39 results returned for 22
Arm points to centre of 22-metre line or goal line.
17 Mark
Principle A means of stopping play within a player’s own 22 by directly catching an opponent’s kic ... d their own 22-metre line when catching the ball or when landing having caught it in the air; and b. Catch a ball that has reached the plane of the 22-metre line directly from an opponent’s kick befor ... g locations: Place of the mark Location of free-kick Within the 22 At the place of the mar
0-9 22 The area between the try line and the 22-metre line, and between the touchlines. It includes the 22-metre line but not the try line or the touchlines. A Actual time Continuous elapsed time (see playing time). Advantage A clear and real tactical or territorial benefit arising afte ... g play and winning a free-kick by directly catching an opponent’s kick in the catcher’s own 2
Clarification 14-2003
t inside the 22 metre line, picks up the ball, which was lying on the field of play outside the 2 ... e If a player with one or both feet inside the 22 metre line, picks up the ball which was stationary outside the 22 metre line, and kicks it directly into touch, then the player has taken the ball back inside the 22-metre line, and therefore the line-out is formed in line with where the ball was kicke
1 The ground
w or artificial turf (conforming to World Rugby Regulation 22). 1.3 The dimensions of the playing are ... h Width Maximum (metres) 100 22 70 Minimum (metres) 94 6 68 a. The playing area is rectangula ... y is less than 100 metres, the distance between the 10-metre lines and 22-metre lines is reduce ... d lines are on: a. The dead-ball lines and touch-in-goal lines. b. The try lines. c. The 22-metre line
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
k of touch is outside the 22, the defending team may take the quick throw inside the 22 but is deemed to have taken the ball into the 22. Quick throw-in Lineout 18.8 Where the game is restarte ... h in the opposition’s 22. Either the team did not take the ball into their half, or a tackle, ruck or maul too ... g from inside their own half into touch in the opposition’s 22). Where the player or ball touche
21 In-goal
e beyond either), a 22-metre drop-out is awarded to the defending team. 21.5 When the ball-carrier ground ... e on or behind the 22-metre line; or b. To have a scrum at the place where the ball was kicke ... m restarts with a 22-metre drop-out. Defending player in in-goal 21.12 If any part of a defendin
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
e scrum. Other restart kicks (drop-outs) 12.11 Play is restarted with a 22-metre drop-out whe ... s’ in-goal. Type of restart kick Location of kick Sanction line 22-metre drop out On or behind the defending team’s 22-metre line. The 22-metre line. Try line drop-out On or behind the defendin
Law changes summary - July 2022
Following the World Rugby Council meeting in May 2022, a number of law changes have been approved. These all come into force for the whole game on 1 July 2022. The five current Global Law Trials – Goal Line Drop-out, 50:22, jackler protection, banning pre-bound pods in open play (flying wedg ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202
3 Team
Under-19Addition: If a team nominates 22 players, it must have at least six players who can play in the front row so that there is replacement cover for the loose-head prop, hooker and tight-head prop. Addition: 3.35 A player who has been tactically replaced may replace any injured player.
Head Contact Process - March 2021
Download this guideline as a PDF View video examples of the Head Contact Process for: High Tackle|guidelines/18 Shoulder Charge|guidelines/19 Dangerous cleanout|guidelines/20 Head on head|guidelines/21 Leading elbow / forearm|guidelines/22 Context Player welfare drives World Rugby’s decision making for zero tolerance of foul play, especially where head contact occurs. The focus mus
3 Team
e of asking 15 or fewer 3 - 16, 17 or 18 4 Either a prop or a hooker 19, 20, 21 or 22 5 Bot ... s, then that team may nominate only 22 players in their squad. 3.10 Prior to the match, each team mus
Clarification 2-2004
e his team's 22 metre line, while he gets ready to catch the ball being kicked by an opponent. He drops the ball but not forward within his 22. The ball is then picked up by the same player who kick ... d the ball outside his 22 metre line and it has then gone into his 22 metre area. This player is considered to have put the ball into his 22 metre area and therefore the line-out is in line with the plac
Clarification 3-2006
f ManagerFFRLaw Reference3Date2006-05-06Request 1. An U19 team nominates more than 22 players and a loc ... n? 2. An U19 team nominating more than 22 players cannot comply with the 3 locks availabilit ... s. The law intimates that if a team nominates 22 players there is no law requirement as to lock ... d and experienced players for the front row.If, however in U19 law, a team nominates more than 22 player
Clarification 1-2008
e or both feet inside (presumably on or behind) the 22-metre line, picks up the ball which was stationary outside the 22-metre line, and kicks it directly into touch, then the player has taken the ball back inside the 22-metre line, and therefore the line-out is formed in line with where the ball was kicked. If a player with one or both feet inside (presumably on or behind) the 22-metre line, picks u
Clarification 6-2014
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2014Union / HP Ref ManagerHKRFULaw Reference13Date2014-10-17Request Law 13 – Kick Off and RestartsThe HKRFU requested a clarification relating to Law 13. Drop out must cross the line.ScenarioTeam A have a 22 metr ... h, some 8 metres from the 22 metre drop out took place. What advantage may apply? Can the non-offendin
Clarification 8-2014
e in which there appears to be some confusion or ambiguity.ScenarioTeam A are awarded a 22 drop-ou ... e on or behind the 22-metre line. A drop-out is used to restart play after an attacking player has pu ... o choices:to have a scrum formed at the centre of the 22-metre line from where the kick was take ... e, in the event of a 22 drop-out travelling into the opposing team's in-goal area without touching or having bee
Beach Touch Rugby
r or the kicker’s team mates. Law 22: In-Goal In-goal areas may not always be marked on the playing are
Beach Tag Rugby
e they take part in the game. Law 22: In-Goal In-goal areas may not always be marked on the playing are
Beach Fives Rugby
e kick awarded to the opposing team Law 22: In-Goal 22.1 A player grounds the ball by holdin
Touch Rugby
k ten metres from the mark for the original sanction Law 22: In-Goal In-goal areas may not alway
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
Sevens 18.8 Where the game is restarted with a lineout and which team throws in is determined as follows: a. General Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in A player, in their own half, kicks the ball indirectly into touch in the opposition’s 22. Either the team did not tak ... h in the opposition’s 22). Where the player or ball touches the touchline or the ground beyond it. The oppositio
Tag Rugby
m the mark has run ahead of them before they take part in the game. Law 22: In-Goal In-goal areas ma
Clarification 1-2006
m a kick off after a score there can be no mark.From a 22 metre drop out a mark can be taken.
Clarification 7-2015
d it forward.We can find some guidance in the following Laws (22 & 16) which deal with kicking the ball fro ... w 22 (e) Tackled near the goal-line. If a player is tackled near to the opponents’ goal line s ... j) – This Law is very similar to 22(f) above.We consider that it is logical for the rationale in Law to cove
1 The ground
n 100 metres, the distance between the 10-metre lines and 22-metre lines is reduced accordingly.
Clarification 10-2004
l indirectly into touch just outside the defenders 22 metre area. A defender gathers the ball, runs a few metres (still in touch) to a place behind his 22 metre line where he throws the ball straigh
Clarification 2-2009
d it on the basis that a player touching a touch line is out of play and it should be the same in in-goal.Law 2 ... h-in-goal line in possession of the ball and therefore the Referee will award a 22 metre drop ou
Clarification 2-2009 (1)
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2009Union / HP Ref ManagerSARULaw Reference22Date2009-04-07Request SARU has requested a Ruling Law 22 – In goal. Simultaneous grounding the ball in in-goal whilst making contact with the touch-in-goal line or dead bal ... l is in goal and has no evidence to award either a try or a 22 and therefore should award a scru
Clarification 1-2022
y into in-goal; or a penalty/drop kick at goal strikes the post and remains in in-goal = 22 Drop out (Law 12.1 ... r the new Global Law Trials for season 2021-22, Laws 12 and 21 were amended with the intentio ... l strikes the post and remains in in-goal = 22 Drop-out (Law 12.11) Passed into in-goal by a defende
Clarification 5-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification5-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerARULaw Reference3Date2003-06-27This has been superseded by Law Amendment in 2004.Request Australian Rugby Union has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3.5 (d): This Law states: "When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be sufficient front row players to play at hooke
Clarification 2-2016
n a No. 22 who has tactically replaced No. 10, and then gets injured by foul play, be replace
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
g team is awarded a free-kick. 11 [Replacement] 12.11 Play is restarted with a 22-metre drop-ou ... g player and is made dead by an opponent, play is restarted with a 22-metre drop-out.
Clarification 9-2004
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification9-2004Union / HP Ref ManagerIRFULaw Reference10,22Date2004-12-23Request The IRFU has requested a ruling with regard Law 10-Foul Play and Law 22-In Goal.Rewrite and amendment of 10.2(a), and consequential addition to Law 22. The first paragraph states: Intentionally Offending. A player must not intentionally infringe an
Clarification 5-2016
d of scrum back to where ball originally kicked from see vide
Clarification 9-2014
y a 22 drop-out? This decision appears to be valid according to Law 13.10 Definitions, paragraph tw ... m at the place of the attempted dropped goal or a 22 drop-out.Due to the above-mentioned doubts withi
Clarification 6-2004
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification6-2004Union / HP Ref ManagerFFRLaw Reference3Date2004-06-04Request The FFR has requested a ruling with regard Law 3-Number of Players-The Team. The following situations occur in the below order in a match in which each Team had 22 players. Scenario 1 (1) The hooker #2 gets injured. The replacement #16 replaces the hooke
Clarification 4-2003
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification4-2003Union / HP Ref ManagerNZRULaw Reference3Date2003-06-12Request NZRFU has requested a ruling with regard to Law 3.5 (d): This Law states: "When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be sufficient front row players to play at hooker, tight-head prop and loose-head prop who are suitably traine
Clarification 2-2008
s are comprised of 19, 20, 21 or 22 players.The Australian Rugby Union seeks a ruling in relatio