130 results returned for players’ clothing
21 In-goal
h down, defending players may knock the ball backwards, or pull the ball from the player’s possessio
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025
1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... s for players, coaches, match officials.
8 Scoring
l players retire to their try line and do not overstep that line until the kicker moves in an ... t a goal but must not be physically supported by other players in these actions. Sanctio
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
s of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum. b. Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metr
Decision-making framework for high tackles - May 2019
y, yellow card or red card. The framework also supports protection of the head of both player
20 Penalty and free-kick
n if the penalty or free-kick is taken quickly and the kicker’s team is playing the ball, opposing player
2 Ball
GAME-ONAddition: Community adult players may use size 4, 4.5 or 5 balls
3 Team
Under-19Addition: If a team nominates 22 players, it must have at least six players who can play in the front row so that there is replacement cover for the loose-head prop, hooker and tight-head prop. Addition: 3.35 A player who has been tactically replaced may replace any injured player.
Clarification 8-2015
d clarification on the minimum number of players needed to start a sevens match. Clarification of the designate ... s a Union may authorise matches to be played with fewer than seven players in each team. When that happens, all the Laws of the Game apply except that each team must have a minimum of five players on the pitch (at least three players in the scrum at all times and a minimum of two backs).
Clarification 3-2006
f ManagerFFRLaw Reference3Date2006-05-06Request 1. An U19 team nominates more than 22 players and a loc ... n? 2. An U19 team nominating more than 22 players cannot comply with the 3 locks availabilit ... s. The law intimates that if a team nominates 22 players there is no law requirement as to locks, but there is a requirement for there to be six players who can play in the front row in order to cove
Clarification 6-2009
1. The U19 Law Variation refers to a team having fewer than eight players in its scrum whe ... y suspended (yellow card)?2. The U19 law Variation refers to both teams using reduced numbers of players in the scrum formation if “…a team is incomplete…” because it is without one, two or three players. No distinction is made between forward players and back players. If a No. 15 is sent off earl
Clarification 2-2021
e contestable kick, there are almost always a group of players (usually the forwards) who are in front of their teammate who has kicked the ball. These players are offside players. Synchronise ... s the offside players to retire behind an onside team-mate. If there is an onside team-mate(s) who has run forward beyond the offside players, and is now positioned in front of them, the offside player
Clarification 4-2009
9 Request Law 15 6 (b) states:After a tackle any players on their feet may attempt to gain possession by taking the ball from the ball carriers possession.Law 16.1 (b) states:How can a ruck form? Player ... l is on the ground.Law 16.4 (b) states:(b) Players must not handle the ball in a ruck.When a player ha ... s of the Rugby Committee Law 15 6 (a) states: After a tackle, all other players must be on their fee
Clarification 2-2004
s only amongst those players on the bench at the beginning of the match or can those front row replacements come also only from the players starting the match as opposed to bench replacements? In cas ... d and experienced front row replacements even coming only from the players who started the match. E.g. 4 players among those who start the match if the list includes 16, 17 or 18 players.2. A player is outsid
Clarification 7-2006
s to the ground his team mates bind onto him and stay and drive him forward. At no point do players from team ... t of the group of team A players and not preventing any player from team B tackling the ball carrie ... p of team A players and preventing any player from team B from tackling the ball carrier?Is this deeme ... k of the group of team A players and not preventing any player from team B tackling the ball carrie
19 Scrum
n, then the number of players in each team in the scrum may be similarly reduced. Where a permitted reductio ... r, a team must not have fewer than five players in the scrum. Replaced by: 19.6 All players in the thre ... s. If a team cannot field such suitably trained players for whatever reason, then the referee must orde ... d with eight players per side. a. In an eight-person scrum, the formation must be 3-4-
3 Team
10s1 [Replacement] 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. Replaced by: 3.1 Each team has no more than 10 players in the playing area during play. 2 deleted4 [Replacement] 3.4 For international matches, a union may nominate up to eight replacements. Replace ... n of the referee. Replaced by: 3.6 A team may replace any number of players during a match at any time. Player
19 Scrum
10s5 [Replacement] 19.5 When both teams have 15 players, eight players from each team bind together in formation as outlined in the diagram. Each team must have two props and one hooker in the front row and two locks in the second row. Three back-row players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. Replaced by: 19.5 A scrum must have five players in two rows from each tea
Clarification 8-2006
e to intervene on an opponent as soon as his opponent has his hands on the ball, by diving over the player ... e on the ball as soon as it emerges from the ruck, by diving over the players on the ground in fron ... t as this opponent has the ball in his hands, by diving over the players on the ground in front of him? 4. Ca ... s the ball in his hands, by staying on his feet but being in contact with players on the groun
Clarification 9-2006
2. During a maul. The defending team's players leave the maul, with the exception of only one playe ... t, the players who won the ball from a maul but no opponent goes to join this group of players. a. Does this group of players constitute a maul? b. Can an opponent tackle the bal
Clarification 8-2009
l. As the jumper returns to the ground and his supporting players bind onto him in accordance with Law. The ball is passed to the back man of the bound players with the expectation that team B will contes ... m A advance towards team B’s goal line, team B makes contact with the front players of the advancing group of team A players but are denied an opportunity to make contact with the ball carrier as the bal
Clarification 6-2015
e with 15 players but scrums become uncontested until No.18 returns. If No.18 does not return then the team goes to 14 players and uncontested scrums. (Law 3.5 h, m and t)Clarification is require ... 4 players, which player leaves the field.a) Is it the original player that replaced No.1 ... s team to 14 players? Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby Committee The Designate
Clarification 2-2023
w 13.1 and 14.9 refer to players needing to be on their feet. The Laws of the gam ... d in Law 13, is that Rugby should be played only by players who are on their feet. That, and the other laws under discussion do not differentiate between attacking or defending players. Law 13.1 says that players who go to ground with the ball must immediately, get up with the ball, play the bal
Clarification 3-2008
e instability.Law 20.3 (f) states - Binding by all other players. All other players in a scrum, other than front-row players must bind on a lock's body with at least one arm. The locks must bind with the props in front of them. No players other than a prop may hold an opponent.The NZRU believe that this mean ... s of the Rugby Committee The Designated Members confirm that all players including the Number
Clarification 7-2014
n his feet/ankles.Is this action legal?Law 20.9 Scrum - General Restrictions"b) All players: Handling in the scrum. Players must not handle the ball in the scrum or pick it up with their legs.c) All players: Other restrictions on winning the ball. Players must not try to win the ball in the scru ... b) states that: "All players: Handling in the scrum. Players must not handle the ball in the scrum or pic
Clarification 5-2002
g supported both in front and behind by players who were in the lineout at formation.However, Law 19.7(b) states that the team throwing-in the ball determines the maximum number of players in the lineout. [i.e. lineout players, under 'definitions'] And, Law 19.7(c) states that the opposing team may have fewer lineout players but they must not have more.The query is as follows:(1) Is the non-throwin
Clarification 8-2004
d" (not tackled) by two Team A players (“A1-”, “A2-player”) and A1-player held on to the legs of ... m the tackled B-player. Law 15.7(b) provides, “After a tackle any players on their feet may attempt to gai ... w 15.8(b) prohibiting all players from preventing the release of the ball by the tackled playe ... e”, if and only if, he retires first in accordance with Law 15.7(c), which deals with “other players” “at or nea
Clarification 9-2002
m in the Lineout steps out to take his place as receiver?" The number of players in the Lineou ... p in to readjust the number of players. Materially the team throwing in now have an extra man in. Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee (1) Law 19.11(c) states that "Players may chang ... n team in the line-out steps out to take his place as a receiver. (2) Players taking par
Clarification 7-2004
t, and is free to do that which is normally done by players in the line-out. The receiver's abilit ... g players may change places. The participating players in a line-out are those that line up in the line-out, the thrower and his immediate opponent, and the two players waiting to receive the ball fro ... t that the ball is thrown in. Until that time the players standing in the normal #9 positions are merel
Clarification 1-2020
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2020Union / HP Ref ManagerNZRULaw Reference8Date2020-07-16RequestLaw 8.14 states “All players retire to their goa ... r players in these actions”. NZ Rugby would like clarification regarding what it means to “begi ... n the kicker first moves, and in what direction. It would also be open to misinterpretation by player
Clarification 4-2008
d on the ball carrier. A maul therefore consists of at least three players, all on their feet; the ball carrier and one player from each team. All the players involved must be caught in or boun ... l active.As the players of the team not in possession have all left the maul the maul ceases to exis
Clarification 3-2004
t The JRFU has requested a ruling with regard Law 15 Tackle The players of Team A hold on to the ball carrier of Team B. The players from Team A drive the ball carrier towards the Team B's goal line (i.e. Team A players are going forward). After the ball carrier goes to the ground, one of the player ... r’ in Law 15.7 Other Players. Specifically Law 15.7(c) would apply, where that player can only pla
Clarification 2-2011
n the maul consists of only 3 or 4 players) goes to ground with an opponent remaining on his feet with hi ... e by releasing it.c) When a maul collapses, is there any obligation on players to roll away from the ball in order to make the ball available?d) When a maul collapses, are players who go to ground abl ... d at a collapsed maul and there are players from both sides on their feet bound over the ball s
Clarification 5-2015
P Ref ManagerJoel JutgeLaw Reference3Date2015-08-19Request Assuming a team only has two player ... n above) by 18 (the declared TH cover). If 18 gets then gets injured the team goes to 14 player ... n continue with 15 players but scrums become uncontested until 18 returns. If 18 does not return then the team goes to 14 players and uncontested scrums. (Law 3.5 h, m and t)Example 4: 3 is substitute
Clarification 1-2010
s feet who is an opponent of the tackled player.• The Rulings also state that players can play the bal ... n 15.6(c) is inclusive of all players on their feet, and this does not meet the objectiv ... e the ball by pushing the ball along the ground (Law 15.5 (d)).However, if opposition players wh ... e)).Players arriving at a tackle may play the ball providing they are on their feet (Law 15.6 (b)).Player
Clarification 3-2012
s and still remain with 15 players. Furthermore is 3.14(d) is not applied it raises complicated La ... 3 players are nominated for a match. Law 3.14(d) states "A provision may be introduced that wher
19 Scrum
5 players, eight players from each team bind together in formation as outlined in the diagram. Each tea ... w players from each team complete the scrum. Sanction: Penalty. Replaced by: 19.5 A scrum must have three players from each team. All three must stay bound to the scrum until it ends. Sanctio
3 Team
n 15 players in each team. Replaced by: 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be played with fewer than 15 players in each team with a minimum of 10. Teams must be equal in number 1 ... t “rolling replacements” whereby players are able to return to the field of play as lon ... n also apply the half-game rule whereby all players must play at least half a match. Addition: 3.3
Clarification 6-2002
s under these circumstances.Law 21, 4 -(i) & (j) Kick taken quickly;These Laws require the player ... m. Again, in practice, if the collapsed front rows are not disengaged, then these players -who are not retiring become support players who have not been on-side. Perhaps if all players were require
Clarification 1-2005
n, it basically states that rucking can occur as long as players are not in contravention of Law 10 Foul Play. In 16.3(f) it states that 'a player rucking for the ball must not ruck players on the ground'. It also states that 'a player must not intentionally step on players who are on the groun ... l contact with players in a ruck as an incident of legitimate rucking for the football (reckles