
138 results returned for team-mate

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
3 Team

Numbers 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be played with fewer than 15 players in each team. 3.3 A team may make an objection to the referee about the number of players in their opponents’ team. If a team has too many players, the referee orders the captain of that team to reduce the number appropriatel

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
3 Team

10s1 [Replacement] 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. Replaced by: 3.1 Each team has no more than 10 players in the playing area during play. 2 deleted ... d by: 3.4 A team may nominate up to five replacements. 5 [Replacement] 3.5 For other matche ... d by: 3.5 Match organisers may vary the number of replacements a team may nominate and/or use.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
3 Team

Under-19Addition: If a team nominates 22 players, it must have at least six players who can play in the front row so that there is replacement cover for the loose-head prop, hooker and tight-head prop. Addition: 3.35 A player who has been tactically replaced may replace any injured player.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
3 Team

Sevens 1 [Replacement] 3.1 Each team has no more than 15 players in the playing area during play. Replaced by: 3.1 Each team has no more than seven players in the playing area during play. 2 deleted 4 [Replacement] 3.4 For international matches, a union may nominate up to eight replacements. Replaced by: 3.4 A team may nominate and use up to five replacements. 5 [Replacement] 3.

Laws of the Game > Variations - 7s, 10s, u19, Game On
3 Team

n 15 players in each team. Replaced by: 3.2 A match organiser may authorise matches to be played with fewer than 15 players in each team with a minimum of 10. Teams must be equal in number 13 [Replacement] 3.13 Scrums will become uncontested if either team cannot field a suitably trained fron ... t that either team cannot field a suitably trained front row or if the referee so orders, scrums mus

Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Touch and team to throw

Raises flag with one arm, moves to the mark of touch and stands there, pointing with the other arm towards the team entitled to throw.

Laws of the Game > Laws of the Game Exam
Law 3: Team


Laws of the Game > Match official signals
Doctor/Immediate care team needed


Laws of the Game > Laws by number
10 Offside and onside in open play

1 A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the bal ... t played the ball. c. Was in front of a team-mate who kicked the ball and fails to retire immediately behind an onside team-mate or an imaginary line across the field 10 metres on that player’s side fro ... 5 A player is accidentally offside if the player cannot avoid being touched by the ball or by a team-mat

Laws of the Game

r/stealer is the first arriving team-mate of the tackler at the tackle. They must remain on their fee ... e. Placer A player holding the ball for a team-mate to place kick. Plane of touch The vertical spac ... o replaces a team-mate because of injury or for tactical reasons. Restart kick The method of restartin ... 5, who start the match plus any authorised replacements. Team-mate Another player of the same tea

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2021

d with the kicking action of the halfback/scrumhalf, there is usually an onside team-mate(s) whose rol ... s the offside players to retire behind an onside team-mate. If there is an onside team-mate(s) who ha ... s have no action to accomplish. THEY ARE BEHIND AN ONSIDE TEAM-MATE. Under the old Law (201 ... t, IF an onside team-mate has run past them and is now positioned in front of them?Clarificatio

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
17 Mark

n one minute, a team-mate may take the free-kick. 17.7 The free-kick is taken at the followin ... d correctly, the referee immediately stops the game and awards a free-kick to the team in possessio

Laws of the Game > Laws news
Law changes - 1 July 2024

y 10.1:  A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carryin ... a. An onside team-mate of that player moves past the offside player and is within or has re-entere ... m is awarded to the team in possession. a team-mate may take the FK Presentatio ... y 2024. From that date, they will be reflected in World Rugby's digital law content.   Offsid

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Charging into the ruck - February 2010

Players entering a ruck must do so in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Referees are reminded that appropriate binding is a requirement, and charging into a ruck is dangerous play and must be penalised as such. The video clips below all show examples of illegal charges into the ruck. Law text JOINING A RUCK A player joining a ruck must bind on a team-mate or an opponent, using the whol

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
18 Touch, quick throw and lineout

m-mate jumping for the ball may pre-grip that team-mate providing they do not grip below the short ... m only if they have both hands above their head. Sanction: Free-kick. c. Lift or support a team-mat ... s been thrown in by a team-mate, players who are not participating in the lineout may move forwar ... k throw is disallowed and a lineout is awarded to the same team if: a. A lineout had already been forme

Laws of the Game
Playing Charter

s as possible against an opposing team by carrying, passing, kicking and grounding the ball, accordin ... d in the preceding action. For example, a team forced to kick for touch because of its inability to maintain the play is denied the throw-in to the lineout. Similarly, the team knocking the ball on or passin ... e with the team throwing the ball in, although, here again, it is important that these areas of play ca

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
12 Kick-off and restart kicks

s they retire and do not interfere with play until they are put onside by the actions of a team-mat ... n-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. Kick-off Kick-offs and restar ... n: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum. 12.3 The opponents of the team who kicked off the match start the second half. 12.4 After a team has scored, their opponent

Laws of the Game

The object of the game is that two teams of 15, 10 or seven players each, observing fair play, according to the laws and sporting spirit, should by carrying, passing, kicking and grounding the ball, score as many points as possible, the team scoring the greater number of points being the winne ... s of rugby at an appropriate time, offering them more protection from injury. The age and conten

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
8 Scoring

s without first touching a team-mate or the ground. 8.5 If the ball goes over the crossbar and ove ... d again. Sanction: Kick is disallowed. 8.9 The kicker’s team, apart from a team-mate holding the bal ... d between the goal posts if foul play by the opposing team prevents a probable try from being score ... s that team the right to attempt a conversion, which may be a place-kick or drop-kick. 8.8 The kicke

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
15 Ruck

e but not in front of the hindmost player. Sanction: Penalty. 15.7 A player must bind onto a team-mat ... n at least one player from each team are in contact, on their feet and over the ball whic ... r than their hips. Sanction: Free-kick. Offside at a ruck 15.4 Each team has an offside line that run ... t is on or behind the try line, the offside line for that team is the try line. At a ruck, the offside lin

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Fives Rugby

r is offside when ahead of a team mate who is carrying the ball or ahead of a team mate who last playe ... e the necessary distance or until a team mate who was 5 metres from the mark has run ahead of them, befor ... y 1.4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain mus ... 3: Number of Players: The Team 3.1 Maximum: Each team must have no more than five players on the playin

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Tag Rugby

t of a team-mate who is carrying the ball, or in front of a team-mate who last played the bal ... r ways in which a player can be put onside: (a) When the kicker, or any other team mate who is onsid ... y. However, they must continue to retire the necessary distance or until a team mate who was ten metres fro ... 4 Objections to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tel

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Touch Rugby

1 In general play, a player is offside if the player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball, or in front of a team-mate who last played the ball. Offside means that a player is temporarily ou ... s. If the defending player or team-mate gains possession following the touch, and they are onsid ... g it.Pass from the tackleThis is when a tackled player passes the ball to a team-mate from the plac

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Touch Rugby

1: Offside 11.1 In general play a player is offside when ahead of a team mate who is carrying the ball or ahead of a team mate who last played it. An offside player is temporarily out of the game, and liabl ... e to retire or until a team mate who was onside at the free pass has run in front of them, befor ... s to the ground (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
20 Penalty and free-kick

l a team-mate who was 10 metres from the mark has moved in front of them. Sanction: Second penalty or fre ... e on the drop-out’s sanction line (non-offending team decides). Any infringement that takes place outsid ... l offending team after the first penalty or free-kick is awarded but before it is taken. Advanced 1 ... n-offending team may also choose to take the penalty where the ball lands or where it is next playe

Laws of the Game > Modified forms - T1, XRugby, Beach, Touch, Tag
Beach Tag Rugby

y a player is offside when ahead of a team mate who is carrying the ball or ahead of a team mate wh ... y distance or until a team mate who was five metres from the mark has run ahead of them, befor ... d (a) If either team has objections about the ground the captain must tell the referee befor ... d Rugby Laws of the Game Law 2. 2.2 The ball must be size 4. Law 3: Number of Players: The Team 3.

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
9 Foul play

t not intentionally run into an off-side team-mate to obstruct the opposition. Sanction: Penalty. 9. ... p; Late charging the kicker 9.26 In open play, any player may lift or support a team-mate. Players wh ... 8 A team must not repeatedly commit the same offence. Sanction: Penalty. 9.9 A player must not repeatedly infringe the laws. Sanction: Penalty. 9.10 When different players of the same team repeatedl

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 7-2009

t one arm around the body of a team-mate using the whole arm.Law 10 4 (j)Players must not charg ... g questions:1. Does a player joining a ruck have to bind on a team-mate?2. Can a player joining a ruck bin ... d the Designated Members have ruled:1. If a team-mate is the hindmost player in the ruck then a player mus

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2015

y help:Definition from Law book:Replacement. A player who replaces an injured team-mate. Substitute. A player who replaces a team-mate for tactical reasons.Example 1: 3 is injured and replaced (note definitio ... P Ref ManagerJoel JutgeLaw Reference3Date2015-08-19Request Assuming a team only has two players in the starting 23 who can play tight head (TH). If the starting TH of that team is injured and replace

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 5-2002

n allows the receiver, of either the throwing-in team or of the non-throwing-in team to run into a gap and take the ball. The receiver may not support a team-mate but he may be supported by a team-mat ... b) states that the team throwing-in the ball determines the maximum number of players in the lineout. [i.e. lineout players, under 'definitions'] And, Law 19.7(c) states that the opposing team may hav

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 8-2003

g tackleable. • Player of Team A, in open play, running towards Team B's goal line is joined by a team mate( ... r (who is already bound to a team mate) from shoulder to hip with at least one arm around the bod ... o is bound with a team mate), and that player does not bind the ball-carrier around the body from shoulde ... 3) in response to the query from S.R.U. Our understanding is that: (1) Team A win the bal

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 1-2004

s the field and a team-mate (flank forward) leaves as required. Subsequently, the other flank forwar ... y trained player and a team-mate leaves as required. A second front row player is then injured. Ma ... 2. The WRU has requested a ruling with regard Law 3 -Number of Players-The Team. A front row playe ... g with regard Law 3 -Number of Players-The Team. A front row player has a blood injur

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 6-2002

s of the kicker's team to be retiring, and that they then become on-side when they run behind the team mate who took the penalty or free kick, or when a team mate carrying the ball runs in front of the

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
7 Advantage

Principle If a team gains an advantage following an infringement by their opponents, the refere ... y be tactical. The non-offending team is free to play the ball as they wish. b. May be territorial. Play ha ... 2 Advantage ends when: a. The referee deems that the non-offending team has gained an advantage. The referee allows play to continue; or b. The referee deems that the non-offending team is unlikel

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - March 2020

Law 3: Team 13. Scrums will become uncontested if either team cannot field a suitably traine ... d scrums after a front row player is temporary replaced for a blood injury the team responsibl ... 5 minutes then the team continues with 15 players. The team must form a scrum with eight player ... e where used)  the team responsible for the uncontested scrums does not lose a playe

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
19 Scrum

r infringement or stoppage. 19.1 Where the game is restarted with a scrum and which team throw ... e of infringement. The non-offending team. A knock forward or throw forward at a lineout; incorrect throw at a lineout; incorrect quick throw. 15 metres in from the mark of touch. The non-offending tea ... g team last played the ball. The non-offending team. A penalty (scrum option). In the scrum zon

Laws of the Game > Law application guidelines
Uncontested Scrums - December 2017

s will become uncontested if either team cannot field a suitably trained front row or if the refere ... y or temporary or permanent suspension, the referee will enquire at that time whether the team can continue with contested scrums. If the referee is informed that the team will not be able to contes ... d scrums cannot be replaced. (e) If they are available, a team must have three front row player

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 2-2015

r the ball has been won: "Players who support a jumping team-mate must lower that player to the ground as soon as the ball has been won by a player of either team." There is no law referenc ... n of a team throwing a player forward after he has been supported in the air to receive a kick off. This is a new practice which was first tried in Las Vegas Sevens last week. No other team as yet ha

Laws of the Game > Law Clarifications
Clarification 3-2002

t and that he is not permitted to run into a gap in the Line-out to support a jumping team mate. Rulin

Laws of the Game > Laws by number
16 Maul

s of a ball carrier and at least one player from each team, bound together and on their feet. A playe ... l not formed Offside at a maul 16.4 Each team has an offside line that runs parallel to the try line throug ... t is on or behind the try line, the offside line for that team is the try line. 16.5 A player must either joi ... s of the team who are not in possession of the ball intentionally leave the mau