38 results returned for restart kick
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
Principle Kick-offs are used to start each half of the match or period of extra-time. Restart kicks are used to resume play. 12.1 All kick-offs and restart kicks are drop kicks. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Kick-off Kick-offs and restar ... r than a kick-off, restart kick following a score, drop goal, drop-out or penalty attempt, is grounde
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
k on or behind the centre of the half-way line. The restart kick must be taken within 30 seconds fro ... 1 Apart from at a kick-off or restart kick, if the ball is played or taken into in-goal by an attackin ... Sevens4 [Replacement] 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponents restart play on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retake
12 Kick-off and restart kicks
10s4 [Replacement] 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponents restart play on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Replaced by: 12.4 After a team has scored, the same team restarts with a drop kick on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: Free-kick. 1 [Replacement] 12.1 When the bal
Law 12: Kick-off and restart kicks
y The period after a kick-off, restart kick, free-kick, penalty or set piece and before the next phas ... o replaces a team-mate because of injury or for tactical reasons. Restart kick The method of restartin ... t touching anyone else or the ground. Drop-kick After being intentionally dropped to the ground fro ... e-kick or in open play. Team-mates pre-bind onto the ball-carrier in a wedge formation befor
Playing Charter
s, kick-offs and restart kicks. Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to life-long friendship ... d in the preceding action. For example, a team forced to kick for touch because of its inability to maintai ... s distinctive features are maintained through scrums, lineouts, mauls, rucks, kick-offs and re-starts. Als
IRB Maul Working Group Outcomes - August 2009
l at the formation; this includes the formation of the maul at a lineout and from a maul formed after kick-offs or restart kicks. (Match Officials were instructed to apply this from May 2009 - a DVD was circulate ... d in the same way as mauls formed at lineouts or from restart kicks. Clip 1a - Obstruction at lineou ... n at restart Clip 1e - Obstruction at restart Clip 1f - Legal at restart 2 A player ma
5 Time
d unless: a. A scrum, lineout or restart kick following a try or touchdown, awarded before tim ... m, lineout or restart kick is taken incorrectly. b. The referee awards a free-kick or penalty. ... s, the referee will award a restart kick. c. If the conversion is attempted, time is taken fro ... e it. a. The decision to decline the conversion must be relayed by the try scorer to the referee by saying “no kic
17 Mark
d correctly, the referee immediately stops the game and awards a free-kick to the team in possession. 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Restarting pla ... Principle A means of stopping play within a player’s own 22 by directly catching an opponent’s kic ... h a ball that has reached the plane of the 22-metre line directly from an opponent’s kick befor
Beach Fives Rugby
n the permitted number of players. Sanction: Free kick at the place where the game would restart 3.3 Player ... 1 The kick off occurs at the start of the match and the restart of the match after half time. Restar ... e of a punt kick to restart play. If a punt restart kick is used the team that scored takes the restart kick. If a punt restart kick is used the kicking team must not cross the half-way line until the bal
Tag Rugby
e of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the game would restar ... t at a kick-off. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place of infringement or where play would next restar ... g player is tackled behind their own goal line the attacking team shall restart play with a drop-kic ... g players are tackled behind their own goal line, the attacking team shall restart play with a drop-kic
Global Law Trials - 1 January 2025
e not approved for progression One stop maul Mark from a kick off/restart 20 minute red card replacemen ... 1 January 2025. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital laws content. &nbs ... c. Takes the kick within 60 90 seconds (playing time) from the time the try was awarded, eve ... s the ball that was in play unless it is defective. Sanction: Kick disallowed Clauses b, c,
3 Team
e cannot restart until the player with the blood injury has been temporarily replaced. Temporar ... b. Is temporarily replaced (even if all the replacements have been used). The game cannot restart unti
Beach Touch Rugby
h organisers may permit the use of a punt kick to restart play. If a punt restart kick is used the team that scored takes the restart kick. If a punt restart kick is used the kicking team must not cros ... s at the place where the game would restart 3.3 Players nominated as substitutes: A team ma ... s decides whether to kick off or to choose an end. If the winner of the toss decides to choose an en
Beach Tag Rugby
t the use of a punt kick to restart play. If a punt restart kick is used the team that scored takes the restart kick. If a punt restart kick is used the kicking team must not cross the half-way line unti ... n: Free pass at the place where the game would restart 3.3 Players nominated as substitutes: A tea ... s to see who wins the toss. The winner of the toss decides whether to kick off or to choose an en
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
s not apply at a kick-off or any type of restart kick. Where the ball reaches the touchline. The kickin ... h from a kick-off or restart kick Event Location of the mark of touch Who throws in The ball goes directly into touch from a kick-off or restart kick following a score. If the touch optio ... d and a player must not prevent the ball from travelling five metres. Sanction: Free-kick. 18.7 If the mar
19 Scrum
t of the maul. An incorrect kick-off or restart kick (scrum option). In the scrum zone, as near as possible to the middle point of the line behind which the kick-off or restart kick was taken. The non-kickin ... Principle The purpose of a scrum is to restart play with a contest for possession after a mino ... d. If neither team was moving forward, the attacking team. An unplayable maul after kick in open pla
16 Maul
y. c. Have their heads and shoulders no lower than their hips. Sanction: Free-kick. During a mau ... e opponents believe that the maul has ended when it has not. Sanction: Free-kick. 16.12 When player ... s stopped moving towards a try line, it may restart moving towards a try line providing it does so withi ... t an opponent’s kick in open play, a scrum that is awarded for any of the above reasons will be to the tea
6 Match officials
s. The winner of the toss decides whether to kick off or to choose an end. If the winner of the toss decides to choose an end, the opponents must kick off and vice versa. 6.4 The match officials must inspec ... y is awarded. e. When the ball becomes dead, other than after a failed conversion kick. f. When the ball becomes unplayable. g. When a penalty, free-kick or scrum is awarded. h. When it would be dangerou
Touch Rugby
m will restart with a ruck ball or penalty kick. Law 9: Method of Scoring 9.1 Try. When an attackin ... y kick at the place of infringement or where play would next restart 10.2 All players must respec ... e at the time of the objection remains unaltered. Sanction: Penalty kick at the place where the game would restart (b) Match organisers may decide on the maximum number of males on the playing are
17 Mark
GAME-ON4 [Replacement] 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off or a restart kick after a score. Replaced by: 17.4 A mark may not be claimed from a kick-off, a restart kick after a score or from an attacking kick from within the 22m
d and they have made a move to step, run, pass or kick the ball. The offside line remains until the bal ... r kick). The sanction for any other type of kick is a tap and play at the place of infringement. If, from a grubber kick, the ball goes into touch before touching the ground, a tap and play is awarded to the non-offending team at the place from which the kick was made. If, from a grubber kic
20 Penalty and free-kick
Principle Penalties and free-kicks are awarded to restart play after infringements. Location of a penalty or free-kick 20.1 The mark for a penalty or free-kick must be in the field of pla ... n of penalty or free-kick While the ball is in play excluding a late charge after a kic ... l offending team after the first penalty or free-kick is awarded but before it is taken. Advanced 1
Clarification 1-2006
s that a mark cannot be made from a kick off. This implies that it may be made from a restart. However a restart may be kicked from the half way line after a score. Is it possible to harmonise these two cases? Ruling of the designated members of the Rugby Committee From a kick off there can be no mark.From a kick off after a score there can be no mark.From a 22 metre drop out a mark can be taken.
21 In-goal
SevensAddition: The restart kick must be taken within 30 seconds from the time the unsuccesful kick at goal was taken. 16 [Replacement] 21.16 When a player carrying the ball is held up in-goal, so that the player cannot ground the ball or play the ball, the ball is dead. Play restarts with a goal line drop-out or a 5m scrum, depending on how the ball entered in-goal. (law 12.12a, and law 19.
Clarification 2-2014
n as to whether they will take the conversion or restart play?In relation to the timing restriction on when a team can opt not to take the conversion and to instead restart play, what happen ... e the conversion do they have to be set to take the restart before the clock reaches 0.0 ... e the conversion must be relayed by the try scorer to the referee, by saying “No Kick” after the awar
Clarification 3-2014
9.B.1 9 (e) – Taking a conversion kick?Who can or should inform the referee of the team’s decisio ... d to indicate to the referee of the team’s decision as to whether they will take the conversion or restar ... n and to instead restart play, what happens if there is a delay in the referee ruling that a try has bee ... e the restart before the clock reaches 0.00 and the hooter sounds? Or do the same principles apply regardin
Clarification 1-2015
g they decline to take the kick or take the kick within the time remaining, a restart will occu ... e. The conversion is kicked and after the kick, there is between 5-10 seconds left on the clock, i.e. 79:50. Question:Does the referee allow for a restart to be made or does he blow the whistle for the en ... r a conversion or successful penalty kick at goal. If a scrum has to be reset, the scrum has not bee
Clarification 4-2015
d of the match, then the referee may restart the match with a penalty kick, free kick or mark, et ... e shows a yellow card to the infringing player. After that, the referee decides the restart of the match with a penalty kick that is converted to goal and the referee blows the end of the matc ... e can restart the match? Clarification of the designated members of the Rugby Committe
Clarification 1-2022
e in determining the restart. The correct restart then depends on how the loose ball first entere ... y into in-goal; or a penalty/drop kick at goal strikes the post and remains in in-goal = 22 Drop out (Law 12.1 ... e there is doubt about who grounded the ball first, Law 21.17 declares a restart of a 5m scrum, attacking tea ... n of encouraging the attacking side to score a try rather than rely on a scrum 5 restart if they fail to do s
Clarification 7-2002
h at the kick-off (or restart kick), the opposing team has 3 choices: • to have the ball kicked off again• to have a scrum at the centre and they have the throw -in, or • to accept the kick If they accept the kick, the lineout is on the half-way line. If the ball is blown behind the half-way lin ... f or at a restart kick, team A kicks the ball directly into touch, without the ball ever having crosse
Clarification 2-2010
s and is in relation to the way a restart takes place following the referee’s communication that it is to be the “last play” of the match.If the ball is kicked directly out on the full from the restart it shoul ... g has occurred (b) If Law 13.8 Kick offs/ Restarts has been fully complied with.Observation:The Laws relating to Kick Offs/Restarts for 15-a-side matches would benefit immensely from the variation to La
Clarification 8-2014
n-a-side game for infringements surrounding the kick-off does not apply to the restart kick ("22 dro ... t. The kick is correctly executed and the ball enters the opposing team's in-goal area without havin ... s state:"The kick-off occurs at the start of each half of the match and at the beginning of each period of extra time. Restart kicks occur after a score or a touchdown."Law 13.10 Definitions state:"Dro
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout
d the ball within the half. This variation does not apply at a kick-off or any type of restart kic ... e. Sanction: Free-kick. Replaced by: 18.12 Teams form the lineout within 15 seconds of the assistant referee or touch judge indicating the mark of touch. Sanction: Free-kick.
Clarification 9-2014
s clarification on the following situation.Law 13.10 Drop-out Definitions:"A drop-out is used to restar ... r the dead ball line."21.4 Penalty and free kick options and requirements:"c) No delay. If a kicker indicates to the referee the intention to kick a penalty kick at goal, the kick must be taken within one minute from the time the player indicates the intention to kick at goal. The intention to kic
Clarification 2-2004
s it directly into touch. Where is the game going to restart? Ruling of the designated member
Clarification 3-2005
e; Blue team opt for a kick at goal, placing the ball on the mark and informing the refere ... e the intention to kick at goal, the kicker must kick at goal. Once the kicker has made the intentio ... e restart the match? Can the interpretation of Law 21.5(b) be that once the kicker has made his intention to kick at goal clear, he may not then change his intention by then kicking to touch, takin
Clarification 4-2024
e and one water bottle, (solely for the kicker’s use) after a team has indicated they intend to kic ... y, including while in the technical area.Sanction: Penalty where play would restart. Respons ... e and one water bottle, (solely for the kicker’s use) after a team has indicated they intend to kic