
62 results returned for sanction

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
13 Players on the ground in open play

l; or Sanction: Penalty. b. Play (but not kick) the ball; or Sanction: Penalty. c. Release the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 13.2 Once the ball is played or released, players on the ground must immediately either move away from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. 13.3 A player on the ground in the fiel ... d to play or gain possession of the ball. Sanction: Penalty. b. Not play the ball. Sanction: Penalt

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
15 Ruck

r than their hips. Sanction: Free-kick. Offside at a ruck 15.4 Each team has an offside line that run ... t and join from behind their offside line. Sanction: Penalty. 15.6 A player may join alongside but not in front of the hindmost player. Sanction: Penalty. 15.7 A player must bind onto a team-mat ... t of the body. Sanction: Penalty. 15.8 Players must join the ruck or retire behind their offside lin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

y charge or push the other except shoulder-to-shoulder. Sanction: Penalty. 9.2 An offside player must not intentionally obstruct an opponent or interfere with play. Sanction: Penalty. 9.3 A player must not intentionally prevent an opponent from tackling or attempting to tackle the ball-carrier. Sanctio ... y to play the ball, other than by competing for possession. Sanction: Penalty. 9.5 A ball-carrier mus

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
14 Tackle

o to ground. Sanction: Penalty. b. Immediately move away from the tackled player and from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. c. Be on their feet before attempting to play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. d. Allow the tackled player to release or play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. e. Allow the tackled player to move away from the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 14.6 Tacklers may play the ball fro

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

d the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 16.3 Once formed, a maul must move towards a goal line. Mau ... r join a maul from an onside position or retire behind their offside line immediately. Sanction: Penalt ... y re-join the maul. Sanction: Penalty. Joining a maul 16.7 Players joining a maul must: a. Do so from an onside position. Sanction: Penalty. b. Bind on to the hindmost player in the maul. Sanctio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

s are used to resume play. 12.1 All kick-offs and restart kicks are drop kicks. Sanction: The no ... t kicks following a score 12.2 Kick-offs are taken on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanctio ... s restart play on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team ha ... s of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum. b. Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metr

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

m the scrum within 30 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. 19.5 When both teams have 1 ... w players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. 19.6 When a team is reduced to fewe ... 7 The players in the scrum bind in the following way: a. The props bind to the hooker. Sanction: Penalt ... s. Sanction: Penalty. c. The locks bind with the props immediately in front of them and with each othe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
11 Knock-on or throw forward

l and the ball goes forward. Sanction: Scrum (if the ball goes into touch, the non-offending team may op ... d with hand or arm. Sanction: Penalty. 11.4 It is not an intentional knock-on if, in the ac ... a. Sanction: Scrum. 11.7 A player must not intentionally throw or pass the ball forward. Sanction: Penalty.

Laws of the Game

l as they wish is taking part in the game, and is liable to sanction. A loiterer must not benefit from bein ... t in the game without being liable to sanction. On feet Players are on their feet if no other par ... y using one’s feet to try to win or keep possession of the ball in a ruck. S Sanction The metho

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

s the ball into touch must release the ball immediately so that a quick throw may be taken. Sanction: Penalt ... n goal line; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. b. Parallel to or towards the thrower’s own goal line; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. c. So that it reaches the five-metre line before it touches the ground or hits a player; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. d. By a playe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
7 Advantage

y to gain an advantage. The referee stops the game and applies the sanction for the infringement fro ... e they have gained an advantage. The referee stops the game and applies the sanction for the firs ... e sanction(s) for the offence(s); or d. The offending team commits a second or subsequent infringemen ... n-offending team to choose the most advantageous sanction. 7.3 Advantage must not be applie

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
The maul - January/June 2016

For implementation: January 1st 2016 in Southern Hemisphere June 1st 2016 in Northern Hemisphere The ball can be moved backwards hand-to-hand once the maul has formed. A player is not allowed to move/slide backwards in the maul when the player is in possession of the ball and the ripper needs to stay in contact with the jumper until they have transferred the ball. Sanction: Penalty kick

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Offside at the ruck - May 2014

m half, that player does so without sanction. Footage courtesy of BBC Sport

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
10 Offside and onside in open play

y be penalised, if that player: a. Does not make an effort to retreat and interferes with play; or Sanctio ... e the offending team last played the ball. b. Moves towards the ball; or Sanction: The non-offending tea ... d by an opponent but not when the kick is charged down. Sanction: The non-offending team can choose eithe ... e who is carrying the ball. Only if the offending team gains an advantage should play stop. Sanctio

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

s to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. Law 8.21: Penalty Goal: The kick must be taken withi ... l rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed and a scrum is awarded. Law 9.7d A player must not waste time. Sanction: Free Kick Law 18.12 Lineout: Teams form the lineout without delay. Sanction: Free-kick. Law 19.4 Scrum: Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 3

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

Sevens 12 [Replacement] 18.12 Teams form the lineout within 30 seconds of a mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. Replaced by: 18.12 Teams form the lineout within 15 seconds of the assistant referee or touch judge indicating the mark of touch. Sanction: Free-kick.

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025

1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... s the ball that was in play unless it is defective. Sanction: Kick disallowed Clauses b, c, ... t within 30 seconds of a mark being made without delay Sanction: Free-kick.   Cleaner pla ... r it (within 1m), and who is attempting to play the ball away ;Sanction: Penalty (Curren

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

y is disallowed when scored by a team with more than the permitted number of players. Sanction: Free pas ... e with the laws of the game. The ball must not be kicked in open play. Sanction: Free pass 7.2 Shoul ... r and misconduct which is prejudicial to the game. Sanction: Free pass at the place of infringement 10. ... s. The captain is the only player who can make a comment to the referee. Sanction: Free pas

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Charging into the ruck - February 2010

y of the player joining the ruck. Sanction: Penalty kick DANGEROUS PLAY AND MISCONDUCT Dangerou ... p that player. Sanction: Penalty kick A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging include

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

n the permitted number of players. Sanction: Free kick at the place where the game would restart 3.3 Player ... l. Whatever a player does must be in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Sanction: Free kick 7.2 The ball must not be kicked when in open play. Sanction: Free kick 7.3 Should an event occur whic ... e the shoulders and misconduct which is prejudicial to the game. Sanction: Free kick at the plac

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

l to the touchlines. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. b. Places the ball directly on the groun ... d to assist the kicker. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. GLOBAL LAW TRIAL c. Takes the kick within 6 ... d again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. 8.9 The kicker’s team, apart from a team-mate holdin ... g too soon. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. 8.10 If the ball falls over before the kicker begin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
20 Penalty and free-kick

e on the drop-out’s sanction line (non-offending team decides). Any infringement that takes place outsid ... g a penalty or free-kick 20.5 A penalty or free-kick must be taken without delay. Sanction: Scrum. 20. ... e. Sanction: Scrum. 20.8 The kicker may punt, drop-kick or place-kick (other than for touch) the ball. 20. ... k, the kicker’s team must remain behind the ball until it has been kicked. Sanction: Scrum. 20.11 The ball mus

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

y. A try is disallowed when scored by a team with more than the permitted number of players. Sanctio ... r may not kick the ball in open play. Sanction: Free pass 7.2 Should an event occur whic ... h is prejudicial to the game. Sanction: Free pass at the place of infringement 10.2 All players must respec ... y player who can make a comment to the referee. Sanction: Free pass at the place of infringemen

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

e of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the game would restar ... s this warning, or has used their free hand to interfere, block or fend off a defender in any way. Sanctio ... s are required if a player is sent off in a festival. Sanction: Penalty kick at the plac ... r that initiates contact should be penalised. Sanction: Penalty kick 10.5 An attacking player mus

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

e at the time of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the gam ... s, dangerous play, handing off a player and misconduct which is prejudicial to the game. Sanction: Penalt ... g at once when the referee blows the whistle except at starts and restarts. Sanction: Penalty kic ... m scores, then this is seen as a fair sanction). (b) A player who has been cautioned and temporaril

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law changes summary - July 2022

r to reduce the frequency of water carriers coming onto the field, and to sanction poor behaviour by no ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

d the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retake ... k on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: Free-kick. 1 [Replacement] 12.1 When the ball is kicked: a. Team-mates of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum. b. Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metre line. Sanction: The kick is retaken. Replaced by: a. Tea

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offsid ... t in the game, and is liable to sanction. A loiterer must not benefit from being put onsid ... p; (Sanction: Penalty) New 9.20e A player must not drop their weight onto an opponent or target the lower limbs. (Sanction: Penalty) New clause in 14.8 (Tackle Law). Other players must: e: Not roll, pul

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
21 In-goal

d it is done immediately. Sanction: Penalty. 21.9 If a player is in touch or touch-in-goal, they ca ... n but must not kick or attempt to kick the ball. Sanction: Penalty. Ball kicked dead through in-goa

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015

y If ball is available (No. 8 feet) The referee will call “use it” Sanction all players who joi

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2006

l, but the contact is dangerous, should the referee rule on the intent (initial tackle) ie. No sanction; or should the referee rule on the consequence ie. Sanction?If the ruling is sanction, would the refere

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019

s mitigating factors?* * For mitigation, only one reduction in sanction can apply, irrespectiv ... t Mitigating factors (must be clear and obvious and can only be applied to reduce a sanction by 1 leve

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
4 Permitted clothing

g that item on the playing area, that player is sent off for misconduct. Sanction: Penalty. 4.7 The refere

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - Leading elbow / forearm

1 No sanction - ball carrier’s arm is close to the body 2 Penalty - indirect throat contact with no force and no speed 3 Yellow card - indirect throat contact 4 Red card - direct throat contact with a high level of danger

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

d the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retake ... l is kicked. Sanction: Free-kick. 1 [Replacement] 12.1 When the ball is kicked: a. Team-mates of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum. b. Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metre line. Sanction: The kick is retaken. Replaced by: a. Team-mates of the kicker must be behin

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
8 Scoring

n if the ball rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. Replaced by: c. Takes the kick within 30 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded. Sanction: Kic ... s over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed and a scrum is awarded. Replace ... d their intention to do so. Sanction: Kick is disallowed and a scrum is awarded. 24 [Replacement] 8.2

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
19 Scrum

k being made. Sanction: Free-kick. Replaced by: 19.4 Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 15 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. 5 [Replacement] 19.5 When both teams have 1 ... w players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. Replaced by: 19.5 A scrum must have three players from each team. All three must stay bound to the scrum until it ends. Sanction: Penalt

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
8 Scoring

n. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. Replaced by: d. Takes the kick within 30 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. 14 [Replacement] 8.14 All player ... n to do so, even if the ball rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowe ... m the time the team indicated their intention to do so. Sanction: Kick is disallowed and a scru

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
3 Team

y. The score at the time of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty. 3. ... s the player did so to gain an advantage, the player is guilty of misconduct. Sanction: Penalty. 3.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Shape of the Game: Reinforcement of current law - March 2024

t be played away from the ruck within five seconds. ;Sanction: Scrum Definitions: Played: The bal ... g as law intends and would be liable to sanction. Water carriers In July 2022, a Global Law Tria