The importance of communication
Analysts not only need the technical skills to be able to do their job, but also need to develop "soft skills" that allow them to build trust and form relationships with staff and players. Developing trust takes time but encouraging open communication can speed up this process.
Often communication between coaches and analysts will consist of analysts answering coaches’ questions about players, the team or the game. For effective communication to occur, the performance analyst must be good at asking the right questions, along with answering those of the coach. This is even more critical when establishing a game model, which only succeeds when everyone involved is clear on how a team wants to play, and what is required in certain situations.
By using questioning for understanding, a performance analyst can verify they understand what the coach wants, and how it will be communicated to the team. Questioning for understanding is also important when educating players about the game model, and ensuring they completely understand their responsibilities as individuals and as a broader unit.
Ongoing, open communication, is also important for reviewing the game model, ensuring the most important thing remains the most important thing, that what needs measuring is getting measured correctly, and being able to make adjustments if the team or environment has changed.