HAINES emergency roll

Skill 5

HAINES emergency roll (face down)

  1. Release MILS.
  2. Kneel alongside the casualty at the level of the upper back.
  3. Raise the nearest arm so it lies alongside the head.
  4. Place your hand to support the head.
  5. Place your other hand on the opposite or uppermost hip or shoulder.
  6. Support the head as you pull the hip towards you, turning the casualty over onto their side and then their back.
  7. Repeat ABCDE, consider MILS and airway opening manoeuvre, e.g. MILS.
  8. Shout for help as appropriate.
Download the World Rugby First Aid in Rugby skill cards in Adobe PDF format


Skill 6

HAINES emergency roll (face up and airway compromise - vomit)

  1. Release MILS.
  2. Kneel alongside the casualty at the level of the upper back.
  3. Raise the opposite arm so it lies alongside the head.
  4. Tuck the casualty’s other arm close to the chest.
  5. Place your hand to support the head.
  6. Place your other hand on the hip or shoulder on your side.
  7. Support the head as you roll the casualty away from you onto their side. Support their body with your knees and open the airway.
  8. Repeat ABCDE, consider MILS and airway opening manoeuvre, e.g. MILS.
  9. Shout for help as appropriate.
Download the World Rugby First Aid in Rugby skill cards in Adobe PDF format


HAINES emergency roll (rolled away from rescuer for airway compromise)