31 results returned for attacking team
r an infringement by the opposition. Attacking team The opposition to the team in whose half play is takin ... r nominated by a team to lead that team, consult the referee and select options relating to refere ... a. Defending team The team in whose half play is taking place. Directly caught A ball caught without firs ... e-kick or in open play. Team-mates pre-bind onto the ball-carrier in a wedge formation befor
Tag Rugby
t in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the ruck bal ... l further downfield by running, kicking or passing the ball to team-mates. An attacking player may onl ... r!”. 8.3 If the attacking team causes the ball to come into contact with the ground by a knock-on, the no ... y attacking team players behind the kicker when the ball is kicked are onside. If an attacking playe
21 In-goal
p the ball in in-goal and ground it elsewhere in in-goal. 21.3 An attacking player grounding the ball in in-goal scores a try. 21.4 When an attacking player holding the ball grounds the ball in in-goa ... e beyond either), a 22-metre drop-out is awarded to the defending team. 21.5 When the ball-carrier ground ... l 21.11 If a team kicks the ball through their opponents’ in-goal from the field of play into touc
T1 Rugby
t is the first non-contact form of the game that reflects the characteristics of rugby, inclu
Side entry - July 2022
y by both attacking and defending players. There still remains injuries to the lower limbs du ... e upThe attacking support player must enter the tackle zone relatively square facing toward the opposition goal line. Direction of goal lineAn attacking support player must arrive from the direction of their own goal line. Angle inAn attacking support player who does the above, can then angl
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
d or made dead in in-goal by the defending team. c. An attacking player knocks on in the opponent ... n-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Kick-off Kick-offs and restar ... n: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. 12.3 The opponents of the team who kicked off the match start the second half. 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponent
Touch Rugby
l to the team in possession of the ball when play stopped. If neither team had possession the attacking tea ... l is in the possession of an attacking player, the referee awards a try where the contact took place. (c) If either tea ... 0 If the attacking team loses possession of the ball and it goes to ground in the field of pla ... r is furthest from the goal line. 22.11 If the attacking team throws the ball forward and it goes to groun
Beach Touch Rugby
n of the ball when play stopped. If neither team had possession the attacking team is awarded the fre ... t in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the free pas ... d to the attacking team 5 metres from the goal line. 22.11 If an attacking player commit ... s to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor
Beach Tag Rugby
n of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the free pass. Law 7: Mod ... l. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the free pass. Law 8: Advantage 8. ... h-in-goal or on or over the dead ball line, a free pass is awarded to the attacking team five metre ... d (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor
Beach Fives Rugby
k to the team last in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking tea ... l. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded the free kick. Law 8: Advantag ... s it, when there has been no infringement, a free kick, is awarded to the attacking team 5 metres fro ... t into touch-in-goal or on or over the dead ball line, a free kick is awarded to the attacking team 5 metre
14 Tackle
e orders a scrum. The throw is taken by the team moving forward prior to the stoppage or, if no team was moving forward, by the attacking team. ... e, the offside line for that team is the try line. Offside lines created by player on feet over ball 14.11 The tackle ends when: a. A ruck is formed. b. A player on their feet from either team gain
19 Scrum
e the ball was made dead. The attacking team. An unplayable tackle or ruck. In the scrum zon ... m was moving forward, the attacking team. A maul that ends unsuccessfully. In the scrum zon ... d. If neither team was moving forward, the attacking team. An unplayable maul after kick in open pla ... d or, if neither team was moving forward, the attacking team. Forming a scrum Scrum 19.2 A scru
Law Application Guideline - January 2023
l at penalties – this reduces attacking options by the non-offending team and slows the game down unnecessaril ... n 60 seconds (playing time) from the time the team indicated their intention to do so, even if the bal
8 Scoring
y is scored when an attacking player: a. Is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal. ... d between the goal posts if foul play by the opposing team prevents a probable try from being score ... s without first touching a team-mate or the ground. 8.5 If the ball goes over the crossbar and ove ... s that team the right to attempt a conversion, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. 8.8 The kicke
6 Match officials
e-keeper, the match doctor, the team doctors, the non-playing members of the teams and the ball person ... e. If they cannot agree, the home team appoints a referee. 6.2 If the referee is unable to complet ... t. If the referee cannot do so, the home team appoints a replacement. Duties of the referee before the match 6. ... n-player 6.10 If the ball or the ball-carrier touches the referee or other non-player and neither tea
17 Mark
GAME-ON4 [Replacement] 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Replaced by: 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off, a restart kick after a score or from an attacking kick from within the 22m
Clarification 3-2010
l by a player from the attacking team and the ball is made dead by the players touching the ball dow ... s and the referee awards a five metre scrum with the attacking team throws in the ball.• If the ball is kicked into in-goal by a player from the attacking team and the ball is made dead by the players touchin ... t grounding Law 22.15ScenarioTeam A kick the ball into their opponents in goal. Both a player from Tea
Clarification 1-2022
e there is doubt about who grounded the ball first, Law 21.17 declares a restart of a 5m scrum, attacking tea ... m from the goal line, in line with where the ball became dead. The attacking team throws in. Unde ... m each team on a loose ball? How should play be restarted when there is doubt about groundin ... e For a try to be awarded, Law 8.2a says an attacking player has to ground the ball firs
21 In-goal
e with the place where the player was held up. The attacking team throws in.
Clarification 11-2003
1) Team A wins a 5m attacking scrum. The #8 detaches with the ball, and #6 binds on immediatel ... g a maul? (2) Team A wins a 5m attacking scrum. The #8 detaches with the ball, and #6 bind ... l? (3) Team A wins a 5m attacking scrum. The #8 detaches with the ball, and #6 binds on immediatel
Clarification 1-2023
Clarification in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby CommitteeClarification1-2023Union / HP Ref ManagerWorld Rugby 7s Referee ManagerLaw Reference6,21Date2023-05-18Request In a recent World Sevens Series fixture in Hong Kong an attacking player carrying the ball into in-goal, place ... l: By holding it and touching the ground with it. 21.3 An attacking playe
Clarification 2-2006
k is for goal, then it is a lineout defending team to throw in.Law 21.4(d).If the penalty kick is for touch, therefore no place kick, then it is a lineout attacking team to throw in.The lineout in eithe ... e the ball went into touch.” Law 19.4 (Exception) has the following precision. “When a team takes a penalty kick, and the ball is kicked into touch, the throw in is taken by the player of the team wh
Clarification 1-2012
r is not carrying the ball then Law 22.4 (g) applies - Player in touch or touch-in-goal. If an attacking playe
Clarification 2-2018
l was contested at the breakdown. That is: the first arriving player from the defending team can alway ... e an attacking player away first in order toaccess the ball, then no hands can be used. Rugby Australi ... d at the breakdown The first arriving player from the defending team can always go directly for theball with hands if there is a window to do so If the player has to drive an attacking player away firs
Clarification 10-2004
9-Touch & line-out and Law 21 Penalty and Free Kicks (1) A player of the attacking team kicks the bal ... d. If the action as described was taken by a player after his team had been awarded a penalty kick or free kic ... r has infringed this Law and a scrum to the opposing team should be ordered.
Clarification 2-2009
1. Is a try scored? 2. Is the player in touch-in-goal? 3. Is an attacking scrum 5m from the goal lin ... t to the defending team.
Clarification 2-2009 (1)
2. Is the player in touch-in-goal? 3. Is an attacking scrum 5m from the goal line awarded. Argument ... l and touch-in-goal is not covered by Law. The team that was going forward before the stoppage woul ... r stoppage. After any stoppage or irregularity not covered by Law, the team that was moving forwar
Clarification 9-2014
t play after an attacking player has put or taken the ball into the in-goal, without infringemen ... t undue delay."21.6 Scoring from a free kick:"a) A goal cannot be scored from a free kick.b) The tea ... n an attacking player sends or carries the ball into the opponent's in-goal and it becomes dead there, eithe ... l line, a drop-out is awarded."22.8 Ball kicked dead through in-goal:"If a team kicks the ball throug
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
Sevens4 [Replacement] 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponents restart play on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Replaced by: 12.4 After a team has scored, the same team restarts with a drop kic ... l is kicked. Sanction: Free-kick. 1 [Replacement] 12.1 When the ball is kicked: a. Team-mate
Clarification 2-2023
r laws under discussion do not differentiate between attacking or defending players. Law 13.1 say
Clarification 8-2014
p-out: A drop-out is a drop kick taken by the defending team. The drop-out may be taken anywhere on or behind the 22-metre line. A drop-out is used to restart play after an attacking player has pu ... t having touched or been touched by a player, the opposing team has three choices:to ground the ball, or to make it dead, or to play on.b) If the opposing team grounds the ball, or makes it dea