Role of masks
- Guidelines for mask use in public vary significantly between countries.(3) Early recommendations were not to use masks; however, many countries are moving to support their use, especially as supply has increased, in addition self-made (cloth) masks are increasingly supported.(4,5)
- Recent WHO guidelines say player should NOT use face masks during aerobic exercise, as they may reduce the ability to breath comfortably.
- Surgical or N95 masks may prevent contraction and spread of the disease. Masks of this quality are however, in short supply, and should be reserved for health care workers.
- Infected persons may be infectious for up to 2 days before they have symptoms, some infected persons have symptoms so mild that they don't know they are infected Recent studies have proposed that many infections occur when the individual spreading the virus has no symptoms. There is increasing scientific evidence that, routine use of masks when close proximity is unavoidable is a helpful, cost-effective step which shows that you and your Club are doing all they can to prevent the spread of the disease.
- Hand-made cloth masks help to prevent droplet spread from loud talking, laughing, coughing and sneezing. They also prevent users from touching their faces - preventing spread via surface contact.
- The cloth mask is meant to protect other people if you are infected.
- You should continue to maintain recommend social distancing. The cloth mask is not a substitute for social distancing.
- If you know, or think you are infected you should NOT use a mask to go out or to join the team. You need to stay at home and contact your team doctor or primary care doctor.
- Mask use is advised for indoor activities like meetings and medical appointments but should also be considered if social distancing advice is compromised e.g. certain gym activities.