
90 results returned for penalty

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Offside choice: penalty or scrum

One arm as for penalty. Other arm points to place where scrum may be taken instead of penalty.

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
20 Penalty and free-kick

n of a penalty or free-kick 20.1 The mark for a penalty or free-kick must be in the field of pla ... n of penalty or free-kick While the ball is in play excluding a late charge after a kic ... l offending team after the first penalty or free-kick is awarded but before it is taken. Advanced 1 ... p; If the infringement takes place in the kicker’s in-goal, the penalty is taken five metres from the try lin

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
20 Penalty and free-kick

GAME-ON8 [Replacement] 20.8 The kicker may punt, drop-kick or place-kick (other than for touch) the ball. Replaced by: 20.8 If the penalty or free-kick is taken within the team’s own half, the kicker may punt, drop-kick or place-kick (other than for touch) the ball. If it is taken within the opponents’ half, the penalty or free-kick must be tapped and played immediately.

Laws of the Game > Match official signals


Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
20 Penalty and free-kick


Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
20 Penalty and free-kick


Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Try and penalty try


Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 20: Penalty and free-kick


Laws of the Game > Laws by number
13 Players on the ground in open play

l; or Sanction: Penalty. b. Play (but not kick) the ball; or Sanction: Penalty. c. Release the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 13.2 Once the ball is played or released, players on the ground must immediately either move away from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. 13.3 A player on the ground in the fiel ... d to play or gain possession of the ball. Sanction: Penalty. b. Not play the ball. Sanction: Penalt

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
14 Tackle

o to ground. Sanction: Penalty. b. Immediately move away from the tackled player and from the ball or get up. Sanction: Penalty. c. Be on their feet before attempting to play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. d. Allow the tackled player to release or play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. e. Allow the tackled player to move away from the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 14.6 Tacklers may play the ball fro

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

y charge or push the other except shoulder-to-shoulder. Sanction: Penalty. 9.2 An offside player must not intentionally obstruct an opponent or interfere with play. Sanction: Penalty. 9.3 A player mus ... r. Sanction: Penalty. 9.4 A player must not intentionally prevent an opponent from having the opportunity to play the ball, other than by competing for possession. Sanction: Penalty. 9.5 A ball-carrier mus

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
15 Ruck

t and join from behind their offside line. Sanction: Penalty. 15.6 A player may join alongside but not in front of the hindmost player. Sanction: Penalty. 15.7 A player must bind onto a team-mat ... t of the body. Sanction: Penalty. 15.8 Players must join the ruck or retire behind their offside line immediately. Sanction: Penalty. 15.9 Players who have previously been part of the ruck may rejoin the ruc

Laws of the Game

g wedge An illegal type of attack, which usually happens near the try line, either from a penalty or fre ... y The period after a kick-off, restart kick, free-kick, penalty or set piece and before the next phas ... r. Penalty Awarded against a team for a serious infringement. Penalty try Awarded when, in the opinio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

g team last played the ball. The non-offending team. A penalty (scrum option). In the scrum zon ... e the original scrum took place. The team originally awarded the scrum. A penalty attempt at goal not taken within the time limit. In the scrum zone at the point closest to where the penalty was awarde ... e back-row players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. 19.6 When a team is reduce

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

d the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 16.3 Once formed, a maul must move towards a try line. Mau ... n a maul from an onside position or retire behind their offside line immediately. Sanction: Penalt ... e-join the maul. Sanction: Penalty. Joining a maul 16.7 Players joining a maul must: a. Do so from an onside position. Sanction: Penalty. b. Bind on to the hindmost player in the maul. Sanction: Penalt

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
The maul - January/June 2016

For implementation: January 1st 2016 in Southern Hemisphere June 1st 2016 in Northern Hemisphere The ball can be moved backwards hand-to-hand once the maul has formed. A player is not allowed to move/slide backwards in the maul when the player is in possession of the ball and the ripper needs to stay in contact with the jumper until they have transferred the ball. Sanction: Penalty kick

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
10 Offside and onside in open play

n: The non-offending team can choose either: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum wher ... m can choose either: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum where the offending team las ... r: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum where the offending team last played the ball. 10. ... e advantageous position; or Sanction: Penalty. b. Interferes with play; or Sanction: Penalty. c. Move

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

c. Penalty try. Seven points. d. Penalty goal. Three points. e. Dropped goal. Three points. Try 8.2 A tr ... y - a player in touch-in-goal who is not holding the ball Penalty try 8.3 A penalty try is awarde ... w card or sent off. No conversion is attempted. Conversion, penalty goal and dropped goal 8. ... l stands. Penalty goal 8.18 A penalty goal can be scored only from a penalty. 8.19 The kicking team mus

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

e of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the game would restar ... d of play. If time expires and a penalty kick is then awarded, the referee allows play to continue. La ... n: Penalty kick Law 8: Advantage 8.1 The Law of advantage takes precedence over most other Laws and it ... l or penalty kick. Law 9: Method of Scoring 9.1 Try. When an attacking player is first to ground the bal

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
11 Knock forward or throw forward

k the ball forward with hand or arm. Sanction: Penalty. 11.4 It is not an intentional knock forwar ... d. Sanction: Penalty.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Charging into the ruck - February 2010

y of the player joining the ruck. Sanction: Penalty kick DANGEROUS PLAY AND MISCONDUCT Dangerou ... p that player. Sanction: Penalty kick A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging include

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

e at the time of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the gam ... s been carried out of the field of play. If time expires and a penalty kick is then awarded, the refere ... m will restart with a ruck ball or penalty kick. Law 9: Method of Scoring 9.1 Try. When an attackin ... h organisers may decide to vary the number of points awarded in mixed gender matches. 9.2 Penalty tr

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offsid ... p; (Sanction: Penalty) New 9.20e A player must not drop their weight onto an opponent or target the lower limbs. (Sanction: Penalty) New clause in 14.8 (Tackle Law). Other players must: e: Not roll, pul ... n for penalty offences.  Law 20: Options at a penalty or free-kick 20.3 A team awarded a penalt

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2006

f ManagerFFRLaw Reference19,21Date2006-01-10Request Law 19.1 (e) stipulates: “Penalty kick. When a player kicks to touch from a penalty kick anywhere in the playing area, the throw in is taken from wher ... s a penalty kick, and the ball is kicked into touch, the throw in is taken by the player of the team who took the penalty kick. This applies whether the ball was kicked directly or indirectly into touc

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Dangerous tackles (high tackles) - February 2011

e, the range of sanctions extends from a penalty kick to the player receiving a red card. An illega

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
5 Time

m, lineout or restart kick is taken incorrectly. b. The referee awards a free-kick or penalty. c. A penalty is kicked into touch without the ball first being tapped and without the ball touchin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
6 Match officials

h down. d. To caution or send off an offender and a second time when the penalty or penalty tr ... l becomes unplayable. g. When a penalty, free-kick or scrum is awarded. h. When it would be dangerou ... b. The ball is grounded in in-goal. c. A conversion has been attempted. d. A try, penalty or dropped goa ... d, or touch a ball while it is in live play. Sanction: Penalty where play would restart. 6.29 The followin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

s the ball into touch must release the ball immediately so that a quick throw may be taken. Sanction: Penalt ... c. Ball is kicked from a penalty Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in A playe ... d. Where the ball reached the touchline. The opposition. From a penalty or free-kick awarde ... n: Penalty. Throwing into a lineout 18.22 The player throwing in the ball stands on the mark of touc

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

n an unsuccessful penalty goal or dropped goal attempt is grounded or made dead in in-goal by the defendin ... r than a kick-off, restart kick following a score, drop goal, drop-out or penalty attempt, is grounde ... p-out. Sanction: Penalty. 12.16 If the ball crosses the sanction line but is then blown back, pla

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
21 In-goal

d it is done immediately. Sanction: Penalty. 21.9 If a player is in touch or touch-in-goal, they ca ... n but must not kick or attempt to kick the ball. Sanction: Penalty. Ball kicked dead through in-goa

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025

1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... r it (within 1m), and who is attempting to play the ball away Sanction: Penalty (Curren ... p; Sanction: Penalty Scrum: 9 stays at tunnel 19.30a Once play in the scrum begins, the scrum-hal

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
7 Advantage

e. A quick throw, free-kick or penalty is taken incorrectly. f. The ball is made dead. g. It woul

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015

y on   Penalty only – Fair challenge with wrong timing - No pulling down  Yellow car

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

s to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. Law 8.21: Penalty Goal: The kick must be taken withi ... l forward with hand or arm. Sanction: Penalty. 11.4 It is not an intentional knock-on if, in the ac

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019

y in application of sanctions by distinguishing between dangerous tackles that warrant a penalt ... e of danger, and mitigation is not applied PENALTY Any yellow card offence where mitigatio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
4 Permitted clothing

g that item on the playing area, that player is sent off for misconduct. Sanction: Penalty. 4.7 The refere

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2006

e the referee has three options available: penalty only, penalty and yellow card, penalty and red card.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - Leading elbow / forearm

1 No sanction - ball carrier’s arm is close to the body 2 Penalty - indirect throat contact with no force and no speed 3 Yellow card - indirect throat contact 4 Red card - direct throat contact with a high level of danger

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2007

Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification2-2007Union / HP Ref ManagerIRFULaw Reference3Date2007-03-12Request 1. A penalty kick is awarded to White team. Befor ... e the penalty kick.) 2. A penalty kick is awarded to White team. Before the kick is taken ca ... e that the returning player may take the penalty kick.) Ruling of the designated members of the Rugb