Welcome to the Coaching strand.
The online modules in this strand aim to:
- introduce you to coaching
- help you understand the different roles and functions of players
- help you to break down the skills of the game into coachable Key Factors
- provide specific guidance for those of you who are coaching children.
We recommend that Coaches complete these modules prior to attending our Face-to-face coaching courses.
Further multi-lingual online learning modules and resources for coaches of children are available from our colleagues at ICOACHKIDS
Coaching Women and Girls
As more women and girls come to the sport of rugby, it is important that all involved in the game endeavour to make it as good an experience for them as possible. The aim of this module is to offer ideas and to encourage thinking on coaching methods which may help to recruit and retain more women and girls in the game.
Introduction to coaching
The information contained in this module aims to provide coaches with the basic knowledge regarding the two different styles of coaching and how the coaching process can be broken down into four key ‘how’ to coach skills.
Coaching Children
Good coaches should be able to develop their players’ technical, tactical, mental, movement, physical, and lifestyle capabilities. This resource provides guidance to help you to do so.
ICOACHKIDS is a non-profit global movement. Our mission is to promote sport policy, education and practice that PUTS KIDS FIRST. Our online platform gives youth sport coaches the knowledge and tools to share and learn from one another, so they can give kids the best playing environment and motivation to stay in sport longer. Kids who move, can move the world.
T1 Rugby
World Rugby has launched T1 Rugby, the world’s first non-contact sport that fully reflects the unique characteristics of rugby, including scrums, lineouts and breakdown.
Key Factor Analysis
Key factor analysis takes each of the skills of the Game and breaks it down into its component parts. To help players perform the skills of the Game correctly, they should be aware of the key factors of the skill and aim to perform them in the correct sequence.
Functional Role Analysis
Functional role analysis is a process that a coach can use to identify which role a player should select in a given situation.
Introduction to Performance Analysis
This module aims to provide potential new analysts, coaches and other team staff with the essential information necessary to understand the principles of performance analysis.
Developing your Performance Analysis Skills
This module aims to build on the Introduction to Performance Analysis module, exploring areas of performance analysis in greater detail.
Introduction to High Performance Coaching
Every rugby team is a social environment. A complex system of humans interacting in different ways to any other team. Mastering this social system is critical for any coach serious about achieving high-performance. This is because unless the team environment is nurtured to engage, motivate and stimulate the players, no amount of tactics, skills or fitness will lead to high-performance alone. A true high-performing coach is one who not only coaches the technical and tactical sides of rugby, but also creates a team environment optimal for teamwork, comradery and performance.
Tackle Ready
Player welfare is World Rugby’s number one priority. We continually work to ensure our stakeholders can access high quality, up to date training and education opportunities supported by a wide range of resources to help them to make our game safer and better. With an average of 176 tackles per game, it is vital to ensure that all players (and coaches) can perform (and coach) the tackle safely and effectively. The Tackle Ready programme provides an in-depth framework which focuses on five key stages, each with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Breakdown Ready
Player welfare is World Rugby’s number one priority. We continually work to ensure our stakeholders can access high quality, up to date training and education opportunities supported by a wide range of resources to help them to make our game safer and better. With approximately 150-180 breakdowns per game, it is vital to ensure that all players (and coaches) can perform (and coach) both the attacking and defensive breakdown effectively. The Breakdown Ready programme provides an in-depth framework for both attack and defence, each with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Additional Resources
Inclusive Coaching Resources
Face-to-face courses and accreditations
World Rugby works in conjunction with our Regional Associations and member unions to deliver a needs-based, blended learning portfolio of online learning and face-to-face attendance/accreditation courses. Our aim is to enable our member unions to become self-sustainable in the delivery of the entry/mid-level courses, whilst our higher level courses are delivered on a regional basis. Some of our larger member unions choose to deliver their own suite of Training and Education courses, so please check with your union to find out what training courses are available in the first instance. World Rugby’s face-to-face courses and accreditations are delivered by our network of over 2000 Licenced Trainers and Educators. This network delivers our courses on behalf of, and on the approval of, both their member unions and World Rugby. They are trained, quality assured, and licenced by World Rugby to do so. The full list of courses delivered is available below, along with the online pre-requsites which participants must complete before attending a course.