
52 results returned for try line

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
No try


Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Try and penalty try

Referee’s back to dead-ball line. Arm raised vertically.

Laws of the Game

0-9 22 The area between the try line and the 22-metre line, and between the touchlines. It includes the 22-metre line but not the try line or the touchlines. A Actual time Continuous elapse ... g wedge An illegal type of attack, which usually happens near the try line, either from a penalty or fre ... y. Goal line See Try Line H Half-time The interval between the two halves of the game. Hand-of

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

b. Is first to ground the ball when a scrum, ruck or maul reaches the try line. c. With the ball is tackled short of the try line and the player’s momentum carries them in a continuous movement alon ... r to the opponents’ try line and the player immediately reaches out and grounds the ball. e. Wh ... r is not holding the ball. Grounding the ball Scoring a try - when a scrum reaches the try line Scoring a tr

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

d the ball. Sanction: Penalty. 16.3 Once formed, a maul must move towards a try line. Maul not formed Offside at a maul 16.4 Each team has an offside line that runs parallel to the try line through the maul participants’ hindmost foot that is nearest to that team’s try line. If that foot is on or behind the try line, the offside line for that team is the try line. 16.5 A player must either joi

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
5 Time

d unless: a. A scrum, lineout or restart kick following a try or touchdown, awarded before tim ... g another player. d. A try has been scored, in which case the referee allows time for the conversion to be taken. 5.8 A team scoring a try may attempt the conversion or may decline it. a. The decision to decline the conversion must be relayed by the try scorer to the referee by saying “no kic

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
14 Tackle

m the direction of their own try line provided they have complied with the above responsibilitie ... e at the tackle from the direction of their own try line before playing the ball. Sanction: Penalty. ... d the tackler does so from the direction of their own try line. Sanction: Penalty. 14.10 Offsid ... h is on the ground. Each team’s offside line runs parallel to the try line through the hindmost point of an

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
1 The ground

l to, each try line. 1.6 There is one line 0.5 metres long that intersects the centre of the half-way lin ... d lines are on: a. The dead-ball lines and touch-in-goal lines. b. The try lines. c. The 22-metre lines. d. The half-way line. e. The touchlines. 1.5 There are dash lines configured as shown in the ground diagram. Each dash within a dash line is five metres in length. There are dash lines: a. Fiv

Laws of the Game > Laws news
2025 Law Book and Laws app launched

s to the "goal line" in the laws becomes the "try line", reflecting what the vast majority call it anyway. The following terms have been updated:  Previous Term New Term Goal line Try line Goal line drop-out Try line drop-out Latched Pre-bound Temporary suspension Yellow carde

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
21 In-goal

r near their own try line may reach out and ground the ball in in-goal to make a touch down, provide ... r cannot ground the ball or play the ball, the ball is dead. Play restarts with a try line drop-ou ... l in in-goal scores a try. 21.4 When an attacking player holding the ball grounds the ball in in-goal and simultaneously makes contact with the touch-in-goal line or the dead-ball line (or anywher

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
20 Penalty and free-kick

y and be no closer than five metres from the try line, as per the following table: Infringement Locatio ... p; If the infringement takes place in the kicker’s in-goal, the penalty is taken five metres from the try lin ... h-in-goal, or on or over the dead-ball line, the optional penalty is five metres from the try line, in line with the place where the ball crossed the try line and at least 15 metres from the touchlin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
15 Ruck

r than their hips. Sanction: Free-kick. Offside at a ruck 15.4 Each team has an offside line that runs parallel to the try line through the hindmost point of any ruck participant. If that point is on or behind the try line, the offside line for that team is the try line. At a ruck, the offside lin ... y continues when the ball leaves the ruck or when the ball in the ruck is on or over the try line. 15.2

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
6 Match officials

d ball line after a try has been awarded, without needing permission. The whistle 6.8 The refere ... 3, water carriers may only enter when a try is scored – the scoring side to an area on/near the 10m lin ... d-ball line. The water carriers must leave when the conversion is taken. ii. At a penalty tr ... h down. d. To caution or send off an offender and a second time when the penalty or penalty tr

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

e kick at the centre of the half-way line 13.4 After a try, opponents of the team who scored restart ... s from the goal line 22.11 When a player scores a try that player must leave the ball at the place where the try has been scored. Sanction: Free kick at the centre of the half-way line and the playe ... m to reduce the number appropriately. A try is disallowed when scored by a team with more tha

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

r the goal line that player may take one step into the in-goal, and then the player can score a tr ... d the ball on the opponents’ goal line, a try is scored. 22.5 A penalty try is awarded if a try woul ... y players, the referee must order the captain of that team to reduce the number appropriately. A tr ... g they do so when the ball is dead. Substitutes must enter the playing area at the half way line. A playe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

d with a try line drop-out when: a. The ball is played or taken into in-goal by an attacking playe ... d the defending team’s 22-metre line. The 22-metre line. Try line drop-out On or behind the defending team’s try line. The five-metre line. 12.13 A drop-out: a. Is taken at the location specifie ... e. Sanction: Scrum. Try line drop-out

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Dangerous tackles (high tackles) - February 2011

Memorandum The specific provisions of Law 10.4(e) in relation to High Tackles are as follows: A player must not tackle (or try to tackle) an opponent above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders. A tackle around the opponent’s neck or head is dangerou ... d that tackles above the line of the shoulders have the potential to cause serious injury and noted that a tren

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
17 Mark

k but at least five metres from the try line, in line with the place of the mark. Within the in-goal On the five-metre line in line with the place of the mark. ... d their own 22-metre line when catching the ball or when landing having caught it in the air; and b. Catch a ball that has reached the plane of the 22-metre line directly from an opponent’s kick befor

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

e cannot score a try from that position but can cross the goal line. Sanction: Ruck bal ... l. If an attacking player is first to ground the ball on the opponents’ goal line, a try is scored. The playe ... s to score a try, a ruck ball is awarded to the defending team five metres from the goal line. 22. ... h with the goal line and half way lines acting as touch lines. This will normally be 70m long from goal lin

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

k from the centre of their goal line. (d) Attacking players must not dive to score a try when the bal ... s allowing that player to score a try. A tackle will be called five metres out from the goal lin ... m the goal line. 22.5 A Penalty try is awarded if a try would probably have been scored but for foul pla ... r, the dead ball line, or the attacking player fails to score a try, a ruck ball is awarde

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

r the goal line that player may take one step into the in-goal, where the player can score a tr ... s to score a try, a free pass is awarded to the defending team five metres from the goal line. 22. ... y. A try is disallowed when scored by a team with more than the permitted number of players. Sanctio ... h providing they do so when the ball is dead. Substitutes must enter the playing area at the half way lin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

n try line; and Sanction: Option of lineout or scrum. b. Parallel to or towards the thrower’s own tr ... t on the touchline closest to where the ball hit the player, whichever is nearer to that player’s try lin ... r to the kicker’s try line. The non-kicking team. The ball goes directly into touch from a drop-ou ... e or on the drop-out’s sanction line, whichever is nearer to the kicker’s try line. The non-kicking team.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

0 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, even if the ball rolls over and ha ... d the impression of disrupting the game, even if that water was taken during a natural stoppage (try/injur ... w water carriers onto the field when a try is scored. The timings will match the length of the kic

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

t for the referee to take the offending team back ten metres, or to their try line if the offence occurrre ... m away from the posts.ScoringA try results in a 5-point score unless it is scored in the “Max Zon ... y line after the replaced player has left the field of play.TackleThe tackler must grasp the bal ... e the line of the armpit, even if the tackle starts below the line of the armpit. When a tackle is mad

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Shape of the Game: Reinforcement of current law - March 2024

r when a try is scored – the scoring    side to an area on/near the 10m line in their own half. The non-scoring side can take water into in-goal or retrieve from behind the dead-ball line. The water carriers must leave when the conversion is taken.ii. At a penalty try, no water carriers ma ... t” and before the strike for the ball.   In line with the definition, during the “Crouc

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

k to create the middle line of the scrum, which runs parallel to the try lines. 19.4 Teams must be read ... n five metres of that team’s try line, the offside line for that team’s non-participants is the tr ... m is on or over the try line. Dangerous play and restricted practices in a scrum 19.37 Dangerous pla ... e to the middle point of the line behind which the kick-off or restart kick was taken. The non-kickin

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current law - refereeing at the breakdown - March 2020

l line Tackler must roll away   2 Ball carrier LAW 14 – Tackle Being brough ... r “surviving the clear out” by opposition players The jackler must be in a strong position to tr ... r must be on their feet and join from behind their offside line. A player may join alongsid

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025

r conversions A new set time to form a lineout (in line with 30 seconds at the scrum) Cleaner play awa ... 1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... c. Takes the kick within 60 90 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve ... f of the team not in possession:a. Takes up a position near the scrum, no further than the centre lin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

e, five metres from the try line in line with where the ball crossed the try line and at least 1 ... e an opponent above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulder ... t not make contact with an opponent above the line of the shoulders. Sanction: Penalty. c. A player mus ... m the touchline; or If the ball is kicked directly into touch, on the 15-metre line in line with where the bal

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
8 Scoring

GAME-ON 8 [Replacement] 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the try was awarded, parallel to the touchlines. b. Places the ball directly on the ground or on sand, sawdust, or a kicking tee. The kicker may be assisted by a placer. Nothin ... m the time the try was awarded, even if the ball rolls over and has to be placed again. Sanction: Kic

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2023

e awarded a try? Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby CommitteeClarificatio ... r in in-goal, the referee judges what would have happened next and awards a try or a touch dow ... r grounding the ball in in-goal scores a tr ... n grounded and a try awarded. But, through no fault of the players, the ball hasn’t been grounde

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
8 Scoring

c deleted 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the tr ... Sevens 7 [Replacement] 8.7 When a try is scored, it gives that team the right to attempt a conversion, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. Replaced by: 8.7 When a try is scored, it give ... t the kicker. c. Takes the kick within 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
8 Scoring

t] 8.8 The kicker: a. Takes the kick in the field of play on a line through the place where the tr ... 10s 7 [Replacement] 8.7 When a try is scored, it gives that team the right to attempt a conversion, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. Replaced by: 8.7 When a try is scored, it gives that tea ... t the kicker. c. Takes the kick within 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2014

e or must it be the captain, try scorer or conversion taker? Or any of the foregoing, bearing in min ... s if there is a delay in the referee ruling that a try has been scored (i.e. if he is behind the playe ... s of the Rugby Committee A try is not scored until awarded by the Referee. The decision not to take the conversion must be relayed by the try scorer to the referee, by saying “No Kick” after the awar

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2014

n to opt to take the conversion or not? Can anyone or must it be the captain, try scorer or conversio ... n and to instead restart play, what happens if there is a delay in the referee ruling that a try has bee ... s interpretation relating to Sevens, the below clarification does extend to Fifteens. A try is not scored until awarded by the Referee. The decision not to take the conversion must be relayed by the try score

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2012

n for the following:Following a kick ahead, the ball goes over the goal line and whilst it is still up in the ai ... n in-goal area and the player’s feet touch the touch-in-goal line or beyond then the player is in touch-in-goal and a try is not awarded. Law 19 Touch and Lineout – Definitions• If a playe ... r is in touch or in touch-in-goal, the player can score a try by grounding the ball in the opponent

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2009 (1)

l. Simultaneous grounding the ball in in-goal whilst making contact with the touch-in-goal line or dead ball line. Scenario: A player carrying the ball attempts to score a try. In the process of groundin ... s the touch-in-goal line with an arm, leg or any part of his body. Questions from above: 1. Is a try scored? 2. Is the player in touch-in-goal? 3. Is an attacking scrum 5m from the goal line awarded. Argument

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 9-2004

t-off. Penalty: Penalty Kick The final paragraph states: A penalty try must be awarded if the offence prevents a try that would probably otherwise have been scored. A player who prevents a try bein ... n) to ensure that in each and every circumstance, where a penalty try is awarded, that the offendin ... n incidences of scrum collapsing. In these circumstances, the sanction of a penalty try, and a temporar

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2022

y, in line with the above ruling, then a try cannot be the reward. In principle, in a try scoring situation, if the action is deemed to be a dive forward for a try, then it should be permitted. If a playe ... l carrier.A.2 A ball carrier may dive with the ball in order to score a try, and we all agree that shoul

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2015

e would like a clarification in Law. Scenario 1A try is scored in the last minute of a gam ... y to continue.(f) If time expires after a try has been scored the referee allows time for the conversion kick to be taken.”Variation for Seven-a-side – in practice:The team scoring a try within the las ... o 1A team scoring a try near the end of the match may take the conversion kick or not. Providin