97 results returned for scrum
19 Scrum
Principle The purpose of a scrum is to restart play with a contest for possession after a minor infringement or stoppage. 19.1 Where the game is restarted with a scrum and which team throws in is determined as follows: Infringement / stoppage Location of scrum Who throws in A knock forward or throw forward, apart from at a lineout. In the scrum zone at the point closest to the plac
19 Scrum
t row and two locks in the second row. Three back-row players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. Replaced by: 19.5 A scrum must have five players in two rows from each tea ... t stay bound to the scrum until it ends and may not unbind to play the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 6 deleted7d deleted2 [Replacement] 19.2 The scrum ends: a. When the ball comes out of the scrum in an
19 Scrum
n, then the number of players in each team in the scrum may be similarly reduced. Where a permitted reductio ... r, a team must not have fewer than five players in the scrum. Replaced by: 19.6 All players in the thre ... d with eight players per side. a. In an eight-person scrum, the formation must be 3-4- ... n, the number of players in each team in the scrum must be similarly reduced. c. Where a permitted reductio
19 Scrum
Sevens 4 [Replacement] 19.4 Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 30 seconds of the mark being made. Sanction: Free-kick. Replaced by: 19.4 Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 1 ... w players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. Replaced by: 19.5 A scrum must have three players from each team. All three must stay bound to the scrum until it ends. Sanctio
19 Scrum
GAME-ONAddition: 19.40 Match organisers can reduce the numbers in a contested scrum (subject to law 19.6), apply the under-19 variation of 1.5m maximum push, or implement uncontested scrums
Offside choice: penalty or scrum
One arm as for penalty. Other arm points to place where scrum may be taken instead of penalty.
Forming a scrum
Law 19: Scrum
Throw at scrum not straight
Handling ball in ruck or scrum
Offside at scrum, ruck or maul
Scrum wheeled more than 90 degrees
Offside at the ruck - May 2014
When a scrum half attempts to retrieve the ball from a ruck, the ball is not out until that player has picked the ball up from the ground. In the clip the scrum half is taken out by the player before the ball is off the ground and this would be deemed to be offside by the player tackling the scrum half. If, however, the scrum half had picked up the ball and a defending player tackles the scru
n) if not for an act of foul play by an opponent. Phase of play Scrum, lineout, ruck or maul. Place-kic ... S Sanction The method by which the game is restarted following an infringement or stoppage. Scrum A set piece, normally consisting of eight players from each team bound together in formation. Scrum zone The area in the field of play where a scrum may take place. Sent off A player is shown a red car
Playing Charter
g the ball forward is denied the throw at the subsequent scrum. The advantage then must always li
New law clarification - June 2024
We have today issued a new formal law clarification covering the Spanish translation of "crouch" in the scrum engagement process. This can be found here. This is the third clarification for 2024 - the other two cover: February - Brake foot May - Conversions
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025
r conversions A new set time to form a lineout (in line with 30 seconds at the scrum) Cleaner play away from the ruck/maul/scrum Not straight at uncontested lineout = play on The following wer ... 1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... y at set piece Rationale: Protect the 9 to enable more ball in flow from base of ruck, maul and scru
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
n-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Kick-off Kick-offs and restar ... n: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. 12.3 The opponent ... s the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. 12.5 When the ball is kicked: a. Team-mates of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum. b. Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metr
11 Knock forward or throw forward
Knock Forward 11.1 A knock forward may occur anywhere in the playing area.Sanction: Scrum (if the ball goes into touch, the non-offending team may opt instead for a quick-throw or lineout). 11. ... t with the ball and the ball goes forward. Sanction: Scrum (if the ball goes into touch, the no ... e in the playing area. Sanction: Scrum. 11.7 A player must not intentionally throw or pass the ball forwar
10 Offside and onside in open play
n: The non-offending team can choose either: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum wher ... m can choose either: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum where the offending team las ... r: Penalty at the place of infringement; or Scrum where the offending team last played the ball. 10. ... n: Scrum. 10.6 Any offside player can be put onside when that player: a. Moves behind a team-mate wh
16 Maul
e immediately. Sanction: Scrum. 16.9 All other players in a maul must endeavour to stay on their fee ... m in possession must then use the ball within a reasonable time. Sanction: Scrum. 16.15 When a maul ha ... l in a reasonable time. Sanction: Scrum. Ending a maul 16.16 A maul ends and play continues when: a. The bal ... e. 16.17 A maul ends unsuccessfully when: a. The ball becomes unplayable. Sanction: Scrum. b. The mau
Law changes - 1 July 2024
e in front of a kicker Eliminating the crocodile roll Removing the scrum option when a Free Kic ... y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content. Offsid ... o is on their feet in the tackle area, to ground. The action often lands on the player’s lower limbs Scru ... s to touch. Shape of Game recommendation was to remove the scrum from a FK option. It remains an optio
7 Advantage
d of the tunnel at a scrum. c. A scrum is wheeled through more than 90 degrees. d. A player in a scrum is lifted or forced upwards so that the player is no longer in contact with the ground.
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020
5 minutes then the team continues with 15 players. The team must form a scrum with eight player ... m must form a scrum with eight players. Player injured because of foul play: When the referee order ... e for the uncontested scrums does not lose a player. The team must form a scrum with eight player ... l the end of the game. Both teams must form with eight players in the scrum. Scenario 2. During the matc
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017
t the scrum then the referee will order uncontested scrums. If the player returns or another front ro ... s in the front row at all times. In an uncontested scrum, only when there is no available front row replacemen ... l the end of the game. Both teams must form with eight players in the scrum. Scenario 2. Durin ... C). At the next scrum awarded in the match the following applies: If the team cannot field a suitabl
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015
y action and the player lands in a dangerous position Ensure that all scrum feeds are credible FK if clearly not straight Look for shoulders not being parallel Manage the situation If scru
20 Penalty and free-kick
3 A team awarded a penalty may instead choose a scrum. 20.4 A team awarded: a. a penalty at a lineout may instead choose a lineout or a scrum at the same mark. b. a free-kick at a lineout ma ... t be taken without delay. Sanction: Scrum. 20.6 Any player from the non-offending team may tak ... y unless the referee decides it is defective. Sanction: Scrum. 20.8 The kicker may punt, drop-kic
21 In-goal
e on or behind the 22-metre line; or b. To have a scrum at the place where the ball was kicke ... t or a 5m scrum, depending on how the ball entered in-goal. (see law 12.12a, and law 19.1 row 5) Doub ... y is restarted with a five-metre scrum, in line with the place where the ball was grounded. The attackin
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009
d for the ball to emerge. If it does not emerge within a reasonable time, a scrum is ordered. When a maul ha ... e, a scrum is ordered. If the maul is moved backwards, match officials currently do not apply Law 17. ... l is moving forward, as that replicates a scrum. The concern is about the player ‘hanging’ on the bac
Law changes summary - July 2022
t - At the scrum, hookers must have a brake foot in place during “Crouch” and “Bind” phase ... n from previous clarifications. The wordings will change on the digital laws content from 1 July 202
5 Time
d unless: a. A scrum, lineout or restart kick following a try or touchdown, awarded before time expired, has not been completed and the ball has not returned to open play. This includes when the scru
Clarification 4-2002
d to the following point of Law: 'These can be taken following a scrum collapse providing the kick is take ... n of this interpretation is that even though the scrum has collapsed and both front rows may still be engage ... e when it would be dangerous to let play continue". This includes when a scrum collapses or when a front row player is lifted into the air or is forced upwards out of a scrum, or when it is probabl
s a maximum of three players from each team.ScrumA scrum is formed by any three players from each team. Neither team is allowed to push from the mark, but the scrum is contested in that both teams can hook the ball and thereby win possession in the scrum. No player is permitted to go past the midpoint of the scrum, where the front rows come together, until the ball is lifted by the scrum half of the tea
9 Foul play
l. Sanction: Penalty. 9.15 Except in a scrum, ruck or maul, a player who is not in possessio ... t with the ground. Sanction: Penalty. 9.19 Dangerous play in a scrum. a. The front row of a scrum mus ... y lift an opponent off their feet or force the opponent upwards out of the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. d. A front-row player must not intentionally collapse a scrum. Sanction: Penalty. 9.20 Dangerous pla
Clarification 7-2014
s clarification on the interpretation of Laws 20.9 (b) and (c).ScenarioTeam A are awarded a scrum. After winning the ball in the ensuing scrum, the hindmost player in that scrum grasps the ball with his feet or ankles and, whilst still bound to the scrum, bunny hops forwards with the ball still caught between his feet/ankles.Is this action legal?Law 20.9 Scrum - General Restrictions"b) All players: Handlin
Law Application Guideline - January 2023
l rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed and a scrum is awarded. La ... t without delay. Sanction: Free-kick. Law 19.4 Scrum: Teams must be ready to form the scrum within 3
15 Ruck
t be played away from the ruck within five seconds. Sanction: Scrum. GLOBAL LAW TRIAL 15.18&nbs ... l will probably not emerge within a reasonable time, a scrum is awarded.
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
n try line; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. b. Parallel to or towards the thrower’s own try line; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. c. So that it reaches the five-metre line before it touches the ground or hits a player; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. d. By a player whose feet are both outside the field of play. Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. 18.5 A quic
8 Scoring
b. Is first to ground the ball when a scrum, ruck or maul reaches the try line. c. With the bal ... r is not holding the ball. Grounding the ball Scoring a try - when a scrum reaches the try line Scoring a tr ... n: Kick is disallowed and a scrum is awarded. 8.22 If the kicker indicates to the referee the inten ... y be assisted by a placer. Nothing else may be used to assist the kicker. Sanction: Scrum. 8.25 Any player wh