes when required;
- Be aware of any change in your symptoms and report any possible signs of COVID-19 immediately;
- If a player or staff member becomes symptomatic while away, they should contact their team doctor or COVID-19 manager. Because different countries have different PST and quarantine measures management may differ, team management will listen to relevant guidance, advice and instruction from public health and/or government authorities in that territory including as to how to travel back to the Club’s home.