
88 results returned for match officials

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
6 Match officials

Principle Every match is under the control of match officials who consist of the referee and tw ... s to choose an end, the opponents must kick off and vice versa. 6.4 The match officials must inspec ... t as to whether a kick at goal has been successful. d. Where match officials believe an infringement may hav ... s. 6.16 Any of the match officials, including the TMO, may recommend a review by the TMO. The review

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
6 Match officials

10sAddition: a. Before extra-time starts, the referee organises a toss in the same way as before the match.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
6 Match officials

SevensAddition: a. Before extra-time starts, the referee organises a toss in the same way as before the match. ***.LINKS | 2022/06/23/9b218257-9c58-4d8f-8105-6d5af83e0e92/ | href:***Addition: 6.31 There are two in-goal judges for each match, one in each in-goal area. Addition: 6. The refere ... d, the in-goal judge will assist the referee in decisions on touch downs and tries. Addition: 6. A matc

Laws of the Game
Match official signals


Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 6: Match officials


Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Match official signals


Laws of the Game

ons via the top right of the screen to select the best one for you. Please note that not all content is available in all languages. If you're a match official, or interested in developing match offi ... Welcome to the World Rugby Laws of the game Here you can find the game laws in full – including explanatory videos - a full definitions list; the laws for the different variations and modified for

Laws of the Game
Laws of the Game Exam

This self-check multiple-choice exam is a pre-requisite for many World Rugby and union-specific educational courses for referees, coaches, and match management staff. After completing the Laws exam, you can download your personalised certificate. Registration is free and takes only a few minutes. We suggest you use the Laws site to help you to complete the module, just open another window to hav

Laws of the Game

r of the match. The laws of the game, including the standard set of variations for under-19s, 10 ... t. It is the duty of the referee to apply fairly all the laws in every match, including law trials and variation ... s of rugby at an appropriate time, offering them more protection from injury. The age and conten

Laws of the Game

n five metres of a try line. Match officials Those who control the game, usually consisting of a referee and two assistant referees or touch judges but may also include a television match officia ... a or touching a player or the referee. Kicking tee Any device approved by the match organiser to support the ball when taking a place-kick. Kick-off The method of starting each half of a matc

Laws of the Game
Playing Charter

y of the match officials. Rugby is valued as a sport for all. It builds teamwork, understanding, c ... e the correct balance, the laws are constantly under review. Respect for team-mates, opponents, match officials and those involved in the game is paramount Application There is an over-riding obligatio ... d in such a way as to ensure that the game is played according to the principles of play. The matc

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
5 Time

5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. 5.2 Half-time consists of an interval not exceeding 15 minutes as decided by the match organiser. During this time, the teams and match officials may leav

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - October 2018

At a meeting in September 2018, World Rugby’s Rugby Committee determined that certain aspects of foul play law needed to be reinforced by match officials: In both the tackle and cleanout as pe ... k of receiving a yellow or red card Head contact and cleanouts around the neck must be penalised. Match officials should work together to ensure that foul play is strictly penalised and that player welfar

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
3 Team

n injured as a result of foul play (as verified by the match officials). e. The nominated playe ... Numbers 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. 3.2 A matc ... l matches, a union may nominate up to eight replacements. 3.5 For other matches, the match organise ... s or a replacement joins the match without the referee’s permission and the referee believes the player did s

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017

e so orders. (b) Unions/match organisers may determine whether or not a game may start or continu ... n of the Union/match organiser, a player whose departure has caused the referee to order unconteste ... t be played with eight players per side. Scenario 1. During the match a team replaced both their prop ... g the match a team replaced both their props through injury. The replacement TH is temporary suspended (Y/

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

e allows play to continue. Law 6: Match Officials 6.1 Every match is under the control of a refere ... y on. (b) The surface may be grass, sand, clay, snow or artificial grass. Match organisers may decid ... y Match organisers may decide the dimensions of the playing area according to competitio ... l the referee before the match starts. (b) The referee or match organisers will attempt to resolv

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009

s or restart kicks. (Match Officials were instructed to apply this from May 2009 - a DVD was circulated to all match elite match officials and Referee Managers.) Mauls from open play should be referee ... e, a scrum is ordered. If the maul is moved backwards, match officials currently do not apply Law 17. ... y encourage the non-ball-carrying side to commit to the maul at its formation. Match officials als

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

l next becomes dead unless a further free pass has been awarded. Law 6: Match Officials 6.1 Every matc ... t be safe to play on at all times. (b) The surface must be sand. 1.2 Dimensions Match organiser ... e the match starts. (b) The referee will attempt to resolve the issues but must not start a match if an ... 1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than six players on the playing area. Match organisers may var

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020

s or at the discretion of the match organiser, a player whose departure has caused the referee to orde ... d the introduction of uncontested scrums. Scenario 1. During the match a team replaced both their props throug ... l the end of the game. Both teams must form with eight players in the scrum. Scenario 2. During the matc ... C). At the next scrum awarded in the match the following applies: If the team cannot field a suitabl

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
2 Ball

y be available during a match.

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - June 2012

At a meeting in May 2012, the Laws Representation Group (LRG) considered the areas of the Game where, it had been agreed by the LRG/Rugby Committee/IRB Council, Law amendments were not required but that current Law was to be enforced by match officials including: 1. Ball ripped from a ball carry not to be considered a knock-on 2. Offside when the ball is kicked to touch thereby preventin

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

s play to continue until the next time the ball becomes dead. Law 6: Match Officials 6.A Befor ... s and responsibilities. 6.1 Every match is under the control of match officials who consist of the refere ... e is permitted on all dimensions. Match organisers may vary the dimensions accordin ... t tell the referee before the match starts. (b) The referee will attempt to resolve the issue

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Law Application Guideline - January 2023

e was created for players, match officials and spectators alike. As we near the showcase men’s rugb ... p the game Players and match officials are reminded of the following existing laws which need to be strictl ... s for 2023-27.   TMO Protocol Match officials are reminded that the TMO process is for identifyin ... r carriers on players and match officials. However, creating set windows for water has create

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

l becomes dead. Law 6: Match Officials 6.1 Every match is under the control of a referee. Additiona ... s. Match organisers may vary the dimensions according to the requirements of the competition. 1.3 Line ... e the match starts. (b) The referee will attempt to resolve the issues but must not start a match if any par ... d numbers: At any time before or during a match a team captain may make an objection to the refere

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
4 Permitted clothing

r the player to remove the item. The player must not take part in the match until the item is removed or rendered harmless. 4.6 If, at an inspection before the match, a match official tells a playe

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

w 6: Match Officials 6.1 Every match is under the control of a referee. Additional person ... y on. (b) The surface may be grass, sand, clay, snow or artificial grass. Match organisers may decid ... y Match organisers may decide the dimensions of the playing area according to competition, developmenta ... l the referee before the match starts. (b) The referee or match organisers will attempt to resolve the issue

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Enforcement of current Law - May 2015

At a meeting in April 2015, the Laws Representation Group (LRG) considered the areas of the Game where, it had been agreed that Law amendments were not required but that current Law was to be enforced by match officials including: Every time the head or the neck is deliberately grabbed or choke ... t be penalised Match officials should work together to ensure that foul play is strictly penalise

Laws of the Game > Laws news
2025 Law Book and Laws app launched

e the game easier to understand for fans, players and match officials alike. For example, reference ... s of the game, law clarifications, application guidelines and match official signals.  As it'

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Head Contact Process - March 2021

t with the head should be approached by match officials and disciplinary personne ... s for match officials Match officials may wish to use the non-exhaustive list of trigger words below to hel

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
T1 Rugby

nfographic T1 Rugby - Game Rules Infographic  T1 Rugby - How to Play The Game (Short Rules) Infographic T1 Rugby - How to Play The Game (Long Rules) Document T1 Rugby - Match Managers Information More Information: T1 Rugby

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
1 The ground

s to the ground 1.11 Teams must inform the referee of any objections before the match starts. 1.12 The referee will attempt to resolve the issues and will not start a match if any part of the groun

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

Principle Kick-offs are used to start each half of the match or period of extra-time. Restart kicks are used to resume play. 12.1 All kick-offs and restart kicks are drop kicks. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Kick-off Kick-offs and restar ... s of the team who kicked off the match start the second half. 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponent

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Shape of the Game: Reinforcement of current law - March 2024

s, coaches and match officials. In addition to this guideline, further work on the laws of the gam ... t.   Subsequently,  ;match officials are asked to call “Use it” sooner that we are currentl ... h” and “Bind” phase, match officials must be able to see both hookers’ brake foot in the middle of the tunne

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025

s for players, coaches, match officials.  ... 1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

n: Penalty. c. Do anything that may lead the match officials to consider that an opponent has committe ... f, the referee will show that player a red card and the player will take no further part in the matc

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

n For a presentation on the new laws with examples for players, coaches, match officials, click here ... y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offsid

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag

r of players during a match at any time. Players entering the field of play must do so at the half-wa

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

GAME-ON3 [Replacement] 5.3 In non-international matches, the match organiser may decide to reduce the length of a match. If the match organiser does not decide, the teams agree on the length of a match. If they cannot agree, the referee decides. Replaced by: 5.3 Games should last a minimum of 40 minutes, but can be split into equal halves, quarters or thirds.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

d by the match organiser. During this time, the teams and match officials may leave the playin ... 10s1 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 20 minute

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
5 Time

Under-191 [Replacement] 5.1 A match lasts no longer than 80 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 40 minutes plus time lost), unless the match organiser has authorised the playing of extra-time in a drawn match within a knock-out competition. Replaced by: 5.1 A match lasts 70 minutes (split into two halves, each of not more than 35 minutes) plus time lost. No extra-tim