Controlled log roll

If you have more rescuers available, a more controlled roll is appropriate for someone who obviously has some respiratory effort but in whom you are not happy that the airway is patent or that the breathing is normal. Hence, you are moving to perform a more detailed ABCDE assessment with some urgency. This roll requires at least three rescuers, ideally four, especially if the casualty is very tall or heavy. It requires clear direction from the rescuer at the head.


Controlled log roll

Skill 8

Controlled log roll

  1. Rescuer at head with MILS (if face down, cross hands).
  2. Largest rescuer at level of upper back.
  3. Middle rescuer at buttocks.
  4. Smallest rescuer at thighs.
  5. “3 hands over, 3 hands under” technique.
  6. Clear commands from MILS rescuer - “Ready Steady Roll”.
  7. On the command, roll towards rescuer onto casualty’s back.
  8. Repeat ABCDE assessment and maintain MILS. Consider jaw thrust if casualty appears unconscious.
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